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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Well I don't think I've ever participated in this "Big Community Thread", but I'm bored as fuck right now so why not. I'll try to keep it relatively short compared to some.

    Well I was gonna post some shit about my younger years, but I decided not to.

    I'm currently 18, 19 in September, and I recently graduated from High School. I'm gonna be going to a community college for two years, which is paid off 100% with grants. I’ll be going there to get the basic classes out of the way. After I get my associates degree I'm going to go onto Penn State to get my Bachelors degree in architecture. If I get an architecture job after community college I’ll go to work and hope that the company will send me to college for further education for free. I mean, who wants to spend money on college?

    I think that’s enough for right now…Don’t want to put too much down and discourage people from reading.

  2. Chris, why don't you actually sell official TGTAP shirts? I bet a lot of people would buy them.

    You reckon? It's just one of the things I thought about was how no one bought anything from your store :/

    Hmm... guess there's no harm in making stuff available. Not like I would lose anything if no one bought anything.

    Well I think people here trust you more than me.

  3. This was the best movie that I have seen in decades. Completely owns any other film of 2008. Heath Ledger did a spectacular job as the Joker (R.I.P. Heath Ledger) and Christian Bale, my GOD was he good. The Joker looked really scary, like really scary.

    The Joker looked scary? Didn't you see Harvey Dent/Two Face?

    The Joker looked much more frightening because he at least looked real, and insane. Two Face looked like some Terminator rip-off.

    You’re supposed to enjoy the movie, not analyze it.

    Errm, when did I say I didn't enjoy the movie? My favorite of the year so far.

    Oh no, here we go. I never said you didn't enjoy it. But movies are for enjoyment, not for analyzing. It was basically a joke, so please don’t turn it into anything.

  4. This was the best movie that I have seen in decades. Completely owns any other film of 2008. Heath Ledger did a spectacular job as the Joker (R.I.P. Heath Ledger) and Christian Bale, my GOD was he good. The Joker looked really scary, like really scary.

    The Joker looked scary? Didn't you see Harvey Dent/Two Face?

    The Joker looked much more frightening because he at least looked real, and insane. Two Face looked like some Terminator rip-off.

    You’re supposed to enjoy the movie, not analyze it.

  5. This was the best movie that I have seen in decades. Completely owns any other film of 2008. Heath Ledger did a spectacular job as the Joker (R.I.P. Heath Ledger) and Christian Bale, my GOD was he good. The Joker looked really scary, like really scary.

    The Joker looked scary? Didn't you see Harvey Dent/Two Face?

  6. Chinese gangs are bigger in America and since the game is based on Liberty City's chinatown it will probably be made bigger anyway.

    I was assuming it was based on Liberty City's Chinatown, but did they actually announce it to be that one? I might have over looked it.

  7. OGTAM I never said you didn't take care of things, by the way if you have a warranty you should be fine. My PS3 is in proper condition and has no problems yet, I use it a lot for non gaming purposes and it hasn't failed me.

    No warranty.

  8. Right now I'm wearing some sweats because I'm ill and have nothing in the pockets.

    I usually have my wallet, keys, mini address book(I'm too poor to have a cell phone), camera and or PSP and my glasses case if I'm wearing them at the time.

  9. Come end of August I won't be here too much, so I want corpex and irish_adam to be Co-leaders of this clan while I'm not here. I should be here at least 3 times a week.

    So when I'm not here they're in charge unless I find someone else more suitable for the job.

  10. v2.40 was released today. The friends feature has been improved drastically. There is now a trophies section under the saved data utility. Last but not least, in-game access to in-game XMB. However, the icons do take really long to load, hope Sony fixes this.

    Uhhh...what the hell are you talking about? I wasn't prompted to update and I'm still at v2.36.

    EDIT: I came across an answer to my confusion.

    As has been reported on many gaming blogs and websites, we have temporarily taken Firmware v2.40 offline. We’ve received a limited number of calls from consumers experiencing an issue with installing the system software update on their PS3. While our consumer services department has seen a low volume of calls on this topic, we are committed to providing the PS3 community with XMB access features delivered in the v2.40 update. We are working diligently to isolate the problem for those few consumers and to identify a solution before we put the firmware back up.

    We’ll provide further information as necessary here on the Blog.


  11. Just one question when will the 2.40 version of the game be available to update. I hope its before July. Anyway I played Metal Gear Solid at a mates house and its really good, though I've kinda lost interest in the series.

    No release date has been announced, but they say you can expect it "very soon".

    Didn't they say something like that in a trailer...for...uhh...what was the name of that thing again...oh yeah, Home.

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