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Everything posted by TM™

  1. I got FINALLY VCS. Nintendo Wii. I guess thats it.
  2. Maybe next time GTA man, you should just do what TG did, Make a Topic in the Trading Stall forum, and do what TG did with his post.
  3. Your Famous Last Words Will Be: "I can pass this guy." What Will Your Famous Last Words Be? http://www.blogthings.com/whatwillyourfamouslastwordsbequiz/
  4. That happened to mr recently, If I remember it's something like 'IPS ERROR' or something like that, It happened to me i just hit the back broswer and my post was there.
  5. We could reach up to about 1,000 post today, It's possible to, If everyone was active at this time, But we will get enough for new Years.
  6. LOL, for you it was, But i guess it was since you flamed alot.
  7. Hmmm... Is the Game Quake 4? Similiar to it.
  8. Yeah, It's much easier, than just making new topics up. It's best to show that if your going to bump a old topic, It's best to put BUMP in your post, then reply.
  9. Yeah I tried that, Still didn't work.
  10. No, Not stuff like that, Only Like 'No User Exists, Check Spelling?' Something like that. Even when I spelt there name Right
  11. Ok I tried it out, Still not working for some reason... I just brought this for a reason to get some money.
  12. Cool I can Start Getting money. Oh, and i also forgot about the Bank Steals, Do they work?
  13. At school, I'm doing Drawing like these, 'Self Portraits' there called, After Christmas i will be doing this.
  14. Yeah, Now I remember, Don Antonio Mendez, My old Name, Never forget that...
  15. I tried buying something, I don't have the money, But i checked the Bank out and tried collecting Interests, Thats working fine.
  16. Your Lucky it snows where you live, For me, Or for anyone that lives in part of the EastMidlands it never snows, Only Sometimes...
  17. Cold, Dark, And Cloudy, Been like that all day since the morning.
  18. Hey, Dave, Nice pic there :D

  19. TM™

    Must be RLY happy about Lost, But you have to wait, lol

  20. That is his Real name, Just never heard of it before, It's a Irish name.
  21. That never happens to me... Wonder why it only happens in other forums... other than TheGtaPlace.
  22. I actually forgot to... I wonder what it was...
  23. We will reach up to our goal, Don't worry about it, Just post.
  24. What was in there. Again TEC9 you went Off-topic.
  25. Well If that Happened alot, Then maybe just shut down the game annd Load the file again, It might get rid of all the errors, Cheats Like that Money,Health And armour Cheat are fine. They just help you out.
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