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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Create a Collage

    The point of the collage is to creatively show what you're currently interested in. Think of a design that is unique to show your creative side or follow some of the guidelines below if you can't think of a design of your own.


    • Create a wallpaper-sized collage, such as 1024X768.
    • Have some sort of picture of you on the collage to symbolize that the collage reflects your interest.
    • Have a background image that reflects who you are.
    • Place logos and pictures of things you're interested in.
    • HAVE FUN!!!...

    Here is my most recent one.


    Here's one a did a year or so ago.


  2. Nice to see another member here that skates.

    Yeah, I've been skating seriously for about 9 months now but I've been quiting and starting again since I was 4 or some shit. Sorry you can't skate with your friends, gotta be tough. For the most part I hate skating alone and haha, don't worry about not being good or whatever. I consider myself a mediocre skater but you do what you like to do and that's all that matters....

    I'll be posting pics of skating when I can find my battery charger for my camera, and I'm saving up for a nice video camera and fisheye so I'll definitley post the vids.

    Cool, I'd like to see what you could do.

    I could always make a video of the small stuff that I could do.

    Here's a list

    caveman(variations) (90% mastered)

    Fingerflip (still) (80% mastered)

    pop shuv-it/shuv-it (50% mastered)

    toeside railstand (80% mastered)

    casper(already in railstand stance) (30% mastered)

    Not much that I could do and I'm not too good with really any of them. I've at least done them once...or just barely.

  3. Yeah The GTA Place would be fine, I meant the actual Grand Theft Auto logo itself, i.e. the font, positioning of the words under each other etc.

    Not sure about about the character artwork since the artists at R* are the designers of that.

    Rockstar doesn't own that font...I believe "The Price Is Right" first used the font and still does...so I don't think anyone really owns the font. You're safe there.

    As for the characters...probably not. I think a plain shirt with that logo you showed early will be good. Maybe have "TheGTAPlace.com" on the back.

  4. Skated at my highschool with a few friends yesterday, that was cool. Plus I finally hardflipped the loading dock. ^_^

    Today though, I woke up way to damn early, and just have been watching the Olympics. Though today I've dedcided to fully beat LCS, so yay.

    Cool, you skateboard. I've been skateboarding lately, but I'm not that great. My friends skateboard for a week and then get bored of it and then I have no one to skateboard with. I've been skateboarding for about 6 years, but I could never hold onto it enough to get any good.

  5. I'll use any graphics package except Paint to do graphics just as long as they have the right tools etc.

    MS Paint could actually come in very handy when you want to make random shapes. Then when you put them in photoshop you could do some great stuff with them.

  6. Maybe they were armed with melee weapons only or had weak pistols - how do we know he killed them with bare hands?

    CJ is more ruthless because Niko only kills for money, but CJ sets up work and does anything to get the thing he wants. (example Sweet released from prison.)

    Being ruthless is doing something without pity. Basically killing someone with no reason would be ruthless. CJ obviously had a reason and I think his reason is a lot less ruthless than Niko's reason.

    I'm pretty sure they mentioned that Tommy did it with his bare hands in the game. Why don't you play it again.

  7. eliminating claude & tommy straight away, they cannot fight 4 they're lives, CJ & Niko on the other hand have a style in fighting, I might say CJ if it was just a pure fight, but if CJ threatened Roman i would say Niko you kick the living Sh*t out of CJ, Niko as we know does not take kindly 2 people, messing with his family

    I second that post. But CJ was more ruthless than Niko IMO.

    The 11 idiots Tommy killed were all a bunch of fools who would have been killed easier than that, Massimo Torini from LCS killed people with his bare hands (as we heard from McAffrey.)

    So how is CJ more ruthless?

    How do you know that the 11 guys Tommy killed were idiots? The only thing we know is that Sonny set him up, so they were probably killers themselves.

  8. How can you possibly hold a bazooka and flamethrower still? Oh and guys,


    That makes Tommy even worse, because he's the least skilled one of them, CJ, Vic and Niko all take it to him with their special moves. :coolthumbup:

    LOL, he killed 11 people with his bare hands, how does that make him least skilled???

  9. Chris, why don't you actually sell official TGTAP shirts? I bet a lot of people would buy them.

    His post, right before yours, was stating how he wasn't sure if anyone would buy any.

    Uhhh...well then sorry.

    We wouldn't be allowed to use any R* logo, and also I'm not sure we'd be able to use the Grand Theft Auto logo or any of the games' logos.

    A staff shirt? As in put all our faces on it or what? Wasn't there a plan to make a wallpaper or some shit like that a few years ago? You could probably do that now since most staff have pics posted somewhere.

    You shouldn't get in any trouble if you just have "The GTA Place". Yes, “GTA” would stand for Grand Theft Auto, but I don't think Rockstar Games has a trademark or copy right on the abbreviation.

  10. Well the story over all seems pretty good, not really a GTA type of story though.

    The only thing that didn't fit was the thing about CJ's mom...She didn't die until 1992...possibly 1991. By that time, Ken was in rehab and Tommy was on hiatus or something.

    Anyways, this could be a good Machinima.

  11. Claude - Doesn't have much of a background with fighting and doesn't seem to be that much of a hard ass, but people do say the quiet ones could fight.

    Tommy - He's a hard ass and killed eleven people with his barehands, which leads me to believe that he would be able to take on Claude, CJ and Niko all at once.

    CJ - Seems like a pussy when a gun is pulled on him, but since this is a fist fight I think he'd have a pretty good chance, depending on whether or not the player had him train the various fighting styles.

