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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. @Butcher-

    When do you think you'll be able to put that video on here?

    Well I made the video the other day, I just need to get it onto my computer, edit it a little, then I'll put it on one of my many Youtube channels.

    After I made it, I searched Youtube for some "How to caveman" videos and found a couple and each of them teach different ways of doing them. My way of doing it is a little different...

    I'll post the video in the skateboarding topic.

  2. It's funny that you mentioned Rodney Mullen's skateboard, because he's my favorite skateboarder. His tricks are fuckin' crazy.

    EDIT: I'm watching that video you posted of Corey Duffel and it seems like he skates hard, which I admire but I'm not as impressed with hardcore skateboarding than what Rodney Mullen does. His tricks just amaze me.

  3. Ok lets forget Tommys harwood butchery thing, who else but Tommy can say he took on the Italian Mafia and won?

    Ok, so from the initial question...

    "so what would happen if tommy,claude,niko,and cj got into a bar fight(have a sense of humor people)?"

    We're just gonna scratch out Tommy...

    "so what would happen if tommy,claude,niko,and cj got into a bar fight(have a sense of humor people)? "

    In that case, I'd say Niko would win.

    EDIT: As a reminder, this is a fist fight and everyone in the GTA series that took out the mafia took them out with weapons...which isn't really a background that could prove that one is better in a fist fight than the other.

  4. Jeez, doesn't anyone pay attention to the pros?

    Bold: Not everyone's a pro. :P

    Anyway, I can do it fine now..... I almost did a disaster on my friend Ross's halfpipe which was cool.

    Idk, my board is officially wrecked these days and it's tough to do anything. The griptape is all dirty from the 4th of July when I was drunk and trying to ride the bmx jumps. Also I was checking out my board today and realized that it's warped?! Wth....

    Basically I'm going to get a new board sometime soon.

    lol, I never said that everyone is a pro, I said to pay attention to the pros.

    Anyways, since your bored is trashed, what kind of board are you gonna get next?

    On a side note, out of curiosity, who is your favorite pro skateboarder?

  5. I skate quite a bit, I can do an ollie and the occasional kickflip.

    I tried dropping in the other week, I did it but fell off right on my arse after I got to the bottom. My trucks weren't tight enough. Hurt like fuck.

    Haha, I remember my first time dropping in. It was just 8ft. but when you get on top, it definitely feels higher. Yeah, I just fell forward and now I've got a little scar on my lip. I tried it again though, same day and prevailed. :P

    Jeez, doesn't anyone pay attention to the pros?

    They all pretty much say to start at the bottom of the ramp and pump back and forth to get use to it before you drop in.

    I was skateboarding earlier and I'm getting a lot closer to landing the kickflip. I just need to kick a little harder and jump a little higher.

  6. To be honest, If I couldn't sell GTA merchandise on a GTA site, then I don't think you'll be able to sell a guitar here, but good luck.

    Thanks,............. I guess.

    Ok, well I've made the decision to drop on the price, I'll take $500.

    I'm not sure if this is the case or not, but if you're worried about ending up selling it for like $3 then you could always give the guitar a set price on eBay for what ever amount you want. That way you won't get any less than what your set price is.

    Cause...seriously, you're not gonna be able to sell it here. There is no point in trying.

  7. I have never bashed VC or Tommy for fuck's sake. They are noobs because they wanted to kill Tommy, happy now?

    Wait, did you not hear anything about him killing the 11 guys or didn't you hear anything about him doing it with his bare hands?

    I had never heard anything about him killing the guys but when I played VC the sound card in my comp was fucked something nasty ad so were the speakers and I'm not one for subtitles (I hate all the chinese movies that aren't dubbed ;)).

    Well I wasn't really asking you, but thanks for the input.

  8. This is a random topic I thought of just now. Just right click and paste whatever you last copied. If you don't leave your computer on constantly then you might not have anything, but hey, give it a try.

    The thing you copied might have been text or even a picture, so if text doesn't work, try pasting in a folder to see if it's a picture or maybe you used the Print Screen button, so try pasting something in MS Paint.


    I just went to copy something I had in a google search and I ended up hitting the paste option instead, I mean who hasn't done that before. Anyways, this is the last thing I copied.

    "Status: Waiting for Supplier "

  9. Hmmmm had an intense 'band' session on Rock Band today, finally FD'ed "Queen of the Stone Age - Go With the Flow" on EXPERT. My arm wants to fall of sortah now though..

