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Posts posted by mvi

  1. Oh yes, it's here, most wepaons are dual wielded an enhanced.

    Like these flamethrowers?



    2 more to be released tommorow - ultimate stat levels and all vehicles with all unlcoked at mod garages.


    ^^ Chris82's pimped club he made when he was beta testing

  2. Yeah and we can put in the starships as the planes, and change the bullet effects to lasers. And the cars can be like speeders, and we can mod in famous scenes and also have it so we redevelop the physics so you can be in like more than one planet. Eh? No...

  3. Since when have mods neccesarily been a full enhancement, it's just a bit of fun tvg. And I think your missing the fact that main.scm (code) mods, completly change the missions anyway

  4. I have 3 releases for my mods of san andreas. Firstly my pride, the chaos mod, made using SAMT.

    The Chaos Mod

    Big war between every ped cop and gang.


    The Ice Mod

    The water has frozen, you can walk and drive on it


    The Slow Peds Mod

    This changes every ped animation to that of an old woman


    Also if anyone with SAPC can get pics for me it would be great, I unfortunately don't get a copy for a few days so have no way to preview my work

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