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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. I went trick or treating in a pirate costume, I got the hook hand, eeyepatch, everything. It pawnt. I got lotsa candy
  2. No, vic looks different because he is in a different lighting and angle
  3. I think it was only supposed to let you get back on land if you fall into the water by accident and not auctually let you swim
  4. Lol cow tipping. Mabye we can tip a cow and hide behine it as a shield
  5. I used to play red alert on my old windows 95. Stopped playing because the only real stradegy in the game is rushing when the round starts :/
  6. PS3. Its the same controls as the PS2 so I wont need to learn a whole new bunch of buttons and also the PS3 online service is free so when GTA4 has the extra downloadable contents, I wont need to pay for xbox live
  7. Yes its like the buckle but instead of a modified taxi its a modified cabbie
  8. Everyone has that problem. Some guy on GTAforums says you need to download a file to replace the exe of the game, a lot of people reply saying that it works. I recommend you dont downlaod it as that isnt 100% legal and chris says that it would probably f*** up the single player portion of the game. You should wait like me for them to fix up VC MP
  9. GTA place. The other sites kinda suck hairy nuts (PLZ DONT BAN ME CHRIS!)
  10. Doesnt even work, pink bar doesnt load fully. Some guy on the boards says you need to download a file to replace the exe, im not sure thats 100% legal
  11. I believe in life out there, I doubt we will ever make contact, but there has to be life out there, I mean, theres about a gazillion other planets out there
  12. The gangs in LCS dont bother me, none of them have shotguns.
  13. Why wouldn't they? People who say "I'm too old/mature/cool/etc. to trick-or-treat" are just being dumb. No. Don't get angry. Calmly tell them you'll rip their toes off one by one if an egg even flies near your house.
  14. Yes. Go to Joey's Garage and the factory next to it (Bitch'n Dog Foods in GTA3) has a phone outside, it starts the race "Lowrider Rumble". Go to the race but dont start it, kill one of the drivers by shooting him through the windshield. He'll fall out and you can take the hellenbach GT, but before you do that wait for the 30 second timer to go out so you fail the race. Now you can take the hellenbach GT. EDIT: Sorry, this method doesnt work. I tried it and when you kill him the mission ends and the car dissapears
  15. Well im talking about Cutscenes which arent all the same. He thought I meant game play which is the same. By the way I said Duck down not crouching. Ducking and crouching are the same, you bend down your knees to get in a smaller position. Wait, whats that you say? Theres a difference between duck and crouch? Just like jail and prison right? And ciaran06, yes Tommy was in jail at the time. I slammed facts on the table but GTA Master keeps pulling bullshit out of his ass everytime I prove him wrong with the facts.
  16. When you uninstall the game, go to "start/my computer/local disk/program files/rockstar games" and delete the entire san andreas folder, this way all the files left behine are also gone.
  17. I never played GTA classics to the fullest. Why? Because everything looks the same and it takes forever to find the save place.
  18. Exacly. All the peds in GTAVC ducked the same way as Tommy, try getting into a gun fight with the cops, some cop will duck behine cars and they duck exacly like Tommy. In LCS (which is built on GTAVC btw) although Toni cant duck, peds still can. In one mission a ped was looking at a gravestone and he was crouching just like Tommy does in Vice City. So GTA MAster, stop with your bullshit about the guy crouching like Tommy because well, EVERYONE CROUCHES LIKE TOMMY I'm talking about a cut scene not game play LOL. EDIT: I guess I'll have to make a video or something if you guys still dont get what im talking about. Besides you should have known at the beginning that I ment cut scenes since the only video clip we have of "Tommy" in VCS is in a cut scene. you said that "Tommy" in the VCS trailer ducked like Tommy in VC. Exacly, Tommy in VC ducked like everyone else, you're wrong as usual. And that screenie is way too blurry, everyone knows GTAs graphics suck
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