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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. true. everything in the news is fake. they alter things to make it seem more better. but when your a kid everyone tells you that santa claus is real but then you find out it isnt real. same with alot of other things.

    ...Santa...he's not...real? :blink:

  2. I actually think there are cures for every illness.

    Every piece of matter has a corresponding piece of antimatter. I think that's the easiest way to explain it, although not necessarily the correct way. Hopefully you understand what I mean by that.

    I’m not an expert on illnesses, so don’t quote me.

  3. My beliefs lie between Christianity and what Chris82 said, but more leaning towards Christianity, since that's how I was raised.

    Saying God doesn't exist is sort of like someone all of the sudden trying to tell you that 2+2= purple...it's sort of hard to take...although...it's more complicated then that. For me, facts could be more easily changed than beliefs.

    For example, Pluto used to be a planet. Once a fact, now it isn't.

    Honestly, it's hard to believe anything these days.

  4. This is not the official back cover because it says network up to 16 people, but rockstar said the ps3 will only have 2 player split screen, no online play.

    The hell? Stop spreading misinformation please, there are very few differences between the versions. The only MAJOR difference in the core game is the absence of achievements on the PS3 version.

    The achievements are going to be through PlayStation Home.

  5. Lol what do you mean get banned? And this is pretty sweet news I guess I missed it when it was announced. I don't wanna complete the storyline too fast but I have a tendency for doing that with games so I dunno. But I guess I'll see everyone online :P

    I'm pretty sure the Social Club is going to also include a forum...which I'll probably get banned from.

  6. Can PS3 really emulate PS2 games? If it can then is it only the 60GB version ?

    Yes it can. But only the 60 and 80 GB PS3's have backwards compatiblity.

    I'm not too sure on this, but didn't Sony add a faster loading time capability in a recent update?

    Manhunt seems to be loading a lot faster than it usually did.

  7. It depends on what your beliefs are. If you're an Atheist then no there is no such god in your world.

    I think he wanted each individual to answer for themselves...not to explain who believes in god.

  8. OH MY GOD, the picture with the saxaphone! i wonder if you can listen to them, also looking behind the guy theres a park keeper emptying a bucket!. and the people doing the konfu thing .. i'm totally going to central park!! i cant wait for this game

    ...I wonder if you could steal the saxaphone...!!!

    "Grand Theft Saxaphone"

  9. Apparently a day in GTAIV will take 48 minutes, unlike previous games, which only took 24 minutes.

    I personally find this odd...from my understanding we're able to still see what time it is in game...So if GTAIV will show the clock like previous games have, then noon will be 24:00.

    I'm assuming that they'll only have actual clocks in game that you could look at such as your phone. That being said they'll probably have the clocks run slower than they usually do in game.

    Your thoughts?



    If R* do make another Vice City or San Andreas it will just show a lack of ideas, they said before that GTAIII and LCS were more based on the west coast and philadelphia and they hadn't really done New York properly.

    If they do have another Vice City then it will be called something like -


    GTA V


    GTA City of Sun

    For San Andreas it would be something like -


    GTA VI

    Thats all I can think of right now.

    Uhhh...New York is on the East Coast and Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas are on the West.


    V and VI.

    So you think IV will only consist of one game...assuming that VC and SA will return?

    I honestly don't think it'll be that bad if they re-create Vice City and San Andrease like they did with Liberty.

    Imagine if they make San Andreas larger... :wtf:


    Suppose there are some suggestions for a new VC... I'd be disappointed, but i'm sure it wouldn't be all bad.

    I just really want to see something different for once.

    Are you disappointed about GTAIV being in Liberty City?...Why/why not?


    They won't go back to VC or SA... Yes a new a fresh new VC would be great 'n all, but i think we would all like something new for a change.

    Going back to LC was probably just to show off what they could do with the next gen systems... Keeping the same original formula would be a mistake imo.

    If they did though... Maybe they could call it GTA V, or Vice City 2?

    I'm not saying that there won't be a new city, but everyone said that they wouldn't return to Vice City in the second PSP title or that they would return to Liberty City in GTAIV, but they did. I'm not guessing on anything right now, but so far there are some things pointing to Vice City.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


    I was curious what everyone thinks Rockstar will call the next Grand Theft Auto games if Vice City and San Andreas make a return in the IV set of the series.

    They obviously can't call them "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" or "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"...or can they???...probably not.

    Maybe they could call it "Grand Theft Auto: City of Vice"...or something simple like that.

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