    Niko - Yes, he was in a war, but that deals with weapons, not always fist fights. Although, he must have gone through some training, so he could very well be an excellent fighter.

    Tommy is the only one out of the bunch that we know could kill a number of people at once in a fight. We have no idea if Claude could fight and CJ and Niko probably just went through training and didn't deal with the real thing like Tommy.

    I would assume from just that, that Tommy would win, but if they gang up on Tommy first, then I'd probably say Niko would win, if not him, then CJ and if by some chance Niko and CJ beat the shit out of each other enough, then Claude might be able to step in and finish them off.

    Depending on everyone's strategies, anyone could really win.

  12. IF you are in the school of thought that believes the universe is infinite, (13.7 billion light-years is the estimated distance to the edge of the foreseeable universe) then it's quite apparent that infinite examples of any given object should exist, given the infinity of the universe? Understand? The same theory can be applied to life, bacteria, objects, etc.

    Not quite. I believe that the Universe is infinite, but theres only a finite amount of matter in it. Aka you COULD go on forever but there's nothing there, just space/spacetime. That's very different to saying that infinite examples of everything exists. However, I actually prefer the looped spacetime theories, although I'm still not fully convinced.

    That's what I used to think as well, but then in physics class I found out that the matter is considered the universe and not the empty space beyond the matter. I don't think that the space beyond our universe is considered to be anything other than totally empty space.

    EDIT:...I think this is starting to get a little off topic.

  13. LOL, that was a good one.

    The first time I tried I just thought my internet was fucking up so I double clicked to get the link and nothing, so I figured that was the joke and read the post...LOL.

    Did you come up with this yourself or were you tricked with this as well?

  14. Truly, the odds favoring aliens existing are really high, we can't be the only planet with developed brains. However, they are most likely not humanoid. After all, look at how many species there are on our planet. An alien could be a blue colored octopus that could talk for all we know.

    Blue octopi exist anyway... ?

    And I'm sure they talk, like, to each other?

    yeah they do exist i belive they can change colour... however to my knowledge octupi (on earth) cannot talk...

    I think he was saying that they could communicate with each other, not necessarily talk.

    I think that if there are intelligent life forms some where on the other side of the galaxy that they would look far different from anything we've seen before.

  15. Well, they may not actually have enough time to develop into anything anyway, the solor system will be blown and sucked to shreds by the dying sun quite soon, say a billion years. :)


    Actually, I've recently read, about 5 minutes ago, that Planets usually have about one billion years to florish into a place like earth where things evolve and what not. Then everything begins to devolve. At this point in time, Earth has about half that time now and Mars is probably just getting started. So maybe when all life on Earth is about to die out, Mars will be a place where life from Earth could live.

    Maybe Mercury and Venus once were like Earth when the Sun was a lot cooler. You never know, maybe one day Pluto could be a place where more complicated life forms can live.

  16. Before everyone goes crazy with the stoning, please let me tell you that this isn't yet a confirmation that there is life on Mars. There has been a confirmation that H20 water has been recently found on Mars, but there was also something else about the research being conducted on Mars that is supposedly important enough that the president is making an announcement about it.

    If life was actually found on Mars it most likely isn’t any sort of complicated life form like you and me, any kind of animal or even an insect. This life would most likely be some sort of bacteria or algae. So don’t get too excited.

    Upcoming Presidential Announcement

    About Phoenix Lander Martian Life Discovery?

    Universe Today reports: “According to scientists in communication with Aviation Week & Space Technology, the next big discovery will need to be mulled over for a while before it is announced to the world. In fact, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory science team for the MECA wet-chemistry instrument that made these still-undisclosed findings were kept out of the July 31, 2008, news conference (confirming H20 water) so additional analysis could be carried out, avoiding any questions that may have revealed their preliminary results. They have also made the decision to discuss the results with the Bush Administration's Presidential Science Advisor's office before a press conference between mid-August and early September 2008.” Source: UniverseToday.com.


  17. Has anyone noticed that Hancocks name is Hancock and Tony Montana's wife in Scarface, Elvira's last name is Hancock? xD

    Actually, his name isn't Hancock. Watch the movie before making assumptions.

    LOL, what was his actual name? I don't remember that coming up.

  18. This was the best movie that I have seen in decades. Completely owns any other film of 2008. Heath Ledger did a spectacular job as the Joker (R.I.P. Heath Ledger) and Christian Bale, my GOD was he good. The Joker looked really scary, like really scary.

    The Joker looked scary? Didn't you see Harvey Dent/Two Face?

    The Joker looked much more frightening because he at least looked real, and insane. Two Face looked like some Terminator rip-off.

    You’re supposed to enjoy the movie, not analyze it.

    Errm, when did I say I didn't enjoy the movie? My favorite of the year so far.

    Oh no, here we go. I never said you didn't enjoy it. But movies are for enjoyment, not for analyzing. It was basically a joke, so please don’t turn it into anything.

    Damn, relax dude, I agree that you should enjoy a movie but I don't see anything wrong about analysing.

    Anyway, I'll watch it next week probably, looks pretty cool.

    "relax"???...wtf, I'm not having a heart attack or anything. I was just pointing out that it was a joke.

  19. I heard a few of those before, but some I haven't. It gets you thinking about how big of a coincidence it all is and causes some to think...maybe it was actually set up. Then I just think, why would they make sure their secretary's had the other President's name? Most are ironic, but some might have some reason behind them, such as the 100 year difference between everything.

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