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Posts posted by mvi

  1. KFM Members, this is for you, I've taken over the KFM, though nick won't let me call it the kfm.

    In 1994, 12 criminal masterminds allied together to create 12 SDs, each of these 12 held one division. Each SD goes about it's business, by recruiting members under the guise that they are the CIA, most of these members never even find out that it's not a goverment agency.

    In 1997, Xavier Sloan died in mysterious circumstances, I then took his place on the board of the 12, taking full control of SD4. Now using their full resources they are after more power. And will let nothing stand in their way.

    Head of foreign affairs

    Head of home affairs

    Head of security

    Field Agent

    Field Agent

    Field Agent

    Field Agent

    Field Agent

    Field Assasin

    Field Assasin

    Field Assasin

    Security Guard

    Security Guard

    Security Guard


  2. And even Nights on the Sega Saturn had special main characters that only were accesable on Christmas day. And there were some other games that were similar, like I think it was diddy kong racing that had special characters on easter though it might not be dkr.

    A special recording system to share what you've achieved is inevitable in my view, as xbox has got a replay system for san an.

    On the subject or paranormal, I don't object to the passive things like in san an with the crop plane, or the weird areas of heat, but I don't want outright yetis or aliens or the like. A few references on the radio could be quite funny though, if they were mocking someone who said he'd seen aliens.

    Now hidden caves, and underground labyrinths and mazes I like the sound of, how very fun could that be with hidden weapons, and stuff. Also could be quite funny watching police try to follow you with the AI getting stuck.

  3. "Jesus Paul we're screwed, we've got to get out of here, the mafia will be down here anyday to clean up and then we're -" Paul cut him off,

    "Listen, Ken why don't we just get a plane out of here?".

    "Paul you idiot, they'll be watching the airports and they'll be watching the highways, oh we're doomed..."

    "I've got it!" exclamed Paul, he led Ken down the side stairs to the bottom floor of the mansion "Have a butchers at these", Paul indicated a room that could supply a small army with armour, weapons and ammunition. "You can't be serious, fighting would only get our asses killed quicker."

  4. Meanwhile, the dark and dirt covered train station's silence was broken as a graffiti covered silver train slid into the station with high screecches as the brakes scratched the rails desperate to stop. The train shuddered to a stop with doors grinding open. A voice greeted visitors over a old tannoy system, 'Welcome to Liberty City Station, this train terminates here, all change.'

    A dark haired man exited the foremost carriage followed closely by his bodyguard. In the distance there was the sounds of the almost ritual screams, in a capital of crime. The dark haired man pulled out his cell phone and dialled a number. The only words he got were 'We've lost contact with them, they're all dead'. He put away his cell phone, suddenly anxious to get out of the large expanse, into somewhere more hidden.

  5. What does the word list mean to you?

    And good old racism implication there, taste isn't racism, if you prefer italian mafia over the hip hop gang criteria then that's not being racist. And 8 ball was like never in it. For catalina, possibly.

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