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Everything posted by QuickDeath

  1. Well if your friend have seen it then he can tell you where it is right? But the sad truth is - he's probably telling you bullshit and you are dumb enough to believe it.
  2. This vid makes me sick. But talking about stupid vids heres few : http://www.metacafe.com/user/3757779/mackenzie1986/ Her stupidity is unbelievable. For those who think that this is off topic - how long can we talk about one sick vid?
  3. Damn right u should buy it! And get PC upgrades too . There will be such great games on x360- halo3 etc.
  4. I respect all opinions that have some grounds or that been proven. I see that this is not the case.
  5. In a Past Life... You Were: An Obese Sailor. Where You Lived: Spain. How You Died: Buried alive. Who Were You In a Past Life? http://www.blogthings.com/pastlifegenerator/ Could be , i like sailing.
  6. i voted no. The customization should be better than in SA but nothing too extreme. If you could be able to make a face lift or something it could be fun.
  7. Is there possibility that GTA4 main character will be for example young Diaz, or Tommy's son?
  8. I dont think that GTA4 will take place in any already used decades, it may be 1960s or 2007. If it will be a completely new series it might as well go BACKWARDS in time. Starting nowadays and ending in for example 1960s.
  9. Do pagans worship earth and stuff? Didnt know it. But earth and spirits could be some sort of god too.
  10. If R* tends to be politically correct (which i doubt), then the GTA4 main character will be either a female or a gay, lets not forget about lesbians too, oh and communists are people too
  11. Well where i live theres hasn't been snow in this winter at all! And that IS a weired thing cause, we always have snow, and green Christmas sucks badly . But its starting to snow a bit right now, lets hope for the best . Bout the storms - we had a little one ,but that was enough , so a ship ran on a sandbank near the shore and cut an international internet cable + theres a possibility that its fuel could leak out. poor sea life gets screwed again. Yeah and global warming has pretty much f ed our world up. lol I think that Scandinavian countrys have internet too(heard of ThePirateBay?) but thats it.
  12. Pagan = atheist, which means that he is a person that doesn't believe in any gods at all and denies their existence.
  13. You Are "Tearful" What Japanese Smiley Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatjapanesesmileyareyouquiz/
  14. My bad, i rounded off his age a bit too much , but anyways 40 or 60 years old - he could make a good employer. But its kinda cool if R* makes entirely new series, i mean - we all have been waiting for something new right?
  15. Well right now the ''evolution theory'' is the main scientific theory , which explains how humans and life itself were created. But when i was in school ,even my biology teacher said to me that more and more proof is occurring that are against it.
  16. Nice and fluffy, the second picture is the cutest.
  17. Tommy could return, but as a mature 40 something year old gang boss.So the main character could do some jobs for him. Im Kinda tired of CJ and that gangsta theme, he could appear but not as the main character.
  18. Your Wrestler Name Is... Prince of Darkness Leatherface What's Your Wrestler Name? http://www.blogthings.com/wrestlernamegenerator/
  19. Yeah , kb and mouse is a big plus for PC version, i might buy x360 cause i dont want to wait an extra year for PC version. I dont know how am i going to get used to the x360 controls.
  20. No way USA is going to let N Korea or Iran ( or any other country) to make the first move.
  21. Here it is ,cleaned it for u
  22. Dude, thats just a midgit. Or is he? Dude, thats just a midgit. Or is he?
  23. I said ''pretty much'' didnt I? Yeah ive read that a lot of Christian rituals and stuff is based on Mithras religion. If someone doesent know what that is, check wiki.
  24. My mother translated a bit - it says that the case got the nr1. prize in some modders contest called ''OC & Moders Gdańsk 2006 ''. If u want to buy it u have to write to that e mail adress or call thet number. And it says its the only GTA case in the world right now.
  25. Damn!!!! I love it! I want it! Im ready to kill for it! If i can, i'll get it, and no shipping problems, i live like few hundred km from Poland. Lucky me.
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