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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Being the next generation of the series, Grand Theft Auto IV has loads of new features that prior games did not have.

    There are sooo many new features that I found that it was needed to have a topic specifically for discussion about these new features and the experiences that you have had with them.

    I've come across a number of different features that the game has...Hell, the gameplay is some what a new feature in its self. I personally enjoy the new minigames and what not that they have added, such as:

    • Watching TV
    • Interaction with computers and phones
    • bowling
    • mini-golf (Which I haven't played yet)
    • new climbing elements

    One possibly new feature that they have added, which I found from looking through the art book that came with the Special Edtion, is

    skateboarding...On the business logo pages, I found a "Curbcrawler: Skateboards" company, which is apparently a company that sells skateboards. Now before you get excited, this might be a random un-interactive company that Rockstar put in the game.

    Anyways, post all of the features you've run into and please include some experiences you have had with them.


    I've actually been hearing that the two downloadable contents for the Xbox 360 are going to be Vice City and San Andreas...I personally don't believe that, but if so, I'm gonna be buying myself a 360.

  2. For those that aren't familiar with my "Radio Theory", you could read it below. The "Radio Theory" is something I came up with way back when, around the time Vice City was still in it's prime. The basic idea of it is that if you listen to the radio stations Rockstar puts in their Grand Theft Auto games, that you'll find out what the next location is.

    After only playing GTAIV for roughly two hours, I've heard them mention Ohio and Las Venturas. So if my theory is correct, then the next location will be either based on Ohio, in Las Venturas or possibly another place that is mentioned on one of the radio stations GTAIV has. So keep your ears open and listen for those locations!

    This here is my own theory that I thought up a while back in 2002/2003. This theory is called The Grand Theft Auto Radio Theory. Now first off this "Easter Egg" wasn't in GTA III but was thought to be when Carcer City was mentioned on one of Liberty City's radio stations. Carcer City was the location of Rockstar's own Manhunt video game. Later after Rockstar found out that fans thought Carcer City was the next Grand Theft Auto location, they began to only hint at future Grand Theft Auto locations, in their Grand Theft Auto games, instead of locations in any and all their future game locations. In between the years 2002 and 2003, I was listening to Vice City’s radio station K-Chat, hosted by Leyna Weber, better known as Amy Sheckenhausen, her in game name. While I was listening I heard a caller ask BJ Smith, Vice City Mambas star tight end, “How did you beat San Andreas in that last game?”. At this time I didn’t realize that “San Andreas” was the next Grand Theft Auto game’s location.

    Then in 2004 I heard that the next Grand Theft Auto game was announced to have the location San Andreas. The name rang a bell but I just figured I was thinking of the famous San Andreas Fault. Then around the middle of 2004, just a few months before the release of San Andreas, I was playing the newest Grand Theft Auto game out at the time, Vice City. Once again I heard the caller asking BJ that same question and I remembered when I heard it before the news of San Andreas. Then at that time I just thought of it as being a coincidence.

    After purchasing San Andreas on its release date, I played it for about a week or two straight. During that time I was listening to one of San Andreas’s radio stations, WCTR talk radio. Yet again I heard them talk about another location, but this location was familiar to the Grand Theft Auto community, Liberty City, which was the location of Rockstar’s earlier Grand Theft Auto game, Grand Theft Auto III. If this was a new location and not an old one I would have thought that this too was the next location for Rockstar’s famous Grand Theft Auto Series. Since it was not a new location I didn’t think this was the next location but in 2005 Liberty City Stories was announced to be released later that year.

    Now that there are two coincidences with this radio thing I decided to pay close attention to Liberty City Stories radio stations. Just a week after playing the game I heard Lazlow, Vice City’s old VRock radio station DJ, talking about the good days back in the old “VC”, which is an abbreviation used by Grand Theft Auto fans standing for obviously Vice City. Right there I was amazed to think that this could possibly be once again the location of the next Grand Theft Auto game, because of the fact that Vice City was my favorite location out of the Grand Theft Auto games.

