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Everything posted by tilly

  1. well vcs and lcs are just little tiny sequels that are just different storylines and people and stuff, they werent made to be much different. and its also a psp game so dont expect TOO much from it. and tec9 just calm down, dont get all butthurt from him spelling it rong. he sed SHITY without 2 t's because its supposed to be a mix of shitty and city, hence shity. all hes saying is that it could have been better, dont go all crazy on him for saying its not as good as he thought it would be.
  2. av:4/10 simpelist gang av. sig:8/10 sorta funny and cool, but you didnt make it, then theres a gang sig. person: posts too much :wink: jk, apperently doesnt know me too well.
  3. then we would need totally destructable cars, like a mix of flatout 3 and burnout dominators (or whatever its called)
  4. ya you cant really create glitches. i liked things like the chainsaw madman and the ghost car, i like scary things like that, like in fear how you would see people running away behind trees or something, but then when you look behind the tree (or if the tree is small enough, look around it) they arent there. maybe bigfoot could do that.
  5. av 8/10: it didnt require effort but i have a firebird! sig 5/10: 2 gang sigs and 2 supporter/gamer sigs joined exactly a month ago!
  6. i think they should make the character (and other people) have a little bit of ragdoll so that it doesnt look like they are plastic thingys in a car, and they will bounce around a lil bit and if they crash they will smash there face.
  7. yeah i guess it would be hard, but if theres a sparkly unique thingy around it (a sparkly thingy that isnt around any other pickup) then it would be easier to know that its a hidden package.
  8. how about pieces to a puzzle (not puzzle pieces but like artifacts) that relate to the story.
  9. i use cheats before and after i beat the game, before to see what they are and what they do, then after to play around with. But when im getting 100 percent i dont ever use them at all. once in VC while i was trying to beat the game i accidentally put in a code!!! i was mad because it lowered my stats and i had to go back to my old savegame. WHAT are the chances of that, i bet none of you have ever done that.
  10. tilly


    the first time i did it, i just did wat came to mind and nothing bad happened. its not too complicated.
  11. haha and you call yourself SHADOW!!?!?! jk.
  12. You Are 68% Evil You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. i guess im as evil as you bossman.
  13. i gunna rate yellowcard since jace forgot to. Av:2/10 its just yellowcard Sig:2/10 just yellowcard person: dont really know, havent seen him much. Now jace av: 8/10 its pretty cool with the graphic, but the black area around it makes it too small. sig: 5/10 just a gang sig person:used to be my friend like 5 months ago but then i left the forums and now bossman av:3/10 just a scarface gif Sig:4/10 another scarface, try making your sigs and avatars. person: doesnt post very much at all
  14. i think tilly! its not even a word. i made it.
  15. maybe if there were more racing and flatout/NFS competition style things in gta4, then maybe there could be a speedometer that you can turn on and off. another subject. i think the interiors of cars should be REALLY real and should have really good lighting and shadows and textures and models. there should be a driver view while in the car and you should be able to see the SMOOTH animation of the characters hands turning the wheel and changing the radio (there should be a radio display) or changing the ipod. there should also be semi-power steering to make the hand animations smoother and more realistic. bullet holes in cars and glass should actually react to where you shot it (bullet holes will ONLY be where you shot it), and they should be a little bit 3d too. Shots to glass should spiderweb around the bullet hole and multiple shots will start connecting cracks in the glass until the section of the glass that was being shot is gone.
  16. nice ideas dr. sil. yes speedometers dont even matter in this game, its not a racing game at all.
  17. LOL, i agree his avi does kick ass... I did it in 17 hrs solid, but that was my 2nd playthrough so i kinda expected stuff and didn't watch the cutscenes and all that crap. You should get a userbar saying 'Ibeat VCS in 14hrs club' EDIT: here you are steve, nkocked this up in 2 mins, sio its a bit rushed, but i hope you likey! will change it a bit if you like, ii notice the text is off - centre lol aww you forgot the anti aliased black outer glow!
  18. ah god. what im saying is that it is done off of the old one. making it a mod. i sed the handling ENGINE is different, the handling specs are WAYYYYY different. and thats not what i meant by the dlable thing, i meant like an online type mod just to change the SAME EXACT game.
  19. i think the people who make lawsuits towards gta are dumbasses. they just pick on gta because its very well known and everyone has it, showing that its a worldwide influence. all they want is money and gta is an easy way to get it.
