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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. That is probably the dumbest shit I have ever heard, no joke. "I only have 3 more cups of coffee left, that should keep me until 5 AM, then I can do that robbery mission"
  2. dont care, they deserve to be hacked WWYDI you woke up with a vagina?
  3. What? Another 360 that'll just give up on you just like the first one? Screw 360, get a PS3
  4. Why didnt she moved out of the county and change identities?
  5. can elites, mod, or admins win awards? I nominate samiam 2 for most annoying
  6. he wants to post some pics, since when was that banned from the forums?
  7. He took the boat all the way to the Cochrane Dam. I'm not sure if there's a Reefer spawn in Shoreside Vale. you cant.
  8. Why is she so famous? Is it because she was in the holocaust? Well, I dont see the other 6 million jews that died get any appreciation. Is it her hiding spot? I thought driving out of the county and getting new identies would have been a better idea. Is it her diary? Well, all I see in the diary is she wanting to have an inscest relationship with her father. "One day I would want to move into an apartment with only my father. We could sleep in the same bed" So someone tell me why she is so famous?
  9. I would get pictures, anyone wanna send me a camera? You'll get it back....eventually...
  10. I dont get what the fuss is about, its a really simple mission, yet everyone has so much trouble with it. Well... -aim for the tires -aim for the people, not the vehicle, but the person
  11. 365 day clock is too much. Mabye a 140 day clock instead. 35 days for each season
  12. remember, beat then for your money back!
  13. Hope so, but the seasons must be good, if you know what I mean. If it snows the city should be covered in snow, not some effect like snow falling down and thats it, but I wanna see snow on the ground, and the roads are slipper, some cars can even get stuck in some of the snow.
  14. d:/data2.cab Thats the game disc, looks like you're f***ed. Unless, you have a reciept and its 30 days or less from your original purchase, then you can exchange it. Or, is your disc scratched?
  15. 25 + 25 = 45? The hookers in GTA3 and VC are the only ones that can make you go to 125 HP, the ones in SA, LCS and VCS cant
  16. I want sub marines, I was so sad when Pressing triangle ontop of the sub in SA didnt work
  17. Wheelman101, this isnt a GTA discussion part of the forums, we can talk about non GTA things too. And Spaz, I am serious, there is a dark line across my stomach. Hey, I found another one today when I was taking a shower. its a line going straight up, from my crotch area to my belly button
  18. Yeah I was pissed. I just spent $5000 ($5000 was a lot before I entered the casino scene) just to find out they'd all be taken away.
  19. Yep, there will be glitches, just like GTA SA
  20. me neither. Use www.imageshack.us to host your pics
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