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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. Dazza

    Saints Row for PS3

    Yeah well i did'nt read it, but i like the idea of Saints Row on PS3, my friends at school says that the PS3 sucks cos i donest have Saints Row, oh well now, the X360 sucks MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. I cant get into now...........must of timed out
  3. Well, what i ment by huge is that, our world is big, so our universe must be bigger than that. oh and at the end of the universe is a doorway to anthoer dimension, or something like that, at least thats what Futurama says, lol
  4. Hey, i thought it was funny thats all, something for a laugh
  5. Yeah, why are we still going on bout this, it was VIC VANCE, i know its sad and unbliveable but it is, end of convo, SOMEONE CLOSE THIS
  6. OH the double sided bluray disk reader would be the best ever
  7. Dazza


    I would love to meet you kokane
  8. look for it and the get some boobs and be a chick WWYDII rang you up?
  9. hot smelly shit -------------- Now that is funny
  10. Dazza


    Yes i know that, expect, theres a difference when you know here, like meaning she friends with a ex
  11. I translated the GTA place into japanese, welll google did it but i have the link The GTA Place In Japanese
  12. I used the Summary of my Bahan story: Orignal A city made on top of a biblical area, Bahan has been filled with terroists and war from day dot. Now terriost group Iselo runs the town and the American don’t like that. After 5 years in a major U.S prison, detainee John Wilkes is released after the court case of the century, John gave evidence about a leader of the biggest terriost cell in the world, John was found not guilty. He was just on his way home when a plane blew up killing his whole family and 200 people on there way to Australia. The only evidence was a note written a week later claiming that John Wilkes put the bomb on the plane. Now John has to not only escape jail in the US but travel half way around the world to the middle east to find and kill the person responsible for everything Usame fin Carten. 聖書区域、Bahanの上になされる都市は日の点でterroistsおよび戦争で満ちていた。 今terriostのグループIseloは町を動かし、アメリカ人はそれを好まない。 主要な米国の刑務所の5年後に、Wilkesが世紀の訴訟、ジョンの後で解放される抑留者ジョンは世界の最も大きいterriostの細胞のリーダーについての証拠、ジョンを無罪と判決された与えた。 彼は平面がオーストラリアにそこに殺すことを方法の彼の家族全員そして200人を爆破したときに家彼の方法で公正だった。 唯一の証拠は後で書かれているノートジョンWilkesが平面に爆弾を置いたことを主張する週だった。 今ジョンは発見に中東に世界中でUsameのひれCarten米国の刑務所旅行半分の方法を脱出しだけ、すべてに責任がある人を殺す必要がない。 Thats Japanese Now back to english The bible area, the city where you can do on Bahan in the point of day was full in terroists and the war. Now the group Iselo of terriost moves town, the American does not like that. 5 years later of principal American jail, detainee John where Wilkes is released after the lawsuit and the John of the century gave evidence concerning the leader of the cell of terriost where the world is largest, as innocence was decided John. He when plane surface in Australia killing there blasting that whole family and 200 people of method, was fair with that method of the house. As for the only evidence it was the week when you insist that note John Wilkes who is written afterwards puts the bomb in plane surface. It is not necessary to kill the person whom now in discovery in the Middle East the jail travelling half method of the fin Carten United States of Usame escaping it can crush John in the world, entirely has responsibility. This is so funny.
  13. Dazza


    It dosnt have to go on looks, but i reckon that meeting a girl over MSN is the best, cos if you like her personallty then you dont have to see her, like atm this girl likes me, and i like her, but we've never met, only on MSN, shes awesome but my ex's best mate, so like do i, or dont i?
  14. huh? its gta, its spose to be good, which it is, so i reconmend it
  15. A lock is'nt really needed, just that we can talk bout both versions, anyways i think that the PS2 version is probully better with the two extra buttons
  16. i dont think the biplane is there from the start, maybe after a few missions
  17. Er, im playing Monoply on my phone
  18. Dazza


    Everyone that plays it at my school are people that has no friends, not saying that you dont have friends, anyways i tried and failed and didnt go back
  19. I was talking bout years ago, not now, but Anna Nicloe did have brains, not now, but she did
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