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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. kind of ironic, your name is ps3 player yet you dont own a ps3 I got SNES, PS2 and PC
  2. Yes there are sharks in VC. They dont attack you, I jumped in the water right next to a shark and I died, not because of the shark, but instead I drowned.
  3. Thats fake. Everthing was from the PSP trailer, execpt they changed the PSP to playstation 2
  4. If the game is slow then you have to get a better PC
  5. I agree nate, it is bullshit that you have to pay extra money (real cash that is) to get more cars and tracks
  6. hurry deagle, we need a pic! Ps, get a big pic, not an avatar sized pic like the one before
  7. can you please post a bigger icture? You know, one thats not avatar size?
  8. Ummm... no. Why would they make brand new vehicles, they already have a big list of great vehicles, why start fromm scratch?
  9. Anyone can have ideas, but can anyone do it?
  10. Yes, no water, half assed home, yeah. Say, is iraq a 3rd world country?
  11. Comparing my life to his, he got it easy. When I was a kid and went to school, I walked. We carpool him to school. When I was a kid, all I got for entertainment was a TV and some toys, I could've watched the same episode 6 times and my toys broke easily. My cousin, he has 3 game consoles and conection to the internet. When I was little and I got in trouble, I got beaten half to death and then beaten some more, my cousin just gets grounded. When I was little, I lived in a 2 room apartment, my cousin, he lives in a 2 story home. Comparing my childhood to his, he got it easy compared to me
  12. and I guess he suddenly knows how to install bombs too right?
  13. Lol ImageShack is too rubbish.It usually give me Connection Error. Try what others suggested or got to PhotoBucket.com Photobucket isnt good, they remove your pic after a while.
  14. Nothing you read in the manuals are true, they;re ust there to make the game more "live". For example, in the VC manual it says that theres shark attacks. You saw sharks swimming around, but they dont bite you. In the SA manual, it says that LS airport is the 4th busiest airport in the world, yet theres never any planes landing or taking off. Etc, etc, etc
  15. is it that gate where you enter the airport and that guy says "pilots are looking younger these days" or "they'll give anyone a license nowadays"
  16. I heard the online was really buggy, is that true?
  17. I dont likw my friend coming over. They eat all my rice krispies
  18. I like using imageshack. us. Upload it there and they give you a link. Put the link here using img tags
  19. gamespot and ebaumsworld. I used to go to pure pwnage but then got banned. I supposedly started a flame war, but all I said was if anyone played command and conquer. Then everyone came replying "omg j00 fag play da warcraft dat da best yo"
  20. not me? Oh well, guys would probably say "omg y r j00 abuzin da mod powa"
  21. EJ are you coming back? (if he doesnt, someone else post a pic)
  22. I was wondering do they auctually work or are they just for show? Do the off road tires have any extra grip and do the heltmets make you lose less hp when you fall off a bike?
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