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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. I think his name of Original GTA Master suits him. He's really the one who says a lot of facts about GTA out of the nominees so he has my vote.
  2. Yeah, Gerard. I can't really explain why but he acts very intelligent.
  3. I don't really visit the Stunting forums a lot but I heard Slayer has a lot of good stunts and I also nominated for him so I'm sticking to Slayer.
  4. When I was nominating, I completely forgot about I just shot a bear's original name before she changed it to Bear so I vote for her.
  5. TG maybe. I wasn't here early enough to see what Slayer, Dave, and Jace were up to but TG has sure improved, IMO. Still kind of shaky but alright.
  6. F*cked up that I'm not up there but I vote for Bear.
  7. Hard decision but I vote for Chris.
  8. Races as storyline missions suck badly. They should be kept as non-storyline missions or side missions.
  9. You need to take over a lot of Empires (And I mean west and east island) and select High-Roller for all of them then your gang should have stronger weapons like AK-47s. It's so I've heard but it should be true considering the Sharks have AKs also.
  10. There are a lot of great songs in VCS but like in the original Vice City, I'm gonna have to go with VCPR... even though it's considerably not as good as it was in Vice City simply because Maurice Chavez is only in one segment but Bait & Switch and New World Order were funny too. Those 40s shows just sucked. They weren't good. Fresh 105 M would be my second because the DJ is very crazy and the music isn't good bad. V-Rock would be my third since Holy Diver IMO, is a great song to listen to when doing a very dramatic mission like From Zero To Hero. Man, I like making these kinds of topics. Edit: Finally added a poll.
  11. I also noticed the Sharks/Streetwannabes of Vice City are different than the Sharks in Vice City Stories. In Vice City, their turf was in northern Vice Point but in VCS, their turf is in southern Vice Point and south from there. They also have very different clothes and a different gang car.
  12. Lol. It doesn't matter. I still like the name.
  13. Nothing. They look nice. Make more.
  14. I think it's way too early to determine who will get that post.
  15. I really can't stop playing Madden 07. Best Franchise Mode ever!
  16. Lol. I wonder why the PS3 was delayed in Europe and not anywhere else.
  17. I really, really hope - for your sake - you didn't read that properly! What did you mean then?
  18. Well, if they don't shoot at you, then I'd call those easy kills.
  19. Lol. If you've gotten to the part of the storyline where you can take over empires, take over Biker empires and soon they some out of nowhere and try to chase you down.
  20. You can find you first post by going into your profile and clicking on Find Member's Posts. My first post was in the VCS section in that Tommy Vercetti topic that Original GTA Master made.
  21. You're quite mistaken. I'm sure it takes roughly 2 to 2 1/2 hours but it recharges before you know it.
  22. None of the Cholos had any AK-47s they only had Micro SMGs but really don't focus on your health, focus on Lance's since it runs out quickly. If he tries to shoot a group of two-three Cholos, don't let him do that because he won't get anywhere. Help Lance out with the shooting and keep switching through targets... also get full armor before starting the mission.
  23. I'm not sure about the brushing your teeth thing. GTA isn't realistic and that's what makes it great. Also why buy cars on a daily basis when you can just steal one? This is Grand Theft Auto. Only special vehicles should be bought.
  24. Bullsh*t. Vice City was definitely not a mod. It took place in a whole NEW city with whole NEW character, and a whole NEW storyline. Vice City brought buying properties and more guns to GTA and it was really a big step in the series almost that with GTA3. Again more than one character isn't good. It'll mess the storyline up.
  25. Well, I didn't get the 100,000th post... or get the screenshot of the forum's 100,000th post but I call it an accomplishment to get my 1,100th post the day we get 100,000th post.
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