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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I think it looks awesome. I enjoy seeing different styles. If it were my sig I would add an outer glow to the text. Just have it stand out a little more. I'm not too sure why you have it the way you do, but I personally always make everything in my signature a certain way based on how I thought of it before I made them.

    As long as you like the way your sig is, don't change it to please other members.

    Boarders...ehh, it all depends on the image and how it looks on the forum. Most of my signatures don't have boarders, but if I'm going for a certain style then I use them.

    Your boarder looks pretty good though. I'd say keep it.

  2. I almost got arrested last night for video recording a wrestling event. :thumbsup:

    Today at college I found out that I had a quiz in math, which I didn't think I was ready for, so I studied my ass off before and in between classes. When I got the quiz there were only 3 questions, which ended up being very easy.

    I've always loved math class, some things seemed harder than they actually were when I was in high school, but now all of it actually seems extremely easy.

    So far college seems easier than high school, but again, this is a community college. State college in 2 years. :clapping:

  3. Sorry for the double post.

    I just got back from wrestling a half an hour ago. It was pretty cool, I got to see ECW and Smackdown. I found out that they hand out random things to the crowd, but not the signs. They were rags to swing around or something....I didn't get one.

    I took a whole bunch of pictures and videos and got caught recording video...we weren't allowed to record stuff :( BUT, I still have some videos of ECW...which are shit. I wish I waited for the good stuff on Smackdown. I was still able to get some pictures from Smackdown...but only about 10.

    I'll upload the pictures and I might upload videos, but I heard that the WWE checks the internet for illegal copies of shows recorded by fans...and I heard that anyone that gets caught will have to do some time and pay a hefty fine. Sooo...we'll see.

    I bought a Hardy Boyz T-shirt, hat and one of the necklaces. All pretty kick ass.

    Well if anyone wants to ask me any questions, just let me know.

    I'll tell you how I got away with keeping my camera if you want.

  4. What your friend has might be ADD or a very bad case of dyslexia. There are forms where you mix up letters, numbers, full words or, from what you're saying, can't read anything.

    yeah, talking to him on msn is horrible, i can hardly read it, its like

    we would say: I dont like him

    he would say: i nodt leik him

    im like 'what?',

    and my big brother was autistic, his thing was numbers, all the time, he'd want calculators, watches, anything with numbers on it

    Maybe your friend just sucks at typing. :mellow:

  5. harwood butcher, huh? ur dyslexic, seriously? i thought dyslexic meant youcouldnt write as i have a dyslexic friend who cant read or write

    and as for unnamed noodle, im the same, except when it comes to meeting new people i act very arrogant so i dont have 2 see them again, i have this 'key worker' person who tries to get me to go and meet new people i refuse, all of the time

    What your friend has might be ADD or a very bad case of dyslexia. There are forms where you mix up letters, numbers, full words or, from what you're saying, can't read anything.

    @Harwood Butcher

    There's absolutly no point of you doing whatever your trying to do you know, as Llama said to you.

    What am I doing?

  6. I think i could train a group of seriously malnourished monkies to perform that better... The guitar, and instrumentals were ok... then when she started 'singing', i just closed the window and faceplanted my keyboard in disgust.

    Edit: She sounds like she's sitting on an old tumble dryer... like, she's being violently shaken.

    lol, yeah, I don't know what happened. She's usually an amazing singer, but she just destroyed that song.

    Check out the acoustic version of "Fully Alive". Her voice is awesome.

  7. Nope, I'd rather not want him to be a protagonist again. But it would be cool if SAS is a prequel where he talks and gives you missions but during one of them, he's shot in the throat and becomes a mute.

    Claude seems like a follower, not a leader. I can't see Rockstar Games making him a go to guy for missions.

    I really can't see Rockstar games going back to the GTAIII era of the series. So I don't think we'll see an SAS. Although, I'm not totally sure.

  8. Wow you look like Cena and Noble combined. lol, i think you should bring a sign that says "HARWOOD BUTCHER!!!" lol. Wait, since your going, can you tell me that its true that WWE makes those signs that people in the stadium hold up , and that they just give it to the fans so people watching on TV can see them?

    I'll let you know once I go. I'll have to try and make a sign.

    How the hell do I look like Cena and Noble?...lol

  9. I'm going to Smackdown and ECW Tuesday night, so watch for me this week on those shows. I should be some where by the ramp, not sure which side though. KEEP YOUR EYES PEALED.



    EDIT: Since they don't show them till Thursday or Friday, I'll record some shit so everyone know's where I am. :thumbsup:

  10. What'd you take 3 month leave for? O.O

    I took a one week and get treated like the underdog now :awesome:

    Well it was my senior year summer, so I wanted to take the summer off to do shit. I just told them I had to do college stuff...which I actually ended up doing.

