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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. you can hope someone here has one... also, do you want the learning to fly passed, or just upto those missions.. If you have the data,you can send it through and someone(maybe me) would complete them for you.
  2. Thanks man... And sky: Let me know if you likey or not... Well, i'll check back later in the day (it's 20 to 1 in the morning after all) cos right now i'm off to bed, I have to get up in the morning.
  3. Just give me a size and i will see what i can do.. PLus, do you want any text with tha, what colour, a border etc.? EDIT: how's this I'll change the font, border, text, colour, anything.... As i said, i have the image from a while back, so it's not too hard to change... And the text on that one ^^^ might need centering a little more, but it's just to give an idea.... Sorry, i'm a perfectionist...
  4. i lol'd hmm .. how about... entry point. oooh, good one,. so try, pussy. that one worked how about ok, it workedso i spoiler'd it... dont look kiddies...
  5. Call them all sluts and go see my REAL girlfreind.... wwydi you were blind and deaf and people kept kicking you in the groin?
  6. here is where the yanks will buy loadsa copies and flog them to us brits on that magical site they call ebay.
  7. Do the cars can fly cheat, find someone with a truck... Jump in the back trailer thingy, shoot the cab. They start going faster and faster, then fly off, see how long you can stay on for..... Flying car Rodeo!
  8. ^a man of knowledge... mmmmm. bacon.. someone PM this fool. (i'm too lazy)
  9. You makes me lol... hehe Playing mario kart 64 on the n64 atm.. wooohooo!
  10. you mean milly, tilly... hehe... And tec. You are seriously fucked up? Who the gently caress would think of that.... Oh, yeah, it was in the sex shop in san andreas... sorry... And DeAth, good idea, but maybe not wanted posters, like old magazine articles on shop stands or somethin like that.
  11. Yeah,. but i doubt they would anyway, they are in no postion to satart a moneyfight with MS....
  12. It gave the 'insult - but not actually an insult more of a bedly thought through and immature pun' meaning.... But right now nothing, just the news and quietn whirring of my computer's insidey-bits. Screw this... Put on.... Monster - The automatics
  13. Ok, i'm working on it... Might not be done 'till later tonight though... OK? Anything else in there? I had a good image that i made ages ago, so i clipped that down and it's nearly done.. so let me know... Ok, here's the 1st thing i came up with.. let me know if u likey or not... 4th Edit: I added a border, to make it look a little neater..... and skyline, i'd setlle for 250.. but it really is up to you.... 5th EDit: couldn't think of a way to implement the silver/white accents, let us know where/ how much etc. and i'll do my best....
  14. well, i discoveed some new music today, courtesy of Burnout. (game) Riot Radio, and red flag, bith awesome songs... Oh, and now i like the band yellowcard aswell... My US import CD stil hasn't came... 10 days and counting...
  15. The news is on now, i'll try and pick up on some details once the item comes on... Unless i end up going out, which means... no details... Buty i'll definitely try.....
  16. Indeed. Playing the N64 currently... Keep switching between games, but ocarina of time keeps me hooked for hours... My brain is slowly dissolving... Oh, well, that and south park....
  17. ^ yeah, it was all fairly vague.... Just some screenshots, or simple descriptions would do! Please give us details.... we'll give you cookies in return....
  18. W00t! cow tipping! My personal favourite pastime... hehe And mmmm... porkrinds...so unhealthy... but god, are they good... hehe
  19. honestly? NO! meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowgoat
  20. I can, if you like.... Just give us a size, and some more details and i'd be more than happy to... and Assasin: me too 'cept the symbol buttons are a bit shit... couldn't match the colours up too well.... shame...
  21. The money wasn't to make the content, it was to exclusivity rights.....
  22. Learn to spell; Learn to type; Learn good grammar; And i'm sorry, but i don't know how to solve your problem.... erhaps you could alter the graphics settings..... or turn the frame limiter on... Or something like that...
  23. Thats okay man, looks like i'm going out of business anyways...
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