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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. One thing about hottest member, I find it unfair that just because two of us girls entered, we can't participate. I think hottest member shouldn't be divided into hottest girl and hottest guy but instead just choose the two hottest members in general. Doesn't have to go based on gender.

    Meh, that's what I think, anyways. I think it's more fair than disqualifying us just because no other girls joined in.

    Well most of the guys on here don't really want to look "gay" by voting for a male over female. Or maybe just because most guys find females more attracting than males.

    I say we should make three seperate polls; one with just males, one with just females and one with everyone included. Then we'll see what the out come will be from each.

  2. Hm, my Xbox 360 was manufactured in March of 2005 and I've never ever had a problem with it, overheating or otherwise, and at one point I gave it to my Dad who had it on carpet, constantly on for over a week.

    Isn't that around when it was released? I heard that there were barely any messed up ones with the first few batches released, but others got messed up.

    The few people that I know that got them when they first came out have had no problems with there’s, where as friends of mine that have gotten them a year or so ago have had problems such as the ring of death.

    So from my understanding, you got a good one...so you shouldn't worry about it breaking...and if it does...wow...

  3. My older brother (currently 29 years old) just got a CD for Christmas by the group "Flyleaf", which he seems to really like. He's mostly into heavy metal music, also some rap for some reason, but I wouldn't expect him to really like this kind of music. At first I didn't think they were all that great, but now all of the sudden I'm starting to like some of their songs. Here's one both me and my brother like.

    Let me know if any of you like this group and what you think of this video.

  4. I just got the PlayStation Eye for Christmas and I must say...it's amazing!!!

    I found out that you could use the PlayStation Eye with remote play on your PSP. So you could basically use your PSP as a security device for your house. There are basically endless possibilities for this thing. If you want to keep an eye on your kids (if you have any) this would make that task a piece of cake.

  5. I'm thinking about 450x170 but like I said earlier only animated part is the shotgun blast at the end and all the other details I mentioned earlier.
    Sorry to be fussy, but is it possible if you could make the Fallen Clyro text smaller and give the text a black border line? I'd also like a small black border round the whole sig too, about the same thickness as Bossman's. And when the scene fades to black, could you make it so my username fades to black with it and then it fades to the GTAIV logo? The GTAIV logo just quickly appears straight away and I'd prefer it if it faded to the logo and then back to the scene. Hope thats not too much to ask for.
    Please could you make me an animated signature fading in to where Nicko is riding his bike in the third trailer?

    Just like, make it slower and have "-Acid-" in the bottom left corner, then let it fade in to the IV logo (Easing in slightly)

    I know it's very specific so just do what you can. :)

    EDIT: For size, do about... 430 x 230, thankyou.

    I don't mind as long as it gets done. ;)

    I've been sort of busy lately, but I'll try to get everyone's signatures done ASAP...after Christmas...Sorry for the long wait.

  6. I found something on the 4th pic, and I thought it'd be good to let you guys see it:


    It looks as if the tire is going through the solid floor. I'm not entirely sure, but something could be in the way.

    To me that actually looks like the tire got shredded down to the rim.

  7. "It is similar in size to the Tunguska object that hit remote central Siberia in 1908, unleashing energy equivalent to a 15-megaton nuclear bomb that wiped out 60 million trees. "

    That was suprising, supposedly, a small black hole that collided with the earth, not an asteroid. So I don't see why they're using that as an example.

    Notice how they used the word "object" instead of asteroid.

  8. A quick look through each respective forum and see who helps the most out. I know the older ones are kind of inactive but there's still recent topics around.

    Last year you did a "Most helpful with GTA" or something like that...since when did "Most Knowledgeable" get changed to that and split up into all of the games seperate?

  9. Well I'm back. I just got the new router today.

    Shit. I almost had a heart attack. I saw the title and expected this to be about the entire Internet going down, like someone had broken it. Imagine that, no Internet!!

    Is that even possible?

    Why don't you just screw the router for now and connect it directly to the internet. Get an ethernet cable, stick one end in your computer, one end in the internet connection. :)

    That's what my mom did for the computer downstairs, but I use my own computer upstairs.

  10. My internet is currently down at my house (I'm at school right now) and I don't know when It'll be back up because my router is broken or something and I might not get another one until after the holidays. So if you don't see me post for a while...that's why.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section...I figured since it deals with my computer, that it should go here.

  11. Ok updated list. Chris82 and OGTAM, wondering about a couple you two suggested. I put a comment next to the ones I'm on about.

    Most Knowledgeable (GTA3):

    Most Knowledgeable (GTAVC):

    Most Knowledgeable (GTASA):

    Most Knowledgeable (GTALCS):

    Most Knowledgeable (GTAVCS):

    Best Stunter (San Andreas):

    Best Stunter (Vice City):

    Sexiest Member:

    Most Respected Member:

    Most Helpful Member:

    Most Improved Member:

    Best New Member:

    Most Intelligent Member:

    Funniest Member:

    Most Original Username:

    Biggest geek ]]]]]] - uhh, chris, fuck's the difference between these two?