    I was planning on going to college in a year...I'm going now though. Funny how things work out.

  11. People shopping where I work that get angry when I'm standing around them and they say "Jeez, why do these workers hover over us, they think we're gonna steal something."...AND THEN THEY STEAL SOMETHING!!!

    Hmm what aggrivates me (Vercetti Thug* :P I aggrivates yous.)

    Women during that time of the month


    ugly people.

    People who get pissed off when I joke around with them. People that look too into what I say and turn it into something.

    wannabe thug, tough guy, "look at my 24s", gangsta rappers.

  12. OGTAM secretly smoked marijuana everyday and gave his principals some and passed with a 4.2 gpa :awesome:I hoep u r haz sarkastic detektor =)

    LOL, don't worry, I know how to take a joke...unlike most people here.

    I'm pretty bored right now...and kinda horny. Ehh, I might just go to sleep.

    Lol buddy you couldn't take a joke if it slapped you in the face.

    @UN: What's wrong? :(

    LOL, pal you couldn't take a joke if it was probed in you. :lolbounce:

    Well today I'm going back to work after 3 months of absence...sort of surprised they let me do that. Guess they're just desperate.

  13. OGTAM secretly smoked marijuana everyday and gave his principals some and passed with a 4.2 gpa :awesome:I hoep u r haz sarkastic detektor =)

    LOL, don't worry, I know how to take a joke...unlike most people here.

    I'm pretty bored right now...and kinda horny. Ehh, I might just go to sleep.

  14. Just got back from the hgihschool orientation. Girls were pretty, nice enough school, all my friends.....

    I've got to be honest, I might actually enjoy my highschool years. I could get used to this school....

    High school was amazing! Have as much fun as you can, because it'll go by extremely fast. You've probably heard that before, but it's true. I graduated last June and I already miss it.

    Oh yeah, and pay attention, do your homework and don't do drugs... :hurrhurr:

  15. I read about this in a magazine, REAL hyped up for it. You can do stalls, finger flips, inverts etc and the idea of moving stuff around sounds great. I absolutely loved the first game and I can't wait for this one.

    Bit of a weird story though...

    What did you like about the first one? It got very repetitive.

    How did it get repetitive? There was so much to do, so many lines to try out, filming new sequences etc. I use to play that game all the time just finding new lines or saying "Hey look! I could 360 flip of that ledge land into a manual on the wall then shuv-it out".

    Yeah, I skated pretty much everything in that game and it all got boring. Although, I've been really wanting to play it lately ever since my PS3 messed up. I'm just playing the demo now.

  16. I infact knew that he uses the sig himself, i never ever for a second said, or indicated that he stole it. Neither did i even say someone else was using it, with or without permission to joelzaar (who, by the way i recognize as the creator)

    I knew you were asking Thomas, I'm pretty sure the word 'imply' has only been used once, by him in this topic.

    ...just because you didn't think you implied anything doesn't mean someone else couldn't have thought that you did. That's all I was saying.

    I've been given warnings on here because people thought I implied something and I didn't.

  17. Chilled with my bestfrann Chester today, that was great. :)

    We chilled at my house basically all day, playing with whipped cream..... does that sound gay.... ? Hmm anyway yeah, we were pretty bored but a good bored. We gave such big amounts of peanut butter to my dogs, blasting shweet music. Lmao, when Cortney came over I bought this gay porno offa paperview, and turned it on when she came in. :awesome:

    ... Ended up taking the trucks and shit of my board and chester's and ran over to this rich neighborhood and we all played on this random persons trampoline with the boards, it was uber.

    We ended up having to run as fast we could to get away from the owners, lol. Idk, it was a photo worthy day.....

    ... I need my camera.

    Hmmm, playing with whipped cream with a guy named Chester and watching gay porno...nah that isn't gay. :hurrhurr:

    I've actually tried to take the trucks off of my one skateboard and had no luck. The screws are all rusted.

    All I did today was go to college...eat, watch some TV, practiced skateboarding tricks in my basement/room...and attempted my math homework. TI84+ calculators are GAY!

  18. Naturally, quite a few skate shoes soles are somewhat more stiff than other types of shoes. I like mine a bit hard anyway, means nice durability which a skate shoe needs, along with grip.

    With the whole ankle breaking stuff, that's up to you to break it or not...

    Yeah, but if the sole of your shoe is "super stiff" then it is more likely that you'll break your ankle trying to do moves like the heelside railstand.

    But you're right, it does depend on the skater. I was just trying to explain that a "super stiff" sole doesn't always make the best skate shoe.


    I'm not sure if anyone here is any good with caspers, but I've been having trouble balancing. Does anyone have any good tips on foot placement?

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