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Everything posted by Red_91

  1. Yellow card that is perfect but I need the back groudn instead of white to be red. for man utd
  2. I hope GTA4 puts some cheats in it because some cheats amek the game more better, ie spawn a rhino or getting the hydra instead of going all te way to the desert.
  3. Yellowcard leave the controller out just make teh background on the left side different thank you.
  4. Hey yellowcard I love the sig but the ps3 controller is wrong and plus the background to the left of the sig is not what I wanted, these two things need changing. Thx I will pay you $50 when the job is complete
  5. Right I want a sig like the one I have but I need ti have on it - PS3 Player Manchester United logo Liberty Crime family or LCF The background is your choice but make it good
  6. I like it but how are you going to use cigarettes? Anyway good work. I like it and it looks like a good storyline.
  7. Well I live in England and there I would say it is Orange
  8. I am right 360 games cost more than PS3 games 360 games are priced £49.99 in England which is approximately $92 Ps3 games are priced $59.99 in USA which in England would cost £33 CONCLUSION- Cheaper Console = Expensive Games Expensive Console = Cheaper Games
  9. Chris your right, I can't think of any cheats on any games on the 360 but I am not sure on the PS3 because It is coming out in March for me. Anyway I do use cheats the second and third time round when I am completing GTA games but never the first time around. GTA 4, I think will definetly have cheats because there are some people out there who just want to get the jet pack and hydra without going through the missions.
  10. Godfather Ava. 8/10 Sign. 2/10 - Person. dunno much about him but my sig is actually quite good. Your is pointless.
  11. Bear ava: 7.5/10 sig: 6/10 Person: yeh they are good
  12. buying cars would be class just like in scarface you can call your henchman and he delivers your car. This would be a great feature if it was included.
  13. Racing will definetly I think be a sub mission. Racing is not that bad if you are stuck on a certain race then you should practice once or twice then you will know the route and you will probably win. After all practice makes perfect.
  14. Official race tracks would be cool but they would probably have to create a Ferrari F1.
  15. OGTAM how much do the playstation 3 games cost in the USA, I am just trying to distuinguish which games are ccheaper, PS3 or 360. I think it is PS3. NO BIASED
  16. No one cananswer that question, no one knows when they are going to die, it may be a car crash, cancer or heart attack. Lets just live life to the full.
  17. OGTAM where did you get upto, the last mission you did?
  18. I got hooked on it when my friend brung GTAIII and since then I just loved it and have played GTA since.
  19. I live in the UK and I do not celebrate Christmas but I read in a newspaper that WHAT PEOPLE WANT AFTER CHRISTMAS? And number 1 was the PS3 it even cam on my local radio station that most kids are waiting till March to get the PS3
  20. Well racing as to be included since cars and races is all about GRAND THEFT AUTO.
  21. Racing is good, all different aspects make this a great game. Racing is good, if your bad at it thats your fault.
  22. Jace I think all game consoles do that even the X BOX 360. When it first cam out it was making a loss then it found cheaper ways of making it so teh made it cheaper and made about $30 per unit.
  23. Congrats Slayer, The next real milston is 150,000 posts I think
  24. Im suprised that many people are working on one game. They are probably working on different aspects of the game.
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