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Everything posted by TM™

  1. Somehow i think most n00bs make shit up, as usual But if you do have proof of it, then we will believe you.
  2. I think since it's out on PS2 and PSP, maybe theres no time for it to come out on PC, since VCS has recently come out.
  3. Yeah, thats the size of my banner i made, It's my first try...
  4. I just got photoShop and I tried to make a Banner for my site, What do you think of it? Here it is: Please leave feedbacks.
  5. Thats a great picture there, although if that could of happend you could of made the graphics better.... I am not sure about that other pic, it looks good, but mostly looks quiet fake, although i don't think it would work well on a crap computer.
  6. He was called Fido, as his Nickname, And Putt, you spelled "Tommi" wrong, It's ''Tommy''.
  7. Been board all day, nothing to do.... I wish i had that Nintendo WII console to play with....
  8. Yeah you tripple posted, but alteast you got your pic, For some reason it's not showing.
  9. I don't know what your taling about Lord Voldermort, I mean why would i do that, i think before hand, My password was found out by a stranger and he must of advertised his site here, I saw it somewhere... But now i changed my password, atleast know no-one will guess my passowrd. Yeah Lord Voldermort, this site is ONLY based on GTA and Gangs like this site, Well i brought this myself.
  10. TM™

    Metal Gear PSP

    Well only some US games can work on the UK version as it would be cracked, although i am not sure you can play Metal Gear Portable in the UK, it must be a US or cracked version. Just don't buy the cracked version as it is illegal, sooner or later the game may be released.
  11. Well, i am not sure you can get a Chat room... Although i know what chris said: Thats why this is here, If we had that, well you are mostly talking to other strangers on the chat room, like Java Chat room.
  12. The splitz.... Is it that Army type vehicle that can go onto the water without you getting killed?
  13. YAY..... 1,700 posts w00tw00t On to 1,800 post and on until 2,000 posts.
  14. Well i can't do that, since i can't advertise my site, since it's against the rules, I will contact Chris so we can become partners, but i need a few members on mine to become partners..
  15. Simpsons 4 life . I also like futurama as well.
  16. Well i can't see what a problem is with that, although lik Sky said, Isn't a forum like a chatroom? well to tell you the truth if that happened, i believe you could go under contact with alot of other Strangers in other chats.
  17. Avi: 9/10 Sigs: 9?10 Person: Great Friend of mine, and a LCF gang Member
  18. Hey JD, can i have a passport like that, it looks really good. Please put the info below on my passport: Name: Tommy Montana Age: 14 DOB: July 8th 1992 Location: TheGtaPlace. Oh and base the passport in UK based. Thanks TM
  19. Welcome everyone to TGTAP. Lol, yeah trey, daredevilX has been here for a while.
  20. My freinds smoked before, later it actually affected them, They skipped school just to smoke, I thought that wasn't a good Idea just to go with them.
  21. I just brought a site, just like this TGAP, Named it TheStreetsOfGta TheStreetsOfGta
  22. The guy has to be warned, to make sure he doesn't get anymore Ideas...
  23. Actually, Whenever a get angry and want to punch my computer, it would usually be because when i am downloading Games or Songs, it usually takes about an hour for just 1 download, i get pissed off and obvisously want to punch it, but i woudln't do that.
  24. Well, if you didn't know, this guy joined a few days ago, and posted almost alot of topics in just 1 day, really thats spamming up GTA4.
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