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Posts posted by mvi

  1. The ambient and event orientated sounds (ie everything 'cept music) is in a format similar to ogg vorbis however the headers are different. The music I believe is in a different format

  2. As until Monday I myself am stuck with Dell integrated gfx, but I'm getting a Geforce FX 5200 128 mb pci card, (still pissed off there aren't any agp slots) as a friend gave me the sister card which was AGP. But instead I'm having to fork out on pci...

    My traffic lights have also disappeared now, all I can see are the lights, and the maps quite often take sometime to load.

  3. Heh, yeah take part in gb... STM has had tens of offers maybe even hundreds, of which he's accepted none to my knowledge. You'll also see a lot more of trinity in a few weeks when it becomes official.

    As to London, I think really unless you can get a few map modders to start you off that it hasn't got a chance, mods always look much better when there's screens rather than just words. And as most of the vice city mod were stm's cars most of which were rejected versions of ones that will be used in GB, it doesn't say much

  4. That's what I hate about n00bs:

    1. don't use search

    2. don't use edit

    ^^that's the nicer stuff done

    Well based on that amazing description there is probably a handling flaw, make sure you did the handling edits right

  5. haha I think that's close to being quotatable keep it up I'm enjoying it. You know you could join up with aemboy and his real gangsters. Wow then you could rule the entire USA, you could be the kingpin and all ya bitches have to pay homage innit. frolicking hell this is gonna be awesome, like wiv drivebys and shit, and marking your territory just like cats do innit cos they is proper crzy!!!

  6. sd4.gif

    Background Story

    1992: The SD syndicate was formed by 12 of the worlds richest and most powerful men, the aims of all meet solely on one thing, sole material improvement, to aquire more money, more power and a superior reputation. Each of these men controled one SD. Xavier Sloan as one of these men takes control of SD4.

    1994: SD4 and SD2 destroy a area of a rival groups main location through large scale explosions 1 km underground where two faults meet. Resulting damage destroys 200 million dollars worth of operations.

    1998: SD9 aquire a nuclear warhead, ransommed to USA goverment.

    2005: SD4's Leader Xavier dies in mysterious circumstances, at this point, I take over.

    The SD Syndicate is a CIA like organisation, 90% involved believe that it is actually the CIA, all who find out it's real identity die. Only high end members involved and moles (double agents) know the truth.


    Second in command - Oscar

    Head of covert operations - chris82

    Head of home affairs -

    Head of intelligence - bryan

    Head of technology department

    Field Agent x 6 - Ebola

    Field Assasin x 4 - JayDelph

    Helicopter Pilot x 4

    Fighter Pilot x 8

    Armor Driver x 4

    Millitary solider x 16

    Double agent x 1 - isukisuk



    ^Example of sig, pm me for a custom one




    30 posts, not to be a complete n00b spammer.


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