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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Ok, i got some wording mixed up. But you completely ignored my Earth example.

    The evidence we know (for example) is that the Earth is a lot older than a few thousands years old. This evidence proves Christianity wrong.

    Therefore you did not eat the apple.

    The only reason I ignored that, was because I didn't really have anything to say about that.

    ...and the age of the earth disproves God...how? If you're trying to just disprove Christianity because that's my religion, then you're obviously trying to change my opinion, my faith. Christianity isn't the only religion. So you have to come up with better answers than that to disprove all religions.

    By the way, I didn't eat the apple. It was a fuckin' nanner. :P

    Why are you jesus lovers all like...saying shit over and over about fuck all, like it actually means something...there's more proof of god existing, than there is, can't be arsed explaining, drunk and tired...if you have a brain, you'll spare the fucking technical shit and accept what I said, none of this "Well yes, you just said one word that I could of easily changed to make everything clear, but I'll be a cunt and be like, oh yeah well there's some proof of god existing because I fucked an apple with a banana". Just fuck it, can't be arsed explaining.

    When the fuck did I say I wasn't going to explain something about my views on "science vs. religion"?

    Just to let all of you know, my field of study involves loads of science...well physics mainly, so I don't think science is a lie or anything like that. I just don't think science and religion are in the same category. So I just don't like trying to compare the two and trying to determine which one is right or wrong. I think both of them are right, but I think science has its flaws and I think religion is taken too seriously. I take a lot of the stories as metaphores. Although, that doesn't mean I don't believe in Jesus and God.

  2. Anyway yeah, um, women like, taking people to court over like, not offering them jobs, etc is just a bit too far.

    Not offering them the jobs because they're female is a bit too far also. Although, that really depends on the whole situation.

  3. Yeah, and when girls are on periods, they're all like, "BUT WE CAN BE NASTY TO YOU BUT YOU CAN'T BE NASTY BACK AND WE'RE RIGHT!" then afterwards, after their fucking period shit thing, they're still like, "OMG BUT WE WERE ON OUR PERIOD SO WE CANNOT SAY SOWWY!"


    Uhhh...calm down now.

  4. Yeah, my friend just gave me a vintage board like the ones the Zephyr team and people back then used. Think they're called sidewalk surfboards or something....

    Ah, my bad. Didn't realize they wouldn't help as much until now. Hope you can find some decent tailbones eventually.

    Do you use that board at all? Are you able to do any tricks on it?

    I might get a nosebone as well though, so thanks for showing me that. I haven't been looking for them as hard as I've been for tailbones.

    I'm hoping I could find them in a skate shop some where.

  5. So if I ate a banana 5 minutes ago and had it on video and you ate an apple 5 minutes ago when you were alone...that means I have more evidence that I ate a banana over the evidence that you ate an apple, which means you didn't actually eat an apple?

    I'm asking what the evidence is that I'm apparently ignoring.

    The fact that you ate the apple can be proved or dis-proved by a scientific analysis of your stomach.

    But there's more evidence that I ate the banana. So since there's more evidence, he didn't really eat the apple. According to his explanation.

    "If something actually has evidence (ALOT) it proves that you are wrong."

    ^ He doesn't give any details. He just says if something has a lot of evidence that it means whatever else is incorrect.

    I'm wrong how? Because something has evidence? Evidence of what? That I'm incorrect?...Ok...what exactly is this evidence that is saying I'm incorrect? What did I say that is incorrect?

  6. I was kidding :(. I know this is in Serious Chat, shouldn't of, won't do it again.

    The rules apply to everyone \/ :P

    I'd like to step in on Harwood Butcher and the sarcasm, the name of the forum section is called Serious Chat, I'd really appreciate if you wouldn't use all the sarcasm you claim to.



    Harwood, please tell me you really aren't that dumb and didn't actually take the bleeding to death line seriously....wait, too late.

    r u cawing me stoopid? :blink:

    I'm saying that in the nicest way possible.

    Oh, ok. :awesome:

    I'm a blunt person, don't freak out and yell U R A BITCH LOLOLOL. I just get to the point and, frankly, you're being an ignorant ass in this thread.

    Uhh, well thank you... :unsure:

    In my opinion, from what you say in this thread, you seem to have feminine issues. You act as if everything a woman goes through is just one big "get over it" type of thing. I would love for you to be a female for one week on the rag so you could understand what it is like. I would also like you to spend 9 months as a pregnant woman so you can understand the hardships of being pregnant and finally giving birth.

    You don't think I'd like that? I just don't want to go through a sex change to try and prove a point.