    March of 2006 Rockstar filed three different trade marks for the name Vice City Stories, one of them being a video game title. At this time I knew for a fact that Vice City Stories was the next game while other fans thought that they were just protecting “possible titles”. May 10th 2006 Rockstar officially announced Vice City Stories as their next Grand Theft Auto game to be released later that year on October 17th, later changed to October 31st.

    These were three coincidences that I think are actually little hints that Rockstar likes to leave for Grand Theft Auto fans to find. So if you believe this to be a true hint that Rockstar leaves make sure to listen to their future Grand Theft Auto radio stations for those next game location hints.

    Created by Dan Fox A.K.A. Original GTA Master

  3. Wow, SOOO AMAZING!!!

    The intro was absolutely stunning, even with my standard TV. I'll need to get used to the new controls, but so far everything is working out pretty nice.

    It was breath taking when I first got to see the city as I drove up over a road as I was heading to the safe house. The environment and atmosphere is terrific, especially looking at the city from a distance when it's foggy.

    I will be occupied with this game for many months/years to come.

  4. Being that there have been releases across the world already, I figured everyone that has the game could talk about their first impressions here.

    Explain what you first thought of the intro, cut scenes and how you like the game play. Maybe talk about some early experiences you've had at the start, such as getting run over right off the bat.

  5. Got a huge problem people, my internet is working fine with my computer but not my router anymore meaning I cant get online with the PS3, but now when I try to do an update via storage box it wont let me, maybe itmight be because I've always done them through the internet? Anyway I will be trying to get my router fixed before I get IV though.

    I think you could get the update on the computer and transfer it to your PS3...not positive though.

    The storage thing is where the update goes after you download it via the internet.

  6. Might I be the first to say that Metal Gear Online fucking owns everything! The graphics are 10x better than CoD4 (And that's saying something). Looks like MGS is finally coming home :)

    OGTAM may kill me for this but my PSN is: MrShadowSlayer

    *Gets killed by OGTAM*

    *Wipes blood from boots*

    I didn't even know that Metal Gear was released. I was thinking about getting it, but i'd feel left out since I never played any Metal Gear games before.

    I'm waiting for Resistance 2

  7. This is what the PlayStation 3 topic is for...

    Well actually, those topics in general gaming are for discussion of the console and its games, you can also post your gamertag in it if you want... these topics are dedicated to posting gamertags to members can easily find other members to play against ;)

    ...When was the last time you looked at the PlayStation 3 topic? I've been putting member's PSN IDs in the topic since early 07'.

    OGTAM, that topic is 44 pages long and is cluttered with stuff other than PSN IDs. This topic is just for people to quickly run through some posts and find names without having to scroll down for a minute because someone decided to post 50 HD pictures of some racing game. Besides, this topic is convenient. :)

    I put the PSN IDs on the first page...how hard is that?????

  8. This is what the PlayStation 3 topic is for...

    Well actually, those topics in general gaming are for discussion of the console and its games, you can also post your gamertag in it if you want... these topics are dedicated to posting gamertags to members can easily find other members to play against ;)

    ...When was the last time you looked at the PlayStation 3 topic? I've been putting member's PSN IDs in the topic since early 07'.

  9. 100clubxc3.png

    As most of you may know, Rockstar's Social Club will have a "100% Club", which is described as the following:

    "The 100% Club will be extremely popular as it will show who out of the millions of players will reach 100% completion first. The first 10 people to do so will be sent an ultra-rare commemorative 'key to the city' to mark their accomplishment! Later on it will rank members based on who will be able to get to 100% in the shortest amount of time."

    ~Rockstar Watch~

    So the first ten to get 100% out of the millions of players out there, will win a "Key to the city", but would if those ten players cheat?

    Will Rockstar Games be able to keep track of who cheats their way to the top ten list? Or could players cheat their way up the ranks?

    What's everyone's thought on this?

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