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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Not really, that's just a bunch of weird smileys and a perverted smiley.

    Well then do you want me to put "Oh, by the way, this is a joke." at the end of every joke I say? That sort of ruins the idea of a joke...cause then I can't make fun of the people that don't understand that it's a joke.

    Anyways, back on topic. If we're still taking Tommy out of the situation then I think Niko would win, then CJ and then by some miracle, Claude would win.

  2. Yes, we were just talking about how we couldn't use the official GTA logo.

    That TGTAP logo there was just a prototype. It's likely to be scrapped as a new logo is in the works by staff members at the moment.

    Oh...ok, cool.

    So you're not gonna use the Pricedown font?

  3. Lol good pic. Looks like they got a gorilla suit and put some okay-looking innards on it etc.

    Also WTF at American towns using European country names, fuck is up with that? I read this and assumed it was in the country Georgia (i.e. the one at war with Russia right now). Weird.

    But yeah. Not sure why this is making news. Looks like a typical fake to me. Saw a similar article regarding the same pic on a reputable news site earlier.

    bold: It's actually a state, but you know...whatever. :P

    We also take names from the east and just add "New" at the beginning of them. :thumbsup:

    Anyways...yeah...Bigfoot...not too sure what to say about it. Usually Earth Files does a good investigation before posting these articles...so you never know.

  4. CJ and Niko have remorse and guilt and other feeling, Tommy doesn't have feelings and Claude is just a silent killing machine.

    Uhhh...none of them have feelings...they're video game characters. :P

    That was a really dumb thing to say, think about it.

    It's a story, characters do give the impression that they have feelings.

    That was a really dumb thing to say, think about it...it was a joke.

    Um, how in the world is anyone supposed to know you were joking, through a string of text unless you tell them so?

    Do you want me to add more emoticons? I mean, I had this one >>> :P

    I thought that would have been enough. Next time I'll post a shit load.


    Is that better?

  5. Bigfoot Body Found in Georgia?

    DNA and photo evidence to be presented at press conference August 15, 2008,

    Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto, Palo Alto, California, open only to credentialed

    members of the press, not to the public.

    “I have found the body that would confirm Bigfoot exists.”

    - Tom Biscardi, searchingforbigfoot.com


  6. Except he meant the font, in the same style, placement, etc. The "GTA" logo.

    You're gonna have to show me a visual or something cause I have no idea what you're talking about.

  7. CJ and Niko have remorse and guilt and other feeling, Tommy doesn't have feelings and Claude is just a silent killing machine.

    Uhhh...none of them have feelings...they're video game characters. :P

    That was a really dumb thing to say, think about it.

    It's a story, characters do give the impression that they have feelings.

    That was a really dumb thing to say, think about it...it was a joke.

  8. Check out their website first.

    And make sure that they're against the boy blaming it on GTA. Which has about a 1% chance of happening.

    Well I don't think they'll have the article up yet if they need pictures still.

    EDIT: uhhh... LINK

    Kids are not stupid. When they see that you can blame a parent-unfriendly video game in hopes of getting a lesser sentence, then they will do so. In this case, theree teens went on a petrol-bomb spree, and then blamed Grand Theft Auto IV as the source of their bomb-making knowledge.
  9. I got sent an E-mail from something called Now Public and they want to use a GTAIV picture that I have on flickr for an article about how a teen was busted for bombs and is blaming his actions on GTAIV. Now I'm not sure which picture they want exactly, but I think it's up to Rockstar...isn't it? So what should I do?

    You've been sent a Flickr Mail from BLANK:


    :: Your GTAIV photo

    Hi Original GTA Master,

    Here's a personal note from pingping:


    Hi there,

    We at NowPublic are working on coverage of a teen busted

    for bombs blaming his actions on GVAIV, and we are putting

    together a collection of photos. We came across your

    amazing photo on Flickr and it would be a great addition to

    our story. We would very much appreciate its use, with

    proper credit to you of course.

    If you would like to contribute it to us, please click on

    the link below. Feel free to place the appropriate credit

    in the comments field of the story after you have approved

    the request. If you run into any problems, feel free to

    contact me at [email protected].



    please click on this link - where you can approve or reject

    its use:



    NowPublic is a news sharing community that uses stories,

    photos, & videos from sources like you.

    If you would like to learn more about this request, and the

    context in which your photo might be used, click on this



    If you do give your permission, your photo will always

    remain your property, and whatever license you have

    specified will follow its use on NowPublic.com

    If you have any concerns about this, please contact our

    Quality Assurance Coordinator at [email protected]

  10. As he finds it acceptable to be disrespectful, he won't mind it in his own topic.

    It's also funny that some certain individuals will only take a shot at me when I've been verbally kicked down by someone else, you fucking cowardly shits.

    Woo, calm down, you don't wanna get banned. Don't let Samil bring you down with him. :P

  11. But Alkaline is right, all you're doing is insulting him in three separate posts.
    It would be fine if they were actually fun and interesting to read.
    It was really really boring...
    I didn't like it.

    You could have said why you didn't like them and how he could improve upon that instead of saying the same except re-worded in each of the above quotes from this very topic alone.

    Everyone has been trying to tell Samil what he should do to improve his stories and he either doesn't pay attention or is too lazy to edit the stories that he is copying and pasting into these topics.

    So I think Connor is taking a different approach and telling him that his stories are awful so that he'll stop posting them.

    In a way, Connor is trying to do Samil a favor by getting him to stop making all these stories before he gets banned.

  12. Brass knuckles. Often when playing VC, I would want to beat someone up with my fists, then I'd see that I had the damn brass knuckles, and everyone just fell down when I punched them.

    Same here. It was no fun to kill someone with one punch.

    I vote brass knuckles.

  13. <colitis> !chucknorris

    <Mog> Chuck Norris eats beef jerky and shits gun powder. Then he uses that gun powder to make a bullet, which he uses to kill a cow and make more beef jerky. Some people refer to this as the "Circle of Life". [score=6.086]

    LOL, Chuck Norris jokes...they never seem to get old...at least for me.

    Do you remember why you copied that...with the coding and what not?

  14. Haha yeah there's no doubt in my mind that Rodney Mullen isn't amazing...

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

    I found this video a couple days ago. Hands down the best game of skate I've ever seen. I mean come on, I saw f/s 360's, nollie halfcab front footflips, bigflip reverts, switch varial heelflip reverts, and more. Those are fu**ing tough tricks. Idk, I found it inspirational...

    I would get eaten alive in that competition. They had some pretty kick ass tricks.

    Really when I skate, I just mess around in the town centre with my mates, lol once me and my mate got on my skateboard together, and flew right into an advertisement thing at high speed, fucking hurt. xD My mate nearly broke his arm and cut his elbow open.

    lol, me and my one friend tried that before and couldn't even get on the board together. I ride regular and he rides goofy...so it would be sort of hard to do it that way.

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