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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. Not weird at all, clothes dont do nothing execpt give a little respect if its green and some sex appeal. What my CJ got: -Pretty average clothes, the T-Bone shirt (blue and white stripes), blue jeans, white running shoes, a gold watch, gold chain and black shades -The terminator style haircut with some tattoes, 50% LS tats and 50% LV tats -1/4 muscle and 1/10 fat (I dont want my CJ to be a muscle freak or a fatass) -I dont remember the number exact numbers, but the farthest number is 8 (wanted to try owning money to the casinos but I had too much so I put all my money in the horse bettings, I won instead) -All of the skills are max execpt for lung capacity (Ive been asking for a swimming feature and when I get one, I dont use it) -got gold in all schools -has karate moves
  2. I heard about this, I tried to get it but I couldnt get the camera in the right position to see it. Pics plz
  3. The reason salvatore is alive is because GTA LCS is set before GTA3
  4. What, backing out now? All of your previous post were all claming that was Tommy
  5. Why no ports, just another way to please non-psp owning GTA fans and to make more money
  6. Ok fine bitches. When GTA VCS comes out you'll all be eating your shit
  7. The columbian leader is Miguel. I would like to see some info about when the gangs start hating you (after which mission). Other than that, great guide.
  8. GTA Master is a stubborn shit. Ok, if its not because of his shirt, than what claim do you have that thats Tommy?
  9. He doesnt have to eat and is always fit. And how does Toni kiss salvatores ass?
  10. Yes I did. In the beginning cutscene of GTA VC one of the guys say "Tommy Vercetti? Never thought they'd let him out" Meaning Tommy was out of jail right then. He was sent to Vice right after he was released because they didnt want Tommy taking revenge on him for sending him to prision for so long. Also, "Tommy" in the trailer was seen with Ricardo Diaz, Tommy never met Ricardo intill one of the later missions in GTA VC. And you ahve no proof that was Tommy, "omfg he wears teh bl00 shirt dat tommeh 4 sho"
  11. Terrorism. You know, drive a carbomb right into a group of peds and then blow it up.
  12. Ever think that they made more than 1 shirt of the same design?
  13. Ok GTA dickwad, first off, jail and prision are the same, just that ones longer. And second, Tommy was in jail at the time of VCS. Tommy was sent right to Vice City after he was released becuase they were afraid that Tommy would take revenge. Count 15, dont be shy to take off your shoe. GTA VC was set in 1986 so Tommy was sent to jail in 1971. VCS was set in 1984, Tommy was still in jail at that time. Besides, why would Tommy be with Ricardo Diaz? Tommy met Ricardo in the mission "Guardian Angels", they had a dialouge in this similar fasion, "Hey, im Tommy" "Nice to meet you" And before I continue to prove you wrong any further, do you even have a bit of proof that was Tommy? "omfg he wears teh bl00 shirt dat tommeh 4 sho"
  14. Im sure its going to be online for the PSP, but the PS2 version wont
  15. Read my above post. Tommy was in jail at he time when VCS took place
  16. No its not getaway, I named it getaway to catch cheates. Btw, not yakuza either
  17. Thast not tommy. Just because he wears a blue shirt makes him Tommy? And Spaz the not so great, hes right. Tommy was in Liberty City jail for 15 years before GTA VC took place and VCS takes place 2 years before GTA VC. If you didnt pass Grade 1 math yet, Tommy was in jail at the time of VCS.
  18. When they say double size they mean the interiors. The simple cant add another part to Vice City, R* would have to explain why its not in GTA VC. And I dont thye they will add any planes. Mabye the seaplane, dodo and shamel but any other plane faster would make traveling through vice cit ytoo fast
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