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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. LOL, they totally deleted everything regarding "EA Watch". I guess my comment in the one topic drove them to get rid of everything. *pats self on the back* :lolbounce:

    We didn't delete anything. We moved the the topic from the announcement area as the topic isn't needed anymore.


    Yeah...because you guys realized how retarded the joke actually was.

    Because GTAForums' version of it was so freakin' funny, right? If your going to call something retarded, back it up with why you think it is. Then maybe something constructive can come out of it. I really don't see why a simple little April fools joke is getting so much attention from you. Is it really that big of a deal?

    Well I found it really annoying so I told you what I thought of it. Why would I have to back up my opinion???

  2. GTASA. The daddy of all GTA games. No one beats this. Has all features no Gta game's got.

    Vice City beats the shit out of San Andreas.

    Vice City had a better main character

    Vice City had a better storyline

    Vice City had a better soundtrack

    and most of all


    It's my opinion against yours, it's just that my opinion matters. (jokes)

  3. If EA actually took over Rockstar Watch then it wouldn't say "EA Watch". It would probably say "Rockstar Watch, hosted by EA" or something like that.

    "EA Watch" makes it seem like the site is covering EA games...not Rockstar Games.

    That's just a stupid joke that isn't funny at all. It's actually sort of childish since GTA Forums did the same joke.

  4. Sorry for the double post and huge bump, but today I printed out the four official WANTED posters for my trip to Washington D.C.

    I'll try to find the perfect places to place them and take pictures of each location to post on here.

    I'm leaving tomorrow and I'll be back next Sunday or Monday to post the pictures.

    If any of you from D.C. find these, you'll see "Posted by Original GTA Master" on the back of them. :thumbsup:


  5. I think i may give this a go. You have done a real good job there but now you got me itching to give it a go. Will love to see the finished product mate, if i get round to making one i will post mine on this topic also. Later... :thumbsup:

    Ok, cool, just don't copy mine. :P

  6. I would be seriously disspaointed if they re-visited Vice City, I want something new, maybe a Tokyo/London area would be better, Rome maybe?

    Rome would be very interesting. What about Egypt...that would be really weird and crazy.

    But I'm some what expecting Vice City to make a return, but I'm not really sure, just taking a stab in the dark.

    But yeah...2009...too early.

  7. I've thought up this April Fools joke that I'm going to play on some of my friends, but it might be going a bit too far.

    Tomorrow and Tuesday(03/31/08, 04/01/08) I'll talk to my friends about being depressed and on Tuesday(April 1st) I'll seem extremely depressed and tell them that I'm getting so depressed that it might get to a life or death situation. Then on Wednesday I won't be in school because I'm going to Washington D.C. until the following Sunday. On Thursday I'm having another one of my friends spread a rumor that I died, but he won't go into specifics and say he just heard some random person talk about it. Then I won't be in school on Friday either and hopefully my friends assume that I'm dead...LOL...I sort of have a sick sense of humor. Anyways, if all goes well I'll come back to see my friends in shock and hopefully find that it didn't get out of hand where the entire school thinks I'm dead and in conjunction with that my records get deleted.

    What do you guys think of my idea?

  8. I do have it, but the icon on it looks different than the other mss files, and the only successful mod so far that ive been able to do was Vice City skins, so I dont think I messed it around too much

    Skins don't require as much as multiplayer mods do. Skins are just textures and a multiplayer game is a huge modification in comparison.

  9. Ok now theres a new error message, but I found out how to get the exectuable command (put in installation disk), but now that I done that, it said

    gta-vc.exe - Unable To Locate Component

    This application has failed to start because mss32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

    Search that file in your Vice City folder. If you don't have it then get it from someone. If you do have it then it's probably something else wrong with it.

    Did you ever have to browse for the folder your Vice City files are in?

  10. You CAN recieve messages from people even if there not your friend OGTAM. It could be a scam, but if it is real then you are one lucky fuck! Oh and it's not a friend request.

    Btw GTA Don how come your never online on PSN?

    I've tried sending messages to people that weren't on my friends list and it told me to add them first.

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