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Posts posted by mvi

  1. Ok me and chris have now played it, and wow is it smooth. I've just taken down 8 hunters with a minigun. Then taken out 3 coaches with a hunter. Then had a gun fight with me on top of my team mates coach with an enemy on another coach. Didn't last very long after I took out his wheels

  2. I'll be able to put it on as soon as my host gets back online (he screwed it up), it's just a simple script, it'll be gtaprojects.com/stunts which displays every file and gtaprojects.com/stunts/upload.php were you upload files. The filter will allow .rep, .zip, .rar, . tar.gz and .avi. Once it's up and passworded I'll send the user and pass to everyone participating. But if I can't get the server up this morning I'll put it on my old site but that has a 100mb limit

  3. Yes mods can be done to the ps2 version but what you need is an PS2 harddrive, then you make an iso of the san andreas disc, make your edits on your pc, take it back accross and run the iso. http://gta.allwackedout.com/ shows some guides though the site seems to be down for the mo. Oh and remember the txd and dff formats are different (and a couple of other things beside) so that rules out map and vehicle mods.

  4. That's not correct but as you're English I'll explain it better ;)

    The things dropped from the hydras are counter measures which are similar to flares but I think slower to fall, the heat emmited takes the missiles from hostile GAMs and AAMs. And works best if the missiles come from behind and below as the countermeasure falls behind you.

  5. year? I thought it was only half that.

    And no sa used a different engine than vc and gta3, thus the major differences between it, a completely reworked physics, the clothes system, swimming, the way the map files load up, the col3 internal to dffs rather than sep col files etc etc. If you're talking graphical engine, then they still are different versions of renderware

  6. The only guide there is so far for converting models from vc(/III) to san an is just for map models - here. You'll probably want to use 3ds max which is 'easier' to get than zmodeler2, and then get the plugins forementioned in that tutorial. The major problems of converting the models lie in the difference of format, converting the txd and dff is relatively easy, however the col is a bit harder as vc uses seperate .col files held in the models/collfolder wheras sa contains the collision in col3 format which are held within the actual dff files themselves. Though I doubt you'll need to update the cols just for that though you'll probably need to move the co-ods about for the places the actors sit and hold on to, and where the skidding will originate from, the latter being less needed. Aside from that you should do a quick search of gtaforums.com's modding>>editing discussion>>vehicles section for some help. Hope this helps you.

  7. I don't think a GTA game will ever approach city size, I mean San Andreas was the size of a normal town, 6km sqaure, but cities are huge. I'd say in the region of 1 1/2 to 2 times the size of San Andreas but with 3 cities, and I agree with xenon on public buildings. And Rockstar North will now have serious experience at making gta, the size increase between vc and sa was quite lovable, but I think a gta game can only be so good. Alternately if they made say 3 islands far apart requiring plane flights and fast boats then that would also be great, gta archipeliga, (note that's meant to be a a not an o)

  8. Not illegal I don't think, for the love of god, I mean if you hack into something and find unused bits of code, then take the time to make them work how is that explicit content, it's just stupid. Sure I could make a mod for sa that has lesbians shagging on the street corners, would that then ban sa?

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