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Everything posted by TM™

  1. Well to say, It's the quickest way to type in a Convosation.
  2. Yeah, In GTA3 you had to drive there instead, and in VC you had to run around killinh sonny and his gang.
  3. Well all am doing is getting my PSP cleaned out, delete all my GTA LCS memory for VCS.
  4. Well if Vic Vance was in the Army, we could be able to get threw the base and get all these guns..
  5. Yeah since most stuff thats still we don't know might come in the game when we play it.
  6. Yeah mostly see him in deals, one trailer i saw he was driving and Vic was shooting, so mostly it was a drive by.
  7. They should put good soundtracks on, so there might be the songs you eant.
  8. Well there is no point of killing the internet when its comes useful.
  9. Yeah all places will be closed. and you can die easily.
  10. Ok, same here, you don't rip them, its there in the GTA3 files, Peds
  11. Well lets hope there isn't any crap songs that are just made up.
  12. Kent paul is dumb, just like his friend maccer, but when your doing the story mission there funny, especially when maccer see's a bird with t*ts. LOL
  13. Well it looks good, but not too good.
  14. Here is one: Take this as the first i made.
  15. Well it doesn't really matter to me, but sometimes when they right to much like this: "ey man wt u dn rite now" Then i get confused and sometimes it doesn't make sense.
  16. I use text language in MSN and some other instant messenger chat, but in here i'd rather write like this so people can read my writing.
  17. Well it doesn't really matter what songs they have... as long as there based on 1980's..
  18. I think the packages should contain some money when you find it.
  19. Yeah they suprise people with new features and guns or anything thats changed.
  20. Yeah same here, don't want all these comments on it.
  21. It's kinda boring being a priest. i would like the character to be like that is a total maniac and kills loads of people would be better.
  22. Yeah they will be good. but some may sound crap.
  23. Yeah delete all files for VC, including the game, then reinstall it.
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