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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Well I think Rockstar could make their made up advertisments actual advertisments. They could sneak in websites and shit that go to the made up advertisments "official sites" that have advertisments on that leading to the real advertisments...I think that'd be the best creative Rockstar way to do it.

  2. Ok cool, I'm going to be watching it soon. So if you other guys, Ghost and Godfather, want my vote show my some vids or else Slayer will have my vote seeing as this will be the only video I'll be seeing.

    BTW, when does the voting stop?

    EDIT: Well I just figured out that you guys were on the same stunting team and watched a video of all three of you giving me an idea of how you guys stunt and what not. No need to give me links to any more videos because...I voted :D

  3. only 5 Hours and 23 Minutes for me.

    Original GTA Master's New Year's Resolutions:

    -Pay more attention in school...I guess study too

    -Get a steady job

    -Get my license

    -Find a decent looking, non-bitchy chick

    Can't really think of anything else at the moment.

  4. Well I have GTA Real Estate set up in a way where you could do all the gang wars on the forum being just as fun as if you were in MTA or Multi-Player, minus the lag. Afterwards all of it is created into a video, using GTA Studio mods, and you could see what it all looked like, making it a hell of a lot more interesting.

  5. I don't think it works that way because "Liberty City Cocks" were mentioned on San Andreas' radio station, WCTR, and that was the hint for Liberty City Stories. Don't worry, just read my radio theory and stick to that because its been working so far.

    I think "Tokyo, China" is our best bet as of now seeing that I have more leads to it. Find more for the locations you found.

    By the way, I never said "Tokyo, China" was the deffinite GTAIV location...just was pointing it out. So if anyone finds a radio hint to another location, try finding more leads to it.

  6. I went trying to download some of your guys' videos but each time I downloaded one you weren't in them..or the videos had viruses...so if either of you guys want my vote you'll have to send me links to where I could download non-virus videos that you're in.

  7. OGTAM how much do the playstation 3 games cost in the USA, I am just trying to distuinguish which games are ccheaper, PS3 or 360. I think it is PS3. NO BIASED

    Each game, right now, cost $59.99. The graphics, physics and all that shit seem to be a lot better.

    So Original GTA Master,

    Is it true that the graphics on the ps3 for ps2 and ps games are horrid? They say that the ps3 messes it up somehow and that sony has to update there systems with somekind of thing.

    No, the graphics are really good. I havn't played any PSOne games on it but the PS2 games seem semi better...I don't have an HD TV so I cant tell much. Another really cool thing is that they could play those old Blue disk that couldn't work in most PS2s. I think its worth the $642 <<<thats including tax :D

  8. I some what lost intrest in Scarface...thought it was a great game...actually I dont play too many video games now besides the ones I have for my PS3 and I also play GTA III, VC and SA on the PC, but thats just to get pics for my site...usually.

  9. You obviously dont know how to look for them. The ones that mention real cities, states, contries, whatever arent gonna be the next loction...most likely. We all know that Libety City is the GTA form of New York City and that Carcer city was a location for another Rockstar game, Manhuntm, so it wont be used as a GTA location. You have to look for the ones that sound weird or are not actual locatons, such as "Tokyo, China". "Liberty City Cocks" was mentioned on a San Andreas radio station and Liberty City Stories was the next game, with Liberty City as the location. If any of the locations you just mentioned are locations for future GTA games or are just used to base the next location off of, then my theory is still correct seeing as the location is on the radio which is what you just said. I'm just simply pointing out ones that sound a little different from the rest, seeing as most GTA games have made up names and aren't real locations. So the only thing you're disproving of my Radio Theory is that Tokyo, China could possibly not be the next location. Everything else thought is proving my Radio Theory to be correct.

    "Tokyo China" will not be the location of GTA 4. I thought about this and I found a big flaw in this "Tokyo China" theory. Have you played GTA 3? If so you know that there are two oriental gangs in the game, the Japanese Yakuza and the Chinese Triads. Asuka came to America in 1991 from Japan, as in not China. I bet that the "Tokyo China" thing was a joke, since a somewhat racist thing about orientals is that you "cant tell which country they're from" even though I have no problem telling what country they come from.

    Remind me why Carcer city can't be used in GTA4? It was used in TWO Rockstar games, Manhunt and Bully,and is considered to be somewhat the "Main Rockstar City". If it was used in 2 Rockstar games games, why not make it 3, we all know that Carcer exists in the GTA world.

