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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. Aunt Pulet Whats the name of the plane that can be found at the end of the runway in VCS?
  2. I know this has been said but Australia could be called drylands, and we had a major mafia wars a few years back, like 12 people died.
  3. I think he's just an attention seeker, he wants to be famous, yet cant find a way to be that, so he hates everything thats bigger then him
  4. Nuh, i'll Aussie it for you, you know Channel 10 over here, we have that Pro-Actvie thing on after David Lettermen, thats what this is on FX... its not that expencive
  5. Adelaide doesn't have 100,000 people. And with the Sydney flop, what do you expect? They are charging $1,000. I'd buy an xbox1 over a PS3 anyday. Thats what it looked like....
  6. Fine, i thought, you guys should know that it's still raining, like i said i live in Australia, we are in the wortse drought ever
  7. THey would update all over no matter what it is, say like, PS3 getting smaller, X360 get bigger drive
  8. I agree with Spaz, yeah, they would make a PSthree, maybe in a few years though
  9. Like in Sims 2 seasons, now yes that would be cool
  10. OH shit, wrong place, SHIT SHIT SHIT
  11. For like the first time in ages, its raining heaveyly, OMG (btw we're in a drought)
  12. Nuh, dont use Fraps unless you want a watermark, et the full version that dosnt have it. I'd help you out, but it take me forever to upload it.
  13. I dont know what you guys are talking about, i advertising was huge, anywhere i went was PS3 this, PS3 that, i got sad cos i could'nt buy one. But this is sad, over in Syndey is all gay people that want a gay console, the only normal people went to buy the PS3. Over here in Adelaide is a different story, i went to check out the crowds at my local EB Games, and it was packed, and i mean packed, at least 100,000 people, waiting for this little store to open, yet they could of been waiting for K-Mart and David Jones too.
  14. I really wish Australia was this good, i googled FX channel and nothing came up...so it must not be that big...
  15. HAHAHAHA, trying to get peoples hopes up, get idea man, anyways it wont be on TV in Australia, which sucks...
  16. IM BACK!!!!! Now im not worried Sony has a contract with R* to have GTA and other games, to be on their consoles (aka PS3, PSP, etc.) but once that contract is up, MS could not renew this and the Play Station would go down the toliet. Or it could go the other way, if MS do buy T2 and get that contract, they get proto-types of the PS4 or PSP 2 so then MS could copy this and make the X-Box 1020 and XOP (X-Box Potable) which would be a major boost for the gaming communaty, so lets just wait...
  17. DOnt worry bout mine i made it myself, and it looks hell good
  18. well then i think you can, on the shortcut, then go to properties and it says RUN (about the 7th line) change Normal Window to minamized, i think that works
  19. The water is toxic from polluction and the bikes were banned from a group, like Jared said listen to the radio then you would know
  20. Thats if its not illegal, you cant get LCS on PC legaly
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