  20. Oh dumbass you say? The only thing GTA:3 and VC had in common was the engine, which is the same engine San Andreas used (it's called RenderWare). Are you going to tell me SA is a mod too? There goes your biggest argument. VC had a new landscape (without the old one included) different vehicles, 3 times as many weapons, new vehicle types and classes, a different feel and color pallette, more radio, better radio... In other words, despite you claiming that VC was simply GTA:3 modded, Vice City is better in every way, and whats more completely different in every way. It doesn't look or feel the same! What makes SA not a mod then? you really dont know what im talking about do you. im not saying its like an addon downloadable type thing, but the physics engine, handling engine, graphics engine, car engine, and ALLLLL the other engines are ALLLL the same in ALLLL the gta3 games. I agree that they are very different and all of them are alot better then the prior one, and sorry for calling you a dumbass. its like a fill in the blanks game, gta3 was the creation of the blanks to be written in, and all of the info in the blanks were changed when they made VC (if you want to kno what my metaphor is, the engines are the blanks, and the appearance is the info[ex. landscape, cars, graphics, colors, radio, guns.]) there were a few things added on like buying guns, bikes(like i sed, this was the innovative thing, which is wat im asking in the first place), and buying property. And in response to what your saying, VC can be appear, feel, and seem different in every way, but its still a modded(= changed, proving that your sortof contradicting yourself there) gta3. now lets stop arguing, i agree with you, the game is TOTALLY different and tweaked and is alot better than 3 and feels much different, but it is technichally a mod. so al, what do YOU want to have new and innovative in gta4.
  21. oh and they sed ps3 has dlable content.... or thats what i heard.
  22. Bullsh*t. Vice City was definitely not a mod. It took place in a whole NEW city with whole NEW character, and a whole NEW storyline. Vice City brought buying properties and more guns to GTA and it was really a big step in the series almost that with GTA3. ummm.... that would be making it a mod. all Vice city was was a new city, new storyline, new character, and new graphics, new cars and they added a few things like buying guns and buying property. thats pretty much all besides the small stuff. it was run on the same engine and was pretty much done off of gta3, and SA was done off of Vice city. the thing about gta4, making it totally new is that there starting from scratch, staying with the whole gta3 concept, but making a new engine, new handling, and EVERYthing is new, not just modified and changed.
  23. VC was only a mod? Ok, I saw something like this in a review once. It basically said VC wasn't that much better than LC, it doesnt feel like a new game. HELLO? Find a single aspect that hasnt been upgraded...Various new classes of vehicle, various new vehicles to fill those classes...It WAS a new game, about as much as was possible. And another thing. Small things compared to what made GTA 3 great? Well...what did you expect. Did you expect VC and SA to be as 'new' as GTA3 was? Do you expect Rockstar to come up with a completely different style of gameplay for each game? And now you expect GTA4 to be completely new and different, just because its being revamped for the newer systems...Just because last time this happened it turned out completely new. It will most likely not be completely new. It will have new features, probably all of them. But it won't be a complete revamp. I would expect a lot more land, picture perfect graphics (blu ray disc will allow it...not sure about the Xbox version)... I would like to see a lot more care taken in vehicle design, and would like to know the time period...My guess is modern. Dont mention the map you say? What else would you expect... jeesus christ man, gta vice city WAS a mod, your proving it right there! its the same game with new graphics, new vehicles, new guns, new missions, and new map. hmmmm, thats sorta wat a mod is buddy. but other than that the BIGGEST thing making it just a mod is how its RUN ON THE SAME ENGINE! do some research before you post and that might help you not look like a dumbass. and how many times did you say "what do you expect"(and other variations) when the hell did i say VC wasnt much better than gta3 (btw VC is really uncommercially called this "Gta: 3:Vice city"). Its ALOT better, but its still a mod! its a modified version of the old one. like i said it just has alot of updated things. and if your gunna try to burn me again, try to make better examples, saying that there are new cars is making the game a whole new game isnt very convincing. next time dont go rambling off on what i expect, i didnt expect anything, all i goddamn sed was that it was a mod. now say what your here for and dont be a noob.
  24. GLOOrrry hole, giggle cream, sissifritz, sprunk, and all the other fake ads are too funny, i would listen to them in vice city and SA alot.
  25. stop replying to eachother with the same crap. i wanna be able to do missions like the transporter, just transport and have to be able to get to the place without messing up your cargo, or getting the cops on you.
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