    It's not that I don't care that you have to go through all that shit, but I just don't like hearing about it(Yes, I know I don't have to read this topic, but it's too late for that now isn't it)

    People keep trying to prove that women could do all this shit...and I don't doubt that they can, but if you're saying shit like "I would be basically crippled for a week because my back would get so bad and painful.", how could you do these hard labor jobs if you're out for a week every month?

    You think I'm against women, but I'm not. I just don't like when genders or races single each other out. WE'RE ALL HUMAN. We all try to get along in our lives and we all, mostly, have the same issues. So why go through all this bullshit trying to figure out who has it tougher and who should be treated better because of what nature or the past gave them.

    I don't give a shit if you like women or not but respect for what a female goes through is well deserved so while you sit there with your lame constipation cramps once in a while, we'll continue to live from the age of 10 until we die going through a load of bullshit each and every single month.

    Again, why should we respect a natural thing that you have to go through? I respect women going through child birth because they choose to do it, 90% of the time, and it's furthering our existance. Yeah, periods hurt and that sucks, but that's no reason to respect it.

  7. "Ignore contradicting evidence"? What evidence?
    Just because your theory has more “evidence” than there is evidence in God, doesn’t mean that you’re right and that doesn’t mean that I’m right. We both have different beliefs and neither is above the other.

    BOLD: What?

    One thing having more evidence than another doesn't mean that the one with more evidence disproves the one with less evidence.

    Italic: If something actually has evidence (ALOT) it proves that you are wrong. Might not prove me 100% correct but it proves you wrong.

    So if I ate a banana 5 minutes ago and had it on video and you ate an apple 5 minutes ago when you were alone...that means I have more evidence that I ate a banana over the evidence that you ate an apple, which means you didn't actually eat an apple?

    I'm asking what the evidence is that I'm apparently ignoring.

  8. Yes, that's how science works, logical conclusions are drawn in the wake of supporting evidence and data. The atomic theory...a theory yes, but it produces tangible results (atom bomb) whereas blind faith in religion doesn't. The atomic theory and evolution aren't perfect theories, that doesn't make them wrong. In fact they produce actual results (Evolution isn't just a method of explaining where we came from, it explains the similarities and differences in creatures due to things such as analogous structures, divergent/convergent evolution, etc...), more than religion does.

    So you’re saying as long as there is something that slightly proves something…that it could be considered fact?

    Theories are ideas that we create to explain something and if you believe in theories then you have faith. People have faith in God, which you could consider a theory that hasn’t yet been proven with physical evidence, but people still have faith in God just like you have faith in the theory of evolution. Just because your theory has more “evidence” than there is evidence in God, doesn’t mean that you’re right and that doesn’t mean that I’m right. We both have different beliefs and neither is above the other.

    Like I said before, a lot of scientists believe in a higher power, namely God. Even though that isn’t speaking for the entire scientific community, that still could cause science to be part of a religion.

    Religion: “A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.”

    We discovered mathematics and have used it extensively but we didn't create it, math has existed as long as the universe. Math is a universal system. It doesn't matter if you're a human on Earth or some alien in bfn space, math will always produce the same results; those results may be expressed differently but they will be the same because math is a universal language of quantity.

    Math can’t be used to explain Newton’s Laws, but we apply them to the laws to make sense of them for ourselves. We can’t use math to explain the universe, but it could help us understand it better.

    You're looking at what I said in a general sence and I’m not even gonna try to further explain what I was trying to say, because it’ll probably never be understood and I'll end up repeating myself.

  9. I'm talking about science...the theories, laws, and postulates that govern the laws of the Universe.

    :blink: ... What?

    Science is based on facts, religion is based on faith. They are in no way the same thing.

    We certainly don't know everything about the universe(I know you didn't claim that). Science is used to better understand our Universe, but is not entirely or maybe even nearly correct.

    Postulates are considered assumptions in certain circumstances. A definition for "Postulate" is "to claim or assume the existence or truth of, esp. as a basis for reasoning or arguing." So a "postulate" is some what like faith...in a way.

    Although, you could consider Newton's laws fact, but I would consider them the very basics of physics and they could be disproven at any point, just like religion.

    I personally think science is just as proven as religion, although we could argue whether or not science could be considered a religion. A lot of scientist actually believe in a higher power that created our universe...so in that sence science can be viewed as a religion.

    You have to remember, we created mathematics to better understand things. So we're using something we created to try and explain our universe and who's to say our way is correct?

    Our universe is very complicated and I don't think we'll ever fully understand it. We might get really close...but never fully understand it.

  10. Guys have no idea what women go through when it comes to the ever annoying period. It fucking HURTS. First off, you get a "two week warning" that consists of annoying, painful cramps.

    At least you get a warning. I never get any warnings for constipation cramps. Those hurt like a bitch.

    Then, when your due date arrives, you bleed half to death while still getting cramps, headaches, backaches, stomach aches, mood swings, some people even puke......You retain water so you're all bloated. Your clothes are tighter, your face is fatter, your stomach hangs out. You get that from 3-7 days, every single month, until you hit menopause. Once you hit menopause, you get cold sweats, hot flashes, dizzy, etc. etc. etc.

    ...You bleed half to death...? Are you exaggerating, because I never heard of a women dieing from their period. If every month women bleed half to death from that then there would constantly be women dieing from it.

    Just think about that. Most females hit puberty by the age of 10 (now it may be younger. Mine hit at the age of 10 and that was 15 years ago) and you go for about 50-60 something years and then you get menopause until you die. Not only that but you have to go through the pain of childbirth and the uncomfortable pap smear, where some stranger gets to poke your vag with tools and fingers, not to mention the ol' mammogram, where your boobs get squished in a machine.

    Seriously, I'm not all about "girl power" and shit but guys need to respect the garbage we go through. It's not easy being a female and it's rather painful.

    Don't get me wrong, I respect women with the whole child birth thing, but not for going through periods every month.

    Now I know you weren't the one that mentioned this, but if women have such a great "pain thresh hold", then I don't see why women are always complaining about having their periods.

    Women say shit like "You don't know what we go through". Yeah, no shit, but we can't change that and we'll never know what women go through exactly and we don't really like hearing women bitching. We can't do anything about it...so why bitch at us?

    By the way...why the hell are we talking about periods? Womens rights?

  11. Science is based on facts, religion is based on faith. They are in no way the same thing.

    Well that all depends on what you consider science. Are you talking about the equations or other things?

  12. Yeah, judging from some of the brands I could tell these were one's from the 70s and 80's so that might be why they're so wide. One's that aren't only pink.

    Yeah, lots for long boards and such used in the 70s and 80s...which I'm thinking about buying.

    I think those are "nosebones" for the front of your board. They won't really help the tail from grinding down. Maybe for a little while, but I don't want to have to buy one every 2 or 3 weeks.

  13. Hmmm, odd. Wonder why it gives better pop. Anywho, found any yet? I found a couple here scattered through out that page, not too sure if that's what you're looking for though cuz some of those are like 8-11 inches long lol. My boards are 7.5 - 7.7's usually. :P

    I think that site only sells pink ones.

    I think they make them that long because there are boards that wide. You could just shave it down if it's too big for your board.

  14. It only stretches to 10cm, thats still pretty small to squeeze a baby out of. Alot of pain but hey we deal with out as we are not weak, also remember we wax alot. I saw a show with a man bitching how his eyebrows hurt for two days after. Come on waxing hardly hurts.

    So you're using one guy as "proof". That's like when females say "all men are pigs" just because of the douchebags they manage to attract.

  15. No problem dude, that site makes the board sound a lot more sweeter than I could of anyway. :P

    Hmmm, have you tried Ebay or Craigslist? Cuz I have no idea where to get them. Quick question though, does it make it tougher for you to grind or anything? How heavy are they?

    I don't think they're too heavy. I heard they actually give the board a better pop. Since I don't have one I can't really give much information about them. They're just supposed to protect your tail from grinding off.

  16. I'd enjoy writing a paragraph or two about the board, but I'd enjoy more just sending you a link to all the questions you need..... answered. :D

    Oh and sorry man, I've never even heard of tailbones. :/ What are they for? To not have your tail not get razor-tailed?

    Thanks for that link. :thumbsup:

    Yeah, a tailbone just protects the tail of your board. I use my tail to stop 90% of the time and it's totally shredded. I'll need a tailbone for my new board(s).

  17. Well I think the "Let Sleeping Rockstars Lay" achievment is a huge glitch. I randomly got it when I blew up Husky in a one-on-one deathmatch...and I don't think he has the Zombie skin.

    I have the skin. I just never used it because it looks " Wierd. "

    Oh, well that explains it then.

  18. I'd go with the Uber Light HB. It's worth the money, trust me. It's what my next board's going to be.

    Yeah, I remembered that you mentioned that board when I saw it on Skate America, so I checked it out. Seems like a great board. Do you know how durable it is?

    DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I COULD GET TAILBONES?!?!??!(Please no used shit)


    I need those SOOOO bad.

    Looking for white and or black.

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