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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. Pasta, just plain pasta, In a bowl, big chunk of butter on the tiop. 1 minute in the microwave... mmmmm God i'm a fatass. And i <3 Butter Especially melted.. hehe
  2. Me too UO, i've been a great fan of AM for years, being a brit, and living not terribly far away from the factory itself.... I hope this will give AM a bit more freedom to work on some more 'exciting' designs. Don't get me wrong, the AM's are absolutley gorgeous, but they seem to look a bit... well.... samey...in places... Maybe a few vents here and there, make them look a little more 'radical' Just my thoughts.... Though they are already amazing... The V8 vantage dissapointed though... And the rapide concept looks beatutiful, was on my calendar last month.. hehe (i'm sad because i don't have a pr0n calendar hehe)
  3. gently caress YOU, its the 21st Century, Dumbass! *ahem* You should eat you r hat for that little doozie anyhow.... hehe I still think there will be snow, but maybe only in a mission or 2, but it'll be very well done all the same.
  4. There was a whole thing about this when somebody released a mod to make CJ white in san andreas. You should probably keep from raising this point. If someone is that racist, then they won't buy the games..... And if you want to change the soundsets and make it sound good. I wish you luck employing R*s voice actors to create an unnoficial mod, and paying them to do so.
  5. When i get the pictures back from olly, i wil, post them. There are a couple of me sexually assualting a doorstop, in the shape of a tortoise, me sleeping in dave's bath, and me being drawn on.
  6. Sweet, got 110 @ just under 4k revs, pretty sweet. Was that in top gear? And that 0-60 aint so bad, i couldn't get that for shit, i'll have to try one day... Then i will get back to you all....
  7. ^ that's what i thought... gently caress knows what he's on about....
  8. oh, thought i'd catch 700, but apparently not. 730. Go for 800! Congrats all...
  9. ^perverts^ AGREED. Will post some pics of my beer - laryness from tonight....
  10. Enjoy bein 16 so get get pissed off your face tionight, i know i am, i'll say somethiong in your honour and my drunken-ness, though none of freinds will understand... hehe So tommorrow i may not be active, and if i am, i wont be in a good mood. lol
  11. Track 19 / Drugs are Bad Eminem feat. South park.
  12. lol from tha little lake with the jetty? Don't remember the place name, and i don't think its' intended, but nice find anyhow. OH NO! If it gets banned in US, no yanks can flog it to me on ebay for inredibly high prices.
  13. What the hell you needn't talk. all i am doing is trying to help. if your gona be like that then gently caress you. do u understand? getlost dickweed Get bent you intolerant assfuck. And the punctuation thing? Most people use it. So should you, it's a big factor of languauge, without it, we would never understand each other. So you can take a runnig jump if you think i'm gonna stand by and let you tell me to 'getlost dickweed' and, 'get', and 'lost' are 2 different words, FYI, and the last time i checked, Dickweed wasn't a proper noun. So STFU mate. And i was helping you anyway, just pointing you in the right sirection, due to the fact you seem to be ignorant to the fact these people are giving you a simple response to a question that you would rather made a bigger impact, but it didn't. x MrLlamaLlama Oooops, edit: <--- HALO 16 having a bitch-fit.... LOL @ U
  14. You are brown How did you knew that "Brun" means brown ? It is in romanian ... same in french.
  15. My TV aerial, it electrocutes me, every FRWAKIN time Stupid N64 save pak, it won't work. BASTARD controller The ever increasing pile of crap in my room. Pencil sharpeners that don't even work...wtf? My non-working low fuel light. My stuid untrustