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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. Windows Movie Maker....easy to use and you should have it.
  2. Dude, what's with the name...it does not suit you one bit!

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  3. Hello, I'm Dazza...welcome to the forums..how are you?

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  4. If your driving a train, it goes 300km in 5 minutes, then stopping for 10 minutes. Goes 1000km in 20 minutes. What is the name of the driver?
  5. They work on the same upgrade....
  6. I lol'd.... And I just lol'd again. I find it humorous. Looks a little retarded, though. Probably won't ever waste my time with it. I lol'd as well. It may not be right, but it's still funny. Agreed, I came cause it sounded funny, it was. Agree again...whoever made it must not have a girlfriend.
  7. Be very thirsty... WWYDI 40 girls came into your room and they were the hottest in the world and you had to chose?
  8. They betrayed him, wanted him dead. All that jazz.
  9. I can't vote, never used WINamp. I like WMP, the new interface and everything is awesome. It's great, yet I'm using my iPod more though.
  10. 1. A trainee cop comes to get you. Trying to give you a fine. And whacking you with a dildo. 2. A real cop comes on a bike. Again with a bigger fine. 3. Cops come on in cars trying to kill you. 4. A one person heli (Little Willie perhaps) trys to catch you. Throwing dildos from it. 5. A proper heli comes to get you. And kill you. 6. The FBI trys to get you in there cars, and a heli. 7. SWAT try and kill you, any way possible...ANY WAY! 8. Army comes, with snipers on buildings. Tanks on the street. 9. Borat comes in his bathing suit.
  11. Nice man, could I get the PSD of that? I really like it thats why.
  12. Well it's great Ciaran is so popular, wonder where Chris is to say Happy Birthday
  13. Vet, is the best. Can get rid of anything. And makes sure nothing gets in.
  14. I'm seeing next weekend. Spaz again you are right, yet my Mum has a much better taste in movies.
  15. Yeah, or have to throw them off onto a moving heli. That would be cool.
  16. Where's the name history? Im Dazza BTW. 1,600 post
  17. Hmmm.....I'll post mine later...yet I am the only one with GTA Advanced ...sweet.
  18. I found this on the megagames site. Gosh...idiots...
  19. Sweet man, lucky you. Yet your bro is being a dick, tell him to piss off.
  20. The Poster art is so funny, love it. I saw a video of the game on MTV and it was Homer puffed up into a big ball. So funny.
  21. What is your real name?
  22. Well it is the 13th here, sorry if it's early. I don't go around and look at timezones. Well what did you get Ciaran?
  23. Wow, must of missed this. This is awesome. Like grabbing them, climbing up something and holding them hostage. That would be sweet as.
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