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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Well I'm not sure if this have ever been mentioned or if it ever even happened before...

    Not too long ago, Husky and I were in a one-on-one match and when I killed him, via rocket launcher, I unlocked the Zombie skin...and I don't think Husky is a Rockstar employee.

    Has this happened to anyone else or has anyone heard of this?

    Seems like a pretty big glitch.

  2. The Zero board is great, I also like the almost board.

    Been thinking about skating again, some good friends of mine are starting to skate a lot and tried to convince me to do it too, since it's holidays I have a lot of time to skate.

    I suggest do it. It's so much fun skating around with friends. You don't even need to be able to do anything except ride it and you'll have fun. My one friend can't do any tricks, not even an ollie and we still have loads of fun just riding around.

    Do you currently have a board or are you gonna buy one? Try Skate America. That's probably the best place to buy skateboarding stuff. They'll price match any store or website, provided that they're official and not something like eBay.

    They have some pretty good sales going on now for the holidays and I've been thinking of getting one now because of how good the sales are.

    I'm also thinking about getting a long board just to cruise around on.

  3. Wow Harwood. You are Playing Skate and Posting on the forum. Nice Multi-tasker.

    I do what I can. :P

    Nice game by the way (GTAIV). You pretty much kicked my ass. :clapping:

    I obviously need some practice. That's what 3 months without a PS3 does to ya. :lolbounce:

  4. Sorry I should have elaborated :P

    Spike TV Video Game Awards 2008 gave GTA IV game of the year. I am a loyal fan of IGN but I think they are giving their opinion and not actually handing out an award. I'm not saying I'm against IGN and their opinion of MGS4, far from it. Atleast at the Spike awards Debi Mae West Won Best Performance by a Human Female for "Meryl Silverburgh" in MGS4 :)

    Bold: ...wtf... :wtf:

  5. Honestly, I feel like im being taught a very simple algebra problem I didnt quite understand by some very patient teachers. My belief is a little shaken, ill admit that, but I think some of the things I expressed were misinterpreted.

    For the Christians here, i'd like to point out that God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

    No offense intended at all...

    Bold: :lolbounce: That made me giggle.

    You are definitely entitled to your opinions and I for one am not trying to change your opinion and I don't think anyone else really is trying to either.

    I personally think it's hard to really say that being gay is natural or unnatural. Being gay in general isn't really natural, BUT the love for one another is natural and I think that's all that matters.

    Yeah, well you're still offending people...

    If you're not happy with it, ignore it, it's not like people come being gay in front of you.

    That's why there are topics about this...so we could all discuss it.

    If everyone had the same opinion on something...why make a topic about it?

    lolwtf, so you're saying since my dad's straight that means I'm straight. But if my dad was gay I'd be gay? Yeah I don't believe that at all. I do, however, believe it isn't a choice, but that's just ridiculous to be honest. It makes sense, but if one person comes out in the family that means ALL of them are gay? I think it's just a puberty thing.

    Bold: A lot of people in this topic are saying that being homosexual isn't a choice and I agree with it, but not 100%. We don't have a choice in it, but it seems that our attraction towards one sex could be steered one way or another as we grow up.

    I don't think it's a gene, but like a characteristic such as being shy. It takes certain things in someone’s life to change that characteristic. With that thought, I think someone could actually change from being straight to gay and then back to straight and so on and so forth, provided those particular events or experiences happen to them that cause characteristic creation or change. Although, with this particular characteristic it could be extremely difficult to change and I don't think it should be tampered with.

  6. I bought Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty today btw

    That almost sounds like a porno...now if it were "Ratchet and Skank: Quest for Booty" that's a porno title right there. :P

    I was never really into Ratchet and Clank video games, although I have played some demos before, which were decent.

    So who here thinks PlayStation Home should have a GTAIV themed area?

  7. No, actually that isn't an opinion

    Opinion = I think being gay is evil

    Opinion = I think all fags should die

    Offensive = being gay is evil

    Offensive = All fags should die

    ...Maybe that's your opinion. :P

    Just kiding, I'm sort of confused now. :blink:

    Harwood you're right about the rape thing - being gay makes you no more likely to rape or get raped. In fact, men are a lot harder to rape than women - for anatomical reasons, as well as being generally stronger. Almost all rapes are man-on-woman.

    As for prison, that is what being deprived of your natural sexuality does to a human adult. Why deprive us of ours just because you don't like the idea of it?

    I guess when it comes down to being a homophobe and not someone that just generally doesn't like the idea of gays getting married, it's like trying to get someone to stop being afraid of heights. It's most likely not going to happen.

    But hopefully we could get them to understand the situation enough so that they're not as homophobed that they'll be ok with gay marriage.

  8. Just because someone is gay, doesn't mean they're gonna come up to you in the street and assrape you.

    My best friend is gay, and you say it's fucking evil, there's nothing wrong with him, he's a nice guy, he doesn't try to assrape me.

