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Everything posted by TM™

  1. Well there might be more new guns still to come.
  2. Well as a matter of fact, they will be based on 1986 songs like in VC.
  3. Well i forgot where the guns where.....
  4. I don't know what that other car that is really slow...
  5. TM™


    Well loads of people see it and say it's true, or it just someones imagination.
  6. Well, If you can think about it READ THE RULES.
  7. Well I hope thats true. It would be crap if just the Xbox 360 owners got exclusive content.
  8. Rumpo - Its the slowest car in VC.
  9. Well by the looks of it, they might have the same weapons..
  10. Nothing much, just waiting for the next 2 weeks till it comes...
  11. Well all the guns are onvisously in the other GTA's.
  12. Well if they WOULDN'T show the good stuff, they save it later.
  13. Guess he won't be able to come on the computer...
  14. TM™


    No-one will know..
  15. Yeah mostly cause the city is small there and there are more houses than other buildings.
  16. Betweem myself, Gangsta was good, then i thought that if the game is in london and the theme is 'gangsta' Then there's no point of buying it.
  17. Well he could be at the start of the missions..
  18. Obvisously from a guide or found it himself.
  19. Nope you can't get none of them, all i know is that you can get a M60 somewhere around the airport terminal.
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