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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. i think i'm autistic.

    although i'm not sure about this, but i do have some social problems, like i can't make many friends... i'm very quiet when i'm in public and with the absence of my buddies.

    If you have problem making friends because you're shy without your buddies...then how did you become friends with your buddies?

  2. I read about this in a magazine, REAL hyped up for it. You can do stalls, finger flips, inverts etc and the idea of moving stuff around sounds great. I absolutely loved the first game and I can't wait for this one.

    Bit of a weird story though...

    What did you like about the first one? It got very repetitive.

  3. Like what? Are you saying you should do tricks with running shoes? Skate shoes are preferably stiff-soled.

    Usually skateboarding shoes have flat soles, not stiff ones.

    One trick that I could think of is a heelside railstand. If your shoe's sole is "super stiff" as you said, there is a high chance of breaking your ankle trying to do the heelside railstand...unless the bottom of your shoes are sticky.

  4. P.S: Adio shoes suck.

    PS: I've worn the same Adio shoes for about a year now and they're still working fine for skating. Super stiff sole, form fitting, have you ever worn Adios?

    Wierdest trick I can do: bigflipcab

    There's a hand full of moves you can't do to well with stiff soles...

  5. Can't remember being any different, then when I was 7 I got diagnosed with ADHD, then like a few years ago, everyone was getting really tired of me apprently getting into trouble at school, and there must of been a reason for it, some doctors thought if I had that, then I would probably have ASD, so they did a test on me, and said I had it, so then I left that school and went to another one where they accept people like me. I probably don't seem as bad as I am on here, but I don't have to be face to face with anybody here.

    That isn't really what I have to deal with, it's not the kind of confusion you'd be thinking of.

    This doesn't mean I'm a 'vegetable' either.

    So what kind of confusion?

  6. I sort of know what you have to deal with. The beginning of my senior year I got this weird rash all over my stomach, chest, neck, butt cheeks, you name it. Then for some reason, at the same time I got this rash, I wasn't able to think straight and easily got confused with random things.

    The one time I went to go get my folder for my one class and couldn't find it in the bin. Then I went to look in my book bag and I couldn't find it there either. I sat there and thought about where it could have gone for 10 minutes and remembered that I took it home and assumed I left it there, but then I went to check the bin again and it was sitting right on top...confused the hell outta me.

    That whole thing lasted for a week or two and then things returned back to normal and I was able to think clearly.

    So I sort of know what you have to deal with, but not to the extent of it being an every day thing.


    Have you had this all your life or did you get it later on? If so, when?

  7. He obviously does, he used it in a perfectly acceptable and grammatically correct way.

    Do you know who I was asking? Besides, I've used plenty of words in sentences correctly and have had no idea what they meant.

    Imply: To indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated.

    "And it's a sig that i happen to know is already in use by someone somewhere else."

    That sentence there did not say that he stole it, but by saying that you found it being used by someone else, anyone could have thought you meant he took it from that person, which was what I thought you meant at first.

    Just wanted to point that out.

  8. You guys seem a bit confused so I thought I'd give my 2 cents.

    If your sponsored by a company, trucks wheels, shoes, boards anything really, your part of their skate team. You usually don't see companies like Spitfire or Royal releasing skate vids I know but you might get the occasional one free in a magazine or something. Shoes and Boards make vids with their team (obviously).

    Oh and you can be sponsored by more than one company as long as your not sponsored by two board companies. Only works with Boards, Shoes, Trucks, Wheels Clothing etc. Only allowed one of each though. But if your sponsor finds out your riding a board other than theirs they ain't going to be happy...

    P.S: Adio shoes suck.

    Ok, so you could be on more than one skateboarding team...I did not know that. Thanks for clearing everything up.

    P.S: Van shoes ROCK! :clapping:

  9. I would imagine they're showing off the team while still their products. The team uses their products in the vid, but it's about them skating, not the shoes they're wearing.

    Yeah, that could be, but then I'm very confused on how they work out everything.

    I've seen people on an official skate team while advertising these types of sponsors such as Adio and DC on their helmets, because they're sponsored by them as well. So are they part of Adio, DC or the official skate team?