    Most technical ]]]]]

    Most Random Member

    Most unique member

    Best Avatar:

    Best Signature:

    Best Graphics maker:

    Best Writing:

    Best Machinima ]]]]]]] - so do we have enough?

    Best Topic Starter

    Medal of Honor

    Biggest Userbar Whore:

    Weirdest Looks:

    I removed ones I felt we don't really need to be awarding for, and ones which had similarities with others. It's under 30 I now, soon as OGTAM and chris82 clarify aforementioned notes I'll start a noms topic.

    We won't really find out until people start submitting videos or nominating others for their work. It's basically like every other award, you just might need to allow members to submit their work.

  12. Uhhh different division of Rockstar?

    Rockstar North works on both console and handheld. Although, Rockstar Leeds also takes part in making the handheld games. But since Rockstar North is busy with GTAIV, then I doubt Rockstar Leeds would be making a game as big as an San Andreas Stories by themselves.

    Or are you suggesting there are two different divisions of Rockstar North???

  13. The dorkiest member, perhaps? :lol:

    Or weirdest interest, *cough* Strawberry Shortcake *cough* :P

    Yeah, you're right about that... At least I have an award, right??? :lol:

    True... -_-

    I'd say some time between tomorrow(Friday) and Sunday would be a good time to start the nomination topics.

  14. Rockstar Games has a special treat for fans who preorder Grand Theft Auto IV this Christmas. If you're lucky enough to live in Belgium, Luxembourg or the Netherlands and preorder the game soon, you'll get a special package with some nice treats inside.

    The "IV Christmas Pre Order Pack" includes a DVD with all three currently released game trailers, a GTA IV branded gift card and a set of postcards which presumably include game artwork.

    Source: InsideGamer: Special GTA IV pre-order pack for Benelux

    Source: GTAGaming

    I don't see why no one else that pre-orderd it could get this bonus. What's so special about Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands??? :'(

    Not too sure if this was posted here anywhere, but if so...just delete this topic.

  15. Well you can just pretend it's not Fake. That's what I do.

    A bit of news.

    While in Iraq for the Tribute to the Troops taping, several WWE superstars found themselves in grave danger. A helicopter carrying Dean Malenko, Mickie James, Carlito, Chris Jericho, JBL, and Ron Simmons was damaged while landing, stranding the superstars for five hours in a war zone in Tarmiyah, Iraq. They were in the middle of fires, smoke bombs, dead animals, and razor wire everywhere while hanging out with soldiers in an insecure location.

    Just news

    No source...?

  16. Yeah Triple tags is good but we were using those until they broke. They've changed their name so many times, from 'PS3 Tag' to 'PS3 Tags' and now 'Triple Tags', gosh, and I thought I was bad :P

    Thanks for changing my name :) Btw... I couldn't access the COD4 invite you sent me, weird.

    Yeah, I couldn't accept yours either. I don't know why.

    I didn't realise that Triple Tags was that older one. Thanks for the heads up. :D

  17. This list blows, where is DOOM?

    Agreed, I can think of a few good ones left off that list.

    DOOM -

    This was the beginning of real 3D games, along w/ Castle Wolfenstien. I thought DOOM was slightly better. Anyone remember "Barney DOOM"? I think modding caught on here.

    Star Wars: Dark Forces -

    Playing as the guy who originally steals the plans to the Death Star (first mission), this game improved on what

    DOOM/Wolfenstien started in 3D games & added jumping to the players' abilities. Never more to be stopped by low


    GTA3 -

    The open world is here, do what you want when you want. Un-restrained by mission driven linear gameplay, you are free

    to explore & do side jobs as you wish. Vice City improved on this slightly by adding the ability to operate bike, boats &

    aircraft as well as cars. It also gave you a regular income (from owning businesses) to help pay for your adventures.

    Unreal Tournament -

    Still played, came w/ tools to make your own mods & maps. Made up for lack of vehicles w/ intense gameplay &

    multi player support. Biggest competitor to HALO, fair fight between them.

    GTA San Andres -

    So far, the pinnacle of open world games. Customize CJ w/ a wide variety of clothing, haircuts & tattoos. Same for cars.

    Huge map & more to do. Modding options are only limited by imagination. Many have tried to copy GTA, few have come

    close. R* gave themselves a HUGE challenge trying to top SA.

    What about Vice City???...the best GTA game.

    I can't argue with them about Super Mario Bros. being #1, but I think at least 1 GTA game should make it up there. I guess Halo, even though I'm not a fan of it, it's pretty popular.

  18. Eh, both sides piss me off to no end. I personally think politics is mostly a waste of time, even though without it, the whole world would be screwed.

    I'm a gamer who likes to curse to lot. I don't think either party would want to be affiliated with me.



    Haven't you ever read Dante's Inferno? Independents go to hell... :P ...jk...you probably won't go to hell.

    I think I'll end up being a Democrate since I'm poor...or make a Grand Theft Auto party.

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