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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Listen, forget it, I'll take the sig you made previously. Abandon the one you're working on, if you're still doing it. I would send you money, but I don't think there's any point any more, seeing as the Store will be removed soon. If you still want it, send me a PM.

    What do you mean the store will be gone? Then what's the point of making GFXs for people...other than getting a "Wow, thanks!"?

    I actually haven't gotten a chance to make any more GFXs because I've been either at school, working, or doing a paper for school. Sorry for the delay. :(

  2. I'll should try to host a Grand Theft Auto fan club type thing on there. :P

    I heard that there are already gangs forming in the closed beta for Home, which might work nicely with the GTA fan club thingy-do.

    Here's what I mentioned on the official forum.

    I think just being able to hang out with friends and meet new people is pretty cool. Now that I have the PlayStation Eye, I won't have to talk using the word pad or what ever...so that's a plus.

    I'm just hoping that people won't get too offensive, because I like to joke around and I'm sarcastic most of the time. I also hope there aren't really annoying people. I just want everyone to get along so we could all enjoy PlayStation Home...but this isn't a perfect world.

    I'm really looking forward to customizing my character/avatar and living space. Most of all, I really want to explore through Home and see what kind of cool things we could do.

    As long as the PlayStation CARDS are out at the time Home is, I'll be fine...because I want to deck out my living space to the max!

    I'm willing to pay thousands of dollars on a virtual house...pfff...not really, but maybe a few bucks every once and a while.

  3. I just finished Ratchet and clank: Future Tools of Destruction, I tell you guys, you should buy this game.

    I was never really in to Ratchet and Clank, but I played a demo before and it seemed pretty good...just not good enough to buy...and I don't rent games.

    Anyways, I stumbled onto a topic on the official PlayStation forums that asked people what they were looking forward to with PlayStation Home.

    So I thought that would be a good idea for this topic.

    What are you guys looking forward to with PlayStation Home?

  4. Buying your own car (and getting insurance) would be a great feature to have, and I think it could be a possibility because stealing a car now will probably get you a higher star rating as before if it when unnoticed nothing happened. I also think if you are going to buy a car you will have to get it insured incase the car blows up or sometrhing like that. Plus they could have a featre each time the car gets damage, the insurance goes up.

    Hmmm...insurance for vehicles...where did you get that idea? :P

  5. How do you know?It is a Bravia one,yeah,KDL 26U3000,it`s a good TV,if I say so.I got it from Sainsburys.

    How big is it, what's the resolution and how much did it cost?

    Do the PS3 graphics look any better? How much better?

    26",1280x768,£300-£350,yes,it`s awesome!

    The graphics are so cool,you should play Uncharted:Drake`s Fortune with a HDTV,the graphics blow you away!

    Everything seems so realistic and lifelike.

    the 1280X768 is throughing me off. Is that 720 or 1080?

  6. Hurry up then. I was going to close the topics last night but couldn't be bothered. I'll most likely do it tonight though, so you have a few hours that is all.

    Could I get 1 or 2 more days? I have to work tonight and might not have enough time to get them up.

    Would you be angry with your "man" if he didn't find you attractive, but was attracted to your personallity and blah blah blah? Just wondering.

    Hell no! I love him no matter what and I am not shallow enough to think that looks are everything. Him thinking I am attractive is a bonus and the fact that I don't have to parade around a GTA forum posting pictures of myself posing as if it's a forum full of adults (because, as you probably know, a lot of posters here are younger guys and it's pretty low to post pictures of yourself posing like a hooker) and I'm the forum attention whore shows that I have self respect, which most of the females here have. I am all about personality and have said it many times so I wouldn't care really why he loved me, as long as he did.

    One day, when some of you get into serious, deep, long lasting relationships, you will realize, if you haven't already, that looks don't always come as high on the list if "musts" as you think. There is more to loving someone than just looks. It's the whole package.

    I don't know why this suddenly turned into a discussion about my relationship but okay...anyways.....good luck everyone! GO BEAR! :)

    Well sorry to bother you about that. I was just curious, that's all.

    I have a strange felling, for some odd reason, that you have some beef with Kokane.

  7. LOL just noticed I typed "hacked" instead of "hacker", which almost made my sentence not make sense but obviously you knew what I meant. :P

    Yeah I was actually quite surprised, I wasn't expecting very much because I thought it would be shit (making it just for the money, capitalising off a very successful trilogy) but it was actually pretty good. And was cool to hear Flyleaf on it, hope they release more stuff. They don't seem to have anything planned.