    I choked today on a peice of chicken, that f***ing sucked. >.<

    LOL, so random. :lolbounce:

    I didn't really do anything today. I made that "How to cavemen" video and then went to the mall...came back home and fell to sleep and just woke up 10-15 minutes ago.

  10. *applauds for great topic* *wonders if he spelt applaud right*

    Hmmmm, I found my camera today so I'm going to be able to put up some skate pics in the near future hopefully...

    So you think you'll be able to make that video tomorrow HB?

    Yeah, probably. I don't have shit to do.

  11. This topic is all about skateboarding. If you skateboard and have videos, post them here. If you need help with a trick, ask here. If you're just a fan of skateboarding and want to talk about recent events in skateboarding such as the X Games, talk about it here. Have fun!


    Tricks accomplished:


    -Ollie (mastered)

    -Caveman(+variations) (mastered)

    Finger tricks:


    Flip tricks:


    -Varial Kickflip

    -Pop shuv-it/shuv-it

    -360 shuv-it

    Still tricks:

    -Toeside railstand

    -Heelside railstand



    -Flip kick

    Tricks in the work:


    -360 shuv-it 180

  12. I've pretty much mastered the ollie, but I wasn't too sure on the foot placement for the kickflip. I heard a lot of different things, but I don't think I heard about having the back foot hang off a little. My back foot might be getting in the way when it's all the way on.

    Do you get the flip because you're flipping it with your front foot or is it because you're some what leaning off of the board in the direction of the flip?

  13. Yeah, a video or something would be cool actually. Be cool just to watch a video of a TGTAP member. :P

    For some reason I always mess up with the landing. My footing usually gets fucked up and then I just don't land it. I swear it's the weirdest thing ever, and I just feel completely dumb lol.

    And yeah dude, I could definitley try and help you out or something with some tricks if you need help with certain ones. I don't know every trick in the book but I should be able to help.

    Ok, I'll make a video tomorrow...it's a little late right now.

    I've been trying to do kickflips and I either get high enough above the board, but then it doesn't flip all the way. When I get it to flip all the way, I don't get high enough from the board.

    Do you have any tips on that?

  14. Well, I searched fireplace in Google Images because I <3 Fireplaces, its like a weird hobby I have using fireplaces :P. It's not a pyro thing, I just love them :D. What about your backgrounds?

    You're probably a pyro and light little kitties on fire. :clapping:

    This is the background I used. I'm just really into things that we as a species haven't totally explored yet and we've pretty much explored the entire Earth already. So I'm looking beyond the Earth into outer space. I actually want to minor in astronomy one day. This background basically shows what I desire.


  15. amidoinitrite?

    NO, YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG...jk, it looks just fine.

    So what does the fire in the background represent?

    Lol sorry was just pointing it out :P

    But I was saying this is a far better topic. And slightly off topic now but could also be your graphics card...

    Very possible...I mean, my computer is four years old.

    Maybe I'll check that first before buying a whole new set up.

  16. Haha, after I figured out how to ollie, things came pretty quick. But yeah, it's a caveman. Idk, I just can't do it. I don't even try them anymore but being able to do them would be nice. I could make some creative lines with them...

    I could always make a video and show you exactly what I do to land it.

    Explaining how to do it on here might be a little difficult, but I could try.


    If you ride regular drop it behind you with your left hand, if you ride goofy drop it behind you with your right hand.

    before you drop it, jump up and bend your knees and pretty much place the board directly under your feet as close to your feet as possible.

    Once you see that the board is under your feet, extend your legs to catch it and land.

    -Hopefully that helps.

    I'll post some pictures or something if you want.

    Maybe you could help me out with some of the tricks you could do.

  17. Wow, you seem to be a lot better than me.

    Caveman should be easy for you.

    Let's make sure we're talking about the same thing

    You hold the board in one hand, jump up in the air and place it under your feet or on the ground before you land on it without touching the ground with your feet.

  18. wasnt their an old topic like this

    Yeah he made this last year but put stupid rules including incredibly low res 800x700 (not even a proper res) things so users complained etc. I haven't looked through but I'm guessing some people's collages will be broken links now.

    This new topic is better and has decent guidelines.

    One question though - do people still use low resolutions such as 1024x768? I can understand if you are on an old PC/monitor but come on most of us are gamers are we not? I just think it's an unrealistic size these days that's all - Not complaining though since you only said it as an example in the guidelines, not a strict rule.

    I think I might create one this time, might post it tonight or tomorrow. :)

    Well thank you for bringing that back up.

    I actually use that resolution for my computer. If I use a higher one everything actually looks crappier for some reason...which gets me thinking that I need a new monitor and or computer.

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