    I think there are a lot of skaters sponsored by multiple companies, but they're not part of all of those companies as part of the skateboarding team...which confuses me.

  10. Shit, I forgot that you can only be sponsored by one BOARD company, so I think you're right. Ya' know how you only see Element videos, Flip videos, Plan B videos, ect.

    All those brands make boards. So I figure the people in the skate videos are part of a team. Still, there's a DC video and they don't make boards so I'm not sure.

    Are the DC videos advertising the team or their products?

  11. No it's not.

    It's a hoax, a load of shit just like it always has been.

    What, you're going to say next that you believe in the Yeti?



    Wow, you're as skeptic towards this as Bill Nye is to extra terrestrials.

    Please, PLEASE, show me where I said that I believe in Bigfoot. I never believed in Bigfoot and I don't now.

    Anyways, yetis, pish posh. Now the yeticorn, that's something to think about. :lolbounce:

  12. So far its a Hoax. Since the guys lacked evidence on Friday.

    There is a lack of evidence, but since their is an "investigation" we can't really call it a hoax until the investigation proves so.

    It's at a "maybe" right now.

  13. According to that article, that picture that has been getting shown off everywhere isn't even the picture of this particular "bigfoot".

    It would take a lot more than I'm doing," he said, noting that people will want to see an actual body rather than just tissue samples. "If the guy claims to have a body, he really should produce one," Nelson said.

    Just by that statement there, I'm assuming that the one picture isn't of the bigfoot this guy may have found.

    So this sort of scrambles everyone's thoughts on this and leaves everyone to either stay a skeptic or as a believer.

    I'm not too sure what to believe, I've never really been interested in these creature stories.

  14. skate 2 is heading to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 some time in March of 2009. The first skate game released for the next gen consoles, in my opinion, was a good attempt but lacked a lot. Although, this time the creators added more features that will allow players to do a number of different things that players couldn't do in the previous game. These features include being able to get off their skateboard, move a number of objects around the map to create new lines and they have also improved the tricks that players could do.

    Here is one of the skate 2 trailers.

  15. Quit arguing.

    I think it's been confirmed a hoax now? If not i read an article about another bigfoot, but yeah.

    I was never arguing. "guilty.by.association" just randomly called me an idiot for no reason.

    If you think that this is "confirmed as a hoax" then just close the topic.

  16. ...You said GTAGaming.com...not GTAGaming.com/forum or anything. You could have been a little more descriptive...idiot.

    I didn't know there was a follow up article...idiot.

    Why don't you post a link...idiot.


  17. McCain is an old man. Obama is a guy with a funny name, but hey, I like him better. McCain is a Bush clone. No one wants that.

    Yeah, as you can see, I hate politics. That's all what my mother watches these days and I'm sick of it.

    Edit: BBQ, you left out Ralph Nader but I can see why.

    No one wants a Bush clone...Why not?

  18. I don't believe so, but hey DC doesn't have boards either. :P

    I didn't think DC did.

    I personally don't consider the team a skateboarding team unless they have their own line of boards, but that's just me.

    There are even some sponsors that just make the wheels or trucks for the skateboards and don't make complete boards and I don't consider them skateboarding teams.

    There are so many pro skaters sponsored by various companies that supply their board, wheels, trucks and clothing, all being different and they can't be considered part of all of those "teams".

    So I don't think that just because you're sponsored by someone means you're part of a skateboarding team.

    I honestly don't know how all that shit works out, but that's how I always looked at it.

  19. Oh, I thought we were talking about skateboarding.

    Figure this would be the team...

    To me that seems like the team of people that get sponsored by Adio. As in the people who get paid to wear their stuff. I didn't know there was an actual team. Where could you buy their skateboards?

    I don't get it, why wouldn't the people sponsered on the skating company not be on the skating team? It's like saying, "Hey, I'm sponsoring you. But you can't ride for us."

    I'm just way confused now and am questioning both of us lol. :lol:

    lol, well does Adio have it's own line of skateboards?

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