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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Oh ok Thanks I did wonder what the difference was. Now I know
  2. I think it would be good. Maybe it could Toreno when he was younger or something as that would be a new theme. Goverment agent
  3. He could say that and then suddenly get shot and die. While Carl watches and then flees to Libertyy City. It would be good to see what this blunder was that got Brian killed.
  4. Oh ok, I get completly confused as user name and display name seemed the same to me and I wasnt sure what the difference was.
  5. My name wasnt meant to be I just shot a bear I got the things wrong I was gonna be BEAM ME UP!!! but Im glad as I like my user name and wouldnt change for the world now.
  6. We dont want any fights here. In cut scenes I see what he means about them ducking differently as its characters refelexs and reactions to situations. In game play of course every charcter will duck the same as its easier for R* to make it that way. Lets face it would be stupid in game play to give them their own crouch.
  7. ^Wrong, Ive got ready for party so that is not an option < Going out soon v going out too
  8. Bear


    I have no idea, it seemed like a great idea last week. God knows why but I was very stupid and thought hey I might post! Woooo! So the answer to that question is Im an idiot.
  9. Bear


    Ive got the halloween part tonight. Ive got my stuff already and the booze . So if I come home and go on the forum expect drunk messgaes so I apologise if I say something, stupid, offensive and/or gibberish
  10. I dont like it but everyone has their own tastes. I like G4 but most people hate them
  11. ^Should go out <Is going out v isnt going out
  12. Theres a house near to where I live who have they decorations up. That annoys me as we havent even got passed halloween and guy fawks night yet.
  13. I like most type of music, I dont really like R&B and hip hop though. It just doesnt appeal to me, my friends love it and they call me their little rock chick. All I say is Im their Indie rock chick haha. R&B drives me crazy though as it sounds the same to me but then again so does reggae but I like UB40 and dont get bored of that.
  14. I could never want money for Christmas. I have to admit Im pain at Christmas as I point blank refuse money, I like to have something to open as opening cards wondering if your gonna get a five pound note or a ten pound note is not really exciting. I would find it dull just having moeny.
  15. Its to keep people guessing so of course the face is going to be blurred. They wouldnt show its sharply as that would ruin the surprise and excitment of tommy in VCS.
  16. Bear


    Ive got a friend is a grunger is dressing up as a wannabe gangsta on halloween to annoy a girl in her form who is a wannabe gangsta. She made cut out SMGs for this
  17. Gangs of gin- Babyshambles Im listening to this song over and over again. How sad is that?
  18. Ermmmmm................ Libertines book "bound together", home improvement dvds, scrubs series 4. Mainly dvds and cds I guess
  19. ^Like most nine year olds. wrong (no offence) < scared that a nine year old drinks more coffee then parents v knows about political theatre and can help me with a presentation
  20. Yeah, why else would I mention it. For kicks
  21. 80,000 posts is pretty impressive, well done everyone Sorry but whats an RP thread?
  22. I would be more shocked if this guy didnt have injuries. Its not meant to happen and shouldnt be done. These people are sick Im sorry but they are. Who would to have an animal f**k them or vice versa.
  23. Build a wall to protect it????? ooooookkkkkkkkk.................then. I just do that cheat where you get into a missin vechile that triggers R3 missions and that takes away the turf war.
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