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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. The topics are fairly similar, yes, but yours quit showing up under NEW POSTS & you realistically can't expect everyone

    to remember EVERY topic they saw once months previously. No one posted in your topic since June & didn't bother digging

    through ALL the previous topics to see if anyone had a Scarface topic, just the first 4-5 pages to see if there's anything


    If it's that big of a deal then go ahead & merge them, it doesn't really matter to me either way.

    I don't have the ability to merge them...

  2. I would've lol'd at the image if it wasn't played way out. Fuck, the jokes aren't even funny anymore... I'm so far beyond tired of hearing about 9/11 and seeing shit about it.... It happened, get over it. Everyone talks about, "We must not let them know we are weakened! We unite! It united us!", yeah, seriously. Where was the patriotism BEFORE the attack? OH RIGHT, there WASN'T any. And besides, by constantly going on about it, we're letting them know they made an impact. Dumbasses.

    Saying that there was no partiotism before 9/11 is sort of an idiotic thing to say. I agree with you about how 9/11 is being brought up too much, but just because we continue to talk about it doesn't tell people we're weak. All that tells them is that it got our attention...which some may see that as a bad thing.

  3. If you thought that was inappropriate, then watch this.

    If anyone understands any Latin languages, in the ending he apologizes to whom he might have offended. Not that that makes it right. But it isn't as offending.

    Let's just say, god forbid, you died and someone made a video of your death using a video game and then at the end, who ever made it, said that they apologized to whom they may have offended. Wouldn't you be as equally offended if they didn't say that? I mean you would be dead, but I think if you saw it you would be pissed.

    Personally I don't find this video that offending because if Hollywood could make movies about 9/11...then why can't anyone else? I'm just pointing out that just because you apologize for your actions, that doesn't make what you did right.

  4. im not sure where else to put this topic, so if its in the wrong spot, please move it. ty.

    i know its been a few years since it happened, but i still think it was a horrible happening, especially with the caption:

    "incoming!!! everybody jump from building!!!!"

    If thats your idea of a joke chatnyurur, i dont find it very funny, posting a pic of a twin towers mod and crashing a plane into it.

    Uhhh...hmmm...what the hell are you talking about?

  5. Technically - R* either didn't have motorcycle handling/physics figured out for GTA3 or just didn't consider them important

    until VC. Once motorcycles were added, they were left in for titles that followed, they were just really popular & added to

    the games overall.

    For sake of story - The ban in effect in GTA3 was temporary & I'd expect references to it in GTA4, like a news story behind

    why it was finally lifted or A.R.S.E. trying to get another ban.

    It wasn't supposed to be temporary though, but obviously if GTAIV is going to continue the whole thing behind the banning then it ended up being temporary, or re-instated.

  6. Scarface was actually a good game as far as I can remember, it's been at least a whole year since I played it, but it will never live up to GTA, it stole a lot of GTA gameplay elements which makes it a GTA clone :pissedred:

    What elements are you referring to?

  7. If there were bikes in LCS, but then some motor company banned the ownership of them in LCS, then how do they return in GTAIV? Or has this already been confirmed >< Please tell me :)

    First off, the (A.R.S.E.) got motorcycles banned from Liberty City, which was the excuse as to why they weren't in GTAIII. Although, there isn't any reason as to why they are back in GTAIV, but it might be explained in the game.

    Since Rockstar remodeled Liberty City and the storyline is supposed to be different from what it was, then the whole banning of motorcycles thing may never have existed in the new storyline GTAIV will have.

    Hopefully that helps.

  8. Do you have any DVD software on your PC?

    You can try powerDVD, not sure about whether it's freeware, shareware or you have to pay, or w/e.

    WMP is the obvious, but it's incredibly shit.

    I'm assuming since I have a slot for DVDs that says DVD Rom that I could play DVDs. If my computer has that and not the software to play the DVDs, then why would my computer come with a CD Rom drive with software to play the CDs?

  9. I presume he just means the clothes haven't been confirmed as those actual names you posted above. Nice work, BTW.

    Yeah,that`s what I meant.

    When the hell did I say those were the confirmed names? If that's what this topic was about it would be called, "Confirmed GTAIV Clothing Names".

  10. What?! Sony have their own dedicated servers unlike people who pay to host their own games (Looks at Xbox 360). Besides, there was no lag for the 40p Resistance, what would make you think that there would be lag for 20 more?

    I've experienced lag with Resistance and COD4. You obviously haven't, but I'm proof that there is.

  11. Well I'm bored right now so I decided to make this topic while I'm sitting here waiting for my teacher to take a look at the project I'm working on for her.

    Anyways, this topic will be for those who are currently in class. This is where you could discuss what you're currently doing and how badly you want to be home right now.

    Here's the project I'm working on.



    NOTE: If you want to reply to someone's post while you're not in school...PM them.

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