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Posts posted by mvi

  1. Er, right, that'd look extremely odd, considering the player model is for CJ naked (well except his piece, but then he doesn't have any pants on either, just an absence of that part before any of you weirdos get ideas), so replacing that would have that random ped wearing cj's extra clothes as well if in fact it works

  2. What I did was I got the andrenaline from round the corner then took them all out with a sniper rifle. Piece of piss then, remember vehicles stop adrenaline use so drive round to the andrenaline, get it then use the enhanced run to get back fast, and you can keep going as you won't need the health after 8ball blows the ship up

  3. I didn't say modding is neccesary I merely said that if there is to be any it would have to be structured with some sort of exterior pack held on memory sticks, and then modding wouldn't be possible to do much, nothing near the pc gtas

  4. Never fear an admin

    The firmware looks greatly improved, that's one of the things I love about the PSP, the fact you can update it like that. I'll still be getting the black psp, partly because I can get it first, partly because it's cooler

  5. Right, this is a common problem on vehicle mods for sa, my BF 400 MSW mod, which was awesomeness from the fact the tyres were about half a metre wide, the tyres sank into the ground slightly even though I only enlarged the tyres through the one axis and not vertical.

    If that car spawned there then it's the scms fault, if however the car shown you drove then there lies your problem, you could possibly fix the problem through a handling mod that moves the centre of gravity for that vehicle but you'd be better off importing the file moving it slightly up through the vertical axis, exporting and replacing it in the img, which I doubt you can do as SA's stage of development for that isn't very advanced, yet.

  6. that's a good point, which I forgot but I don't think the post needs updating as the .tk is mentioned in a domain cloaks line, actual true .tk domains would be a tad better than the tk domain cloaks but would also be burdened with the false belief that the site is just a cloak.

  7. Trinity isn't about getting tons of people interested, we're in this for the fun of making new islands, though on August 7, you'll actually see a lot of what we're working on, as we've finally decided to go public with the tc.

  8. gtapss.gif

    There must be thousands of GTA sites across the globe, this guide is how to distinguish your site and make it stand out.


    This is the first part of your site the users will see and in a large number of cases it will define whether the user will come back. The following are likely to be avoided because of the plain tackiness and widespread use.

    Domain cloaks such as .tk

    subdomains or /domains on widespread free hosts.

    s#.CRAPPY IF SITE/domain

    Unless you have some exceptional content and a nice design people probably won't come back to the site.


    Once you've got people onto your site, it's the hosting that matters, the five things that are really important on hosting are as follows, bandwidth, space, FTP access, PHP, MySQL.

    The bandwidth is the limit of the total downloaded content of your site, for instance if you have a main page which is about 200kb in size and 10 gig bandwidth, you can have 50000 viewers in a month.

    The space is the ammount of storage you can use on your site, so a 512 meg limit allows upto a total of 512 meg in files, though actually quite often a fewmeg are taken up by CP files.

    FTP access allows you to use a FTP client such as smartFTP, turboFTP and cuteFTP to transfer bulk files, do edits and generally use your storage in an explorer like way.

    PHP is a very poweful language, this entire site is coded in php and so are every IPB forum. PHP really has two sides, the side you can see in your browser by viewing the source - generally html, and the actual source code which can do many things such as detection, file inclusion and complicated formulae.

    MySQL is basically a database system, all the members on this forum, all the posts, topics and categories, pretty much everything are stored in this database.

    So just to recap you want a high bw, high space and the other 3 enabled.


    Forums are a great way to keep users coming back, the key to getting lots of people to register is all in the look and features. A nice skin, lots of mods and well thought out categories and forums. Also the best for forums has got to be IPB 1.3 or 2.0


    Designs in my view are important on a site, they can help draw the users eyes to certain points and present your content well, the nicer the design, the easier it is on the eye and your visitors will begin to like the site even without the content yet...


    Content, if you want people to use it as their number one place you need lots of content, and the best sort of content is unique content. There are many sites which have similar content. The things below are on 10s of sites, best to get something else.


    Our Reviews




    Tips And Tricks




    Easter Eggs


    Gang Wars

    Car Mods

    PS2 Cheats

    PC Cheats

    Xbox Cheats

    Official Screenshots

    Picture Perfect

    mini games

    odd jobs





    weapon skill





    pc specs


    properties and assets





    unique jumps


    Done everything, used the tips? Then your site is well on the way to acheiving more than a bulk of others.

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