    Technically he was "the hacked guy" since they were able to rig his computer to blow up. :lol:

    Anyways, I heard a Flyleaf song in the background of an MTV commercial or something. I think it was for the music awards. So maybe they'll be performing there with a new song.

  8. This is pointless because GTAIV isn't out yet. We hardly know any specifics. You all suffer from a massive lack of faith in Rockstar don't you if you want to discuss the next game. Wow...

    Yeah, seems like this topic is sort of jumping the gun. I do like to think of what they could improve with the games, but not until I could actually see for my self what they could improve.

    It's like never playing a game before but suggesting how they could improve the game play. Doesn't make sense to me.

    SUGGESTION: Maybe this topic should be closed and re-opened after GTAIV is released. Then we could get more intelligent ideas instead of filling this topic with random ideas, which stem from older games that may have had features and what not already improved in GTAIV that we don't know of yet.

  9. Making it just a huge joke wouldn't be fair either because then YellowJacket and Kokane wouldn't win due to the "gay" jokes.

    LOL, puns are fun.

    I don't care about winning in a forum (besides, Rainbow Bear is the hottest because of both her looks AND her personality, not to mention that she doesn't have to post slutty pictures to get noticed but instead uses her intelligent posts to get noticed!) I am just entering for fun! First, second, third or even no votes at all, I don't care, it doesn't make me an ugly person to not be voted for in a GTA forum. I have a man and as long as he thinks I am attractive, I don't care about being hot in a forum. :)

    Would you be angry with your "man" if he didn't find you attractive, but was attracted to your personallity and blah blah blah? Just wondering.

    Ah, I'm obviously not going to win, according to MrLlamaLlama and other people, I look like death...>.<

    But I just entered for fun. :P

    ...lol, they said you look like death??? Sounds like a funny comment.

    Anyways, I'll try to get two more pictures in before the polls begin.

  10. Man Utd win the Champions League and the Premier League.

    Major terrorist attack in the UK, like the London bombings in 2005

    Spice Girls break up again

    Global Warming continually be the most feared thing

    Oil starting to run out (beginning of the end)

    Explore more of Mars and the Moon

    New technology to be produced (not sure what like)

    Putin and Armedinjad to have an alliance

    Bush to cause more catastrophy

    Well theres mine

    I sort of laughed at that. I don't even see it as a threat let alone the thing I fear the most, but I'm assuming you don't mean everyone fears it.

    Anyways...I think inventions will get a bit crazy this year. 2007 had a lot of good ones, but also a lot of unfinished ones. I think there will be more progress in the larger inventions than completed ones. In 2007 physicists found out about the DNA of time, "Time Foam", which will eventually lead to the invention of a time machine in the most likely distant future. I could get more into that, but I don't want to go off topic.

    As for president...I have no idea...all I know is Hilary is NOT going to be the president...and that's all I basically care about.

    Hopefully this whole war on terrorism ends this year since the US will have a new president...even though the war on terrorism will always be a constant thing.

  11. speedtestqy3.png

    Ehh...better than nothin'.

    Lol I can't believe no one has noticed how shopped this is, unless all of you were being weirdly sarcastic or something... it's on imageshack and you managed to get a 19ms ping to a server 5 and a half thousand miles away :lol:

    The fact it's somehow stopped at 9999 is a bit lame, you should have gone higher, to like a T1 or something.

    Finally someone noticed. :P

    To me it looked like that thing woudn't be able to go past the 9999 kb/s so I just did that...or else I would have.

    I thought 19 ping sounded reasonable for the distance I used. :lolbounce:

    Anyways...that was fun...

  12. Actually I'm so Sick is better known from Die hard 4, it's what Matt (the hacked guy) is listening to when McLaine comes to get him, but it is also on RE:E.

    Their self-titled album is the only one they've released so far, also a self-titled EP but all the songs on that appeared on the album.

    I own Live Free or Die Hard and I didn't even notice that "I'm So Sick" was playing in the background of that scene.. I guess I just wasn't familiar with that song when I watched it.

    BTW, that movie kicks major ass...which is why I own a copy. :thumbsup:

  13. I seriously don't get why all the guys here are so homophobic, I tell ya, in my old forum everyone would joke around about being gay, and I everyone would know it's just jokes, so IMO, anyone who has a problem with this, should be perma banned 'till they get some therapy and learn that joking around and voting for a guy is OK (and for those of you with no sense of humour, I'm joking...).

    On a side topic, Happy New Year and about-to-be New Year to everyone!

    Making it just a huge joke wouldn't be fair either because then YellowJacket and Kokane wouldn't win due to the "gay" jokes.

    LOL, puns are fun.

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