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Everything posted by K_P

  1. Have you tried quick edit, or dosent that work too?
  2. I voted 2006, but i want it set 2007 when the game is made (Present time)
  3. Wow, that flip over the water at the end was great!
  4. Welcome guys, enjoy thr froums!
  5. I guess we'll only really know if the vortex is there when we play VCS.
  6. Okay, just got to find it, i think its in the new members thread. *Goes to new member thread to screen cap his first post* Good idea btw... Okay, here it is KP's first post...Tis a ting of beauty...Btw i had no sig and avatar when i posted it.
  7. I just wanna know how big the screen is, measured in inches, not the full spec!
  8. Hmmm, just seen the vid, not bad, but gonna be looking forward to the best of vid, and why was Tommy bloody at the begining, was it a mod?
  9. If I could help you I would, but i know nothing about modding, im sure someone who knows about modding will help you soon mate.
  10. Keep up the good work Quickdeath, i'll expect to see your newest vid soon.
  11. Just out of curioisty, how big is your main (biggest) Television? I have a 32inch widescreen T.V made by Daewoo, yes they also make cars too...
  12. It was good man, thinking of making more?
  13. Why have you got two of these topics? Im just gonna quote what Gerard said in your other topic. (Cos he's clever)
  14. Here's the link to some Vice City mods. http://www.thegtaplace.com/pafiledb.php?ac...tegory&id=2 Enjoy!
  15. Glad to see you uploaded your vid Quickdeath, and what a very good vid it was, definenaly one of the better stunt vids out there, you had some very good original stunts, and the outakes at the end were a laugh!
  16. If its SA Stunting video post it here. http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showforum=70 In the SA Stunting area.
  17. I wouldnt like the next GTA to be in Mexico.
  18. Glad to be of assitance my friend
  19. Oh yeah, ive heard of spiders like google bot (or something like that) thanks for the heads up Chris.
  20. Maybe we will see them just starting our in clubs like Malibu (Or whatever is may be called then, if it was built)
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