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Everything posted by TM™

  1. What? Maybe you should quote one of the posts since i don't get what your talkig about. I have both LCS and VCS, Mostly LCS was quiet cool, with The CheatDevice, And VCS With good Features, They both would be the same, But with VCS cheat Device, It wasn't that good, Since it always use to crash.
  2. No, I don't want to do that, Mostly since like what most of the members say is 'Cheating' i guess it won't work, Besides Why would i want a Reputation as 'Spammer'? My friend got that here, Well PM spamming, But i won't do that, And Never will...
  3. My Brother: HEAD BACK TO SHEFIELD YOU B**CH. My sister: Get a Job Idiot Cartoons: Yeah, Skyline, They piss me off, Always... Anime Nerds: Go F**k yourself you Pixels.
  4. Yeah, I kinda messed the Poll up...
  5. VCS for me, Better Features, New places to see, And alot of stuff to do in there as well.
  6. My sisters getting a IPOD for Christmas, I get nothing, But the matter of fact is, I might get a Wii...
  7. Not spamming, lol, Being Active is more of a better word.
  8. TM™

    LOST video game!

    My Bro likes watching, it, I guess he will be excited.
  9. My Brother Brought GTA, the first game in 2D, then i liked the game and wanted to try London and GTA 2, and 2.1, Then later he brought GTA 3, Which rocked, Then He brough VC for me, So then later I brough SA and was really excited, Then Brought LCS, And finally VCS, But now, I'm waiting for GTAIV.
  10. Were near 99,000 posts, I guess we're nearly there... But then we might not reach to New Years Day.
  11. Well i would only the CheatDevice, But i Upgraded to 2.81, For VCS CheatDevice.
  12. My Holiday Is ruined, I wanted to go to India, Mumbai, and I couldn't Since this Dense Fog is getting in the way and is delaying everyones Trip... Well atleast if i did go, I wouldn't be here much, But Enjoying the Hot Summer Sun of India.
  13. Actually Command And Conquer is the best Strategy game, Since you get Tanks, Helicopters, Planes, Hydra's, Stealth Hydra's, It's even based on World War 2, And in the Future.
  14. Honestly, I'm tired of your posts like this. I mean, every once in a while is fine. But when it becomes a constant thing, it's bullshit. Stop trying to get your post count up like that, please. It doesn't make you less n00b or make your peepee grow. Anyways, I'm playing San Andreas right now. Those burnout games are FUN. I borrowed the 3rd or 4th from my friend awhile back. Crashing just facinates(sp) me. haha. Sorry about it Sky. I'll try making my Sentences more longer. Now i'm playing Tekken 5, Great Fighting Game.
  15. Tekken 5 Tekken 4 Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty City Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of Patriots(Coming Out soon) Tony Hawks American Wasteland Tony Hawks Project 8 Tony Hawks Underground II Hitman Blood And Money Hitman: Contracts RainBow Six: 2 Driver 1 Driver 2 Driver 3 Driver: Parrallel Lines
  16. Mendez Crime Empire Clothes: White Suits, Black T-Shirts Cars: Red Infernus, Senital Weapons: AN-94, M4, AK, SMG and Dessert Eagle Busniess: Protection Racket, Drug Factory, Smuggling. Turf: Vice City.
  17. Montana Crime Family (My Old Gang) Clothes: Tuxedo Vehicle: Black Infernus Weapons: M4, UZI, M60 Business: Protection Racket, Money Factory Turf: Liberty City, Saint Marks.
  18. Yeah I commented on your Chris, I was testing it, And it works... This is so good.
  19. Nice Profile Chirs.

  20. I actually like this feature, Especially the friends, But the rest of the stuff are awesome. Thanks for it chris.
  21. Lol, lucky you, I have now 1 week So i guess my Holidays end quiet soon.
  22. You can do drive-bys in LCS like in any other GTA. I really think LCS is really great and it's really a good game to play. It may not rank up to VCS but it's a great game. Well drive by's without seeing Toni Actually shoot, But after that its ok, But in VCS, when you do the VCS Muiltiplayer, You could do it in there.
  23. Recently looking at the news, And Heathrew airport will be delaying alot of flights, Since it's really foggy.
  24. I would also like some Members in LCS forum, And VCS forum to post topics, Therefore i could help them out on anything like missions etc. I have great Knowledge on LCS.
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