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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. The only way to do that is by a mod (I'm sure).
  2. The beta features of each GTA would've made each game better but there had to be good reasons why some were taken out.
  3. I want San Andreas badly but you don't see me getting it illegally! Take that, freeloaders!
  4. Cousin Ed: V-Rock is cool. Cousin Ed is cool. Lazlow sucks. I love sluts!
  5. ^I agree completely. I just find the people that lose their disc and come on here to ask for game files pathetic. Keep it where you can find it and don't put it on the floor or under the couch or some crap when you're done with it. Hope that guy's computer breaks down.
  6. Vice City was set in 1986 and Tommy was 35. GTA III is set in 2001 so he'd be 50.
  7. I have this same problem but with San Andreas. The only way for me right now it seems is to buy it from the internet.
  8. Huck, not always when someone accidentally deleted a file from their game, it doesn't always mean they got the game illegally. But as Huck said, reinstall the game. We don't give out game files like that. I wish people can understand that instead of making all these topics.
  9. I don't think so. The easiest way is to just order it off the internet.
  10. Stop with the PSP2 crap. I just get ticked when someone says that a regular PSP can't handle a GTA game so there should be a PSP2 made. I'm sure there won't be any PSP game from the GTA IV trilogy unless there are any Stories games from there and even then, those would probably start 4 years after the release of GTA IV.
  11. It states that this is only a rumor. Nothing is confirmed yet and rumors shouldn't be believed until they're proven.
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