    And VCS mentions Carcer City quite alot. "I was a plumber in Carcer City" and "Callers from Carcer City"


    More Clues Found on a Much Earlier GTA Game Teaser Site

    Lately I've been reading all the GTA teaser sites, created by Rockstar themselves, and found one that may have a lot of clues that may or may not live up to the hype I'm giving them. These clues sort of push my newest "Tokyo, Chine Radio Theory" to the "most likely" stage of what the next GTA location is going to be.

    The Liberty Tree is a Liberty City newspaper that was used before the release of GTA III to show GTA fans what Rockstar had in store for them...in a more creative way then simple interviews in magazines and on "info only" websites. Rockstar may or may not have planned on putting in hints about future GTA locations on this site, but if they didn't they sure ass hell used their own info later on to base and create there other GTA games. The following are some articles I picked out that are hinting at, what I think, is the next GTA location, or one in the future.

    The "Yakuza Operating With Impunity" story in the June 2001 issue of "Liberty Tree" states the following "What this can mean for Liberty City's already congested criminal market place, only Tokyo knows right now." This quote could mean a lot or mean nothing, but I think this was an early hint at where the next generation game would be located seeing as I found some articles that hinted at San Andreas on this site as well.

    The following month issue of the Liberty Tree had an article called "Turf Wars and Triads Lead to Power Vacuum at the Top", which was about the Triad located in Portland. In this article it states "The police also believe the Mafia are involved in a vicious turf war with Triad gangsters for control of the lucrative Chinatown area of Liberty City." Which could explain why they said "Tokyo, China" on the one VCS radio station. Seeing as the Yakuza's homeland is in Tokyo, in reality Tokyo, Japan, and the Triad in Portland is originally from China, Rockstar may have decided to combine the two locations by calling it "Tokyo, China".

    Yet again in the next month issue of the Liberty Tree, there was another article that gave more news about the Yakuza's and their homeland, Japan. This sort of diffuses the whole reason why it was called "Tokyo, China" but I think Rockstar could patch this one up. This article is called "Internal Affairs Investigate Links Between Yakuza and Police" which is a fairly short article but is a pretty good read as far as hints go.

    The last article I found related to my "Tokyo, Chine Radio Theory" is in the latest Liberty Tree issue that any fan could have possibly read, the October 2001 issue. This has to be the most important article that links to my "Radio Theory" called "Elderly Asian Man Held". In this article it says that the elderly Asian man has been illegally in the country with no reason and that he will be deported back to East Asia, not saying where exactly, which could mean back to Tokyo, China.

    Before anyone says anything, I know I just double posted in a semi-old topic but I thought that this was some good stuff I found and I thought it would be pointless to make a whole new "Radio Theory" topic just to post something that helps back up my "Radio Theory".


    For more info on the official Grand Theft Auto "Radio Theory", visit GTA Real Estate.

    Besides, you're not proving my radio theory wrong because you're throwing out there that Carcer City was mentioned on VCS radio and that instead of "Tokyo, China" It'll be Carcer City. All I was doing was throwing out the possibility that the next location could be "Tokyo, China", to get people more into my radio theory and to find other possible locations of their own using my Radio Theory and thats exactly what you've been doing. I still have a strong feeling that "Tokyo, China" could be the next location seeing as there are a lot of things leading to it, but the main thing I'm relying on here is the Radio Theory. If it ends up not being "Tokyo, China", but another location that was mentioned on the radio, then it wont bother me at all because "Tokyo, China" is a guess out of all those other possible locations that were mentioned.

    You ever think that Rockstar found out we know about the Radio thing and so they're just adding more and more locations to the radio to lead us off each of them?

  10. wow... Sony really has made a mistake then. They are only going to earn via games and add-ons...

    Well dont forget about the whole "PLAYSTATION Store" They're gonna make a killing off of that. That's where they're gonna get the money from.

    EDIT: OH SHIT, forgot that PS3 accounts dont allow spaces in the name so instead of "O GTA Master" I just went with "OGTAM"...must have forgotten about that after being over my grandparents for the holidays.

  11. Yeah the PS3 is amazing and as TVG pointed out, Sony is losing money over this. The only bad part for me is that I dont have an HD TV, so I cant experience the PS3 of its full potential until I get one. I think the controllers are amazing, light and wireless, we don't need it to f***ing vibrate...who cares about that. I havn't gotten a game yet but I have those 3 games like I said before and they're good enough for now...I basically got the PS3 for GTA and L.A. Noire. You people have to get it.

    Anyone here actually have a PS3? If so add me to your friends list

    O GTA Master OGTAM

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