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Everything posted by K_P

  1. Wrong topic mate, it should be in >The GTA Place Forums>Grand Theft Auto Gaming>GTA Vice City>Modding. You'd better ask a Mod/Admin to kindly move this topic.
  2. Now thats a frekin' great idea, having the freedom to chose who you work for, and perhaps gain resepct and climb up the ranks in that particular gang.
  3. HiTch only joined yesterday, and he got banned, New GTA Place record!
  4. It says here that the Blu-Ray Disc can hold 54gb of data. So it could happen, but i doubt Rockstar will put space in GTA, it was a silly idea! Source: GameSpot Page Link: http://uk.gamespot.com/features/6125429/in...tml?sid=6125429 Look under 'Media Mogul' 4th Paragraph for Blu Ray Disc Capacity.
  5. The shark idea would be kinda cool, it'll make you think twice before jumping in the water for a swim!
  6. If CJ had full muscle, and a fighting style from the gym, then my money's on him too... But i know alot of hardcore Tommy fans will disagree...
  7. Yeah i agree with OGM its most likely to be set in the present time (2007) when its launched.
  8. I know you're new, but you shoudn't bump topics mate. This topic is months old!
  9. Hahaha, Vic Lance, all the information anyways was already known to us!
  10. Yeah, they're full of graphiti too, maybe we have to use a spraycan (If they have it in VCS) and graphiti on the houses, that would be cool.
  11. The Chunder Wheel is a large ferris wheel, which will be on the beach in Ocean View, we will be able to ride it in a first person perspective, cool eh? Here's a pic link. http://www.thegtaplace.com/image.php?img=g...ans/gpau_08.jpg
  12. Maybe, i thought Brian Forbes dies in a ship? Anyhow there might be another mission where we may have to blow up the Chunder Wheel, as we know its not going to be there 2 years later...
  13. I guess most of this info was pretty obvious though, thanks for the info anyhow.
  14. Yeah, do give it a go! And good luck with it, make us proud!
  15. Welcome Citizen Skweeks and Sanguini enjoy thegtaplace.com forums and be active!
  16. The bikers angel was my fav, but i also like the Cuban Hermes.
  17. Bullet, as ahown above but in blue, Turismo, Comet, are just some of my favs.
  18. Nice vid, i like how you kept jumping on and off your bike, but i wasnt a huge fan of the background song! Keep up the good work O.G.M
  19. Just seen it great ad, like the song too!
  20. Can you please post this at Youtube or somewhere where we can see it without downloading it? It would help alot if you could, but it dosent matter if you cant.
  21. I think he got it from the official strategy guide for Vice City, thats what he said at gtaportable forums, and they were a bit mad at him, and the admin Adriaan banned him for insulting him and a member!
  22. I feel at times he is racist too...
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