    "I like bananas" - opinion

    "all fags should die because they're evil" - offensive

    Bold: Well that's still an opinion...a really offensive opinion...but an opinion nonetheless.

    I think a lot of homophobes are homophobes not only because they're afraid of being ass raped, but because of the idea in general.

    Which brings us back to the topic at hand. Just because you're afraid of getting ass raped by some homosexual that probably has absolutely no attraction to you doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to get married.

    I have never once heard of a gay guy raping a straight guy. That would really creep me out, just like any other kind of rape would....but then again...there are straight guys in prison that rape other straight guys....which I find to be even creepier.

    So for those homophobes out there…I hope you don’t end up in prison…cause your ass will be mighty sore.

  9. Errr that has nothing to do with pain thresh hold.

    But people saying are weak, I would love to see how men would cope with child birth. :hurrhurr:

    I think we'd be able to "cope" with child birth if we had vaginas...but then we'd be considered female...or a transsexual. So we could never really prove that. That’s sort of a low blow move if you ask me.

    Women should be able to have a chance at any job they want, but I think if they get denied the job they'll think it's sexiest instead of them being unqualified. So it might cause more problems, but I'm not too sure.

  10. Playstation Home is the boring-est DLC i ever downloaded.

    I think it'll much more entertaining once it's done, but who knows when thats gonna be.

    Does anyone have or planning on getting any of the following? I think pretty much all of them have multiplayer, so let me know if anyone wants to play any of them come Christmas. :thumbsup:

    Little Big Planet

    Midnight Club: Los Angeles

    Dead Space


    MotorStorm: Pacific Rift

    Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

    Shaun White's Snowboarding

  11. Here is a simple question I still cannot quite answer:

    How is this natural?

    For children to be born, a man and woman gotta do it. You can't rub two sticks together or rub two...not sticks together and expect a miracle. The mysterious gay gene, how does it exist? Is that proof of naturality to be gay? Noone's beliefs will be changed by a discussion on a GTA forum, so why not learn more to it? I believe gay marriage is wrong, and I believe being gay is wrong. To be born gay, to me, is a fate that is unhumane and actually, in my mind, its a bit evil to be gay.

    A kid got shot and killed for being gay in a school, every day gays are harrassed, and yet they come out with protesting sacred marriage, increasing social pressure against them.

    I myself harass them too. There are some people at my school that I believe to be gay, if they tried acting normal I wouldn't have a problem. Instead they act like genuine T.V straight out of Family Guy gays. Voice, speech, choice of words, moisturizer in their lightish purple backpacks, they are the very thing I am disgusted to believe in. Besides the sociality of it, I believe it's just unclean to be gay, and I was scared out of my head when it looked as if Prop 8 was going to fail. I was happy to hear it passed.

    I guess i've just rambled about how I feel about homosexuality, without quite sticking to a point.

    Well ok, that's your opinion and I'm not going to try and change that, but it seems like you look at homosexuals and think there is only one kind(highlighted up top). Now I may have misinterpreted what you were saying, but from reading that, to me, it seems like you think all homosexuals have the same personality, same likes and dislikes, same mannerisms, etc.

    I bet there is at least one homosexual out there that has all the same interest and taste as you do, besides their sexual preference of course. Would you dislike them JUST because they're gay?

  12. "Man flu" Says it all really.

    Also I would like to see a man squeeze something the size of melon out of his arse and not complain <_<

    I had a feeling that would come up. But yes, I have had some really big shits. The saying "Tore myself a new one" comes to mind when I take my dumps.

    I don't want to go into great detail, but that "saying" pretty much describes it.

    Anyways, vaginas are usually larger than ass holes...so that's not the greatest comparison...but it is the closest you could get to I guess.

    Just because women are able to squeeze babies out of their vag without dieing doesn't really prove much. They still go through great pain and scream a hell of a lot...so that doesn't really prove that women have better "pain threshold". Although, that doesn't mean I don't respect what women go through.

    Blue: I do realize that some women actually do die from child birth...so don't get mad.

    Although...there have been some guys that have died from large shits...Elvis anyone?

  13. And yeah, the Home session with Mpilk and Ryan was alright, but you really need a keyboard for conversations, or even a mic. I was struggling re-arranging the furniture, blocking my route back into the house. -_- It was fun. They really need to sort out the connection issues though, because it takes ages to log in.

    Bold: Yeah, and for me when I finally get in the network crashes in five minutes. Complete bullshit.

  14. We have better pain threshold, so in alot of ways we are stronger because of that.

    ...What? I have never once seen a female get a paper cut without making a big deal about it. Does this mean women just feel like bitching about stuff and or want attention all the time? ;)

  15. Ok, so there was this one time when I was looking around this one forum and all of the sudden I saw a "LOL echo" in a topic title and thought that there might be something funny in it. But then I just became very disappointed when I saw what was actually in the topic. :(

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