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Posts posted by mvi

  1. 1. Don't write in giant letters, we can all read and large letters make you look like a complete n00b

    2. Do some research yourself, of course it is on pc otherwise we wouldn't have all these sa mods out

  2. Pretty much everyone knows where it is, and this should be in san andreas/ game play & help.

    For those that don't know there's a large hanger at the south of the third island's aiport at a close distance the door will go down, run up the left to find the AT 400 door, you obviously haven't seen it because it isn't a 747 it's a 737.

    If the hanger is empty, you arrived too quickly, go futher away and come back walking or jogging, it is also best to try to keep the hanger off the screen on approach until you are close to the door

  3. Pretty much everyone knows where it is, and this should be in san andreas/ game play & help.

    For thos ethat don't know there's a large hanger at the south of the third island's aiport at a close distance the door will go down, run up the left to find the AT 400 door, you obviously haven't seen it because it isn't a 747 it's a 737.

    If the hanger is empty, you arrived too quickly, go futher away and come back walking or jogging, it is also best to try to keep the hanger off the screen on approach until you are close to the door

  4. 1. This should be in San Andreas mods, but i can't move it

    2. Most garages are limited to four vehicles, this is no exception

    3. Adding more slots is quite hard, bassically how garages work, there is a set area which is the read area, the first n vehicles in this area will be saved, the others will be discarded, there are also write sections, which are where the vehicles will be essentially spawned on garage open or reload, so when the garage is expanded, which I think has to be done by scm and some data folder file editing, the read limmiter of n would also have to be updated along with moddifiying the write co-ods to fit in another vehicle spawn, and an extra co-od for the new slot added.

  5. Ok here goes...

    You see under the words spasmoddically insane, it says super mod, well that's because he has gained the respect of the staff and members, he's been here a very long time, and has as you can see over 10% of the forums' posts. Though he doesn't own the forums, he runs a massive chunk.

    What's the use of quotations if what your quoting is spelt wrong.
  6. Of course they won't work the dff and txd system is completely different, if you were able to do that you'd see hundreds of 3d mods out for sa already.

    When trying to stick III cars into vc, you were lucky if they'd work, sometimes they would but more likely crash because of the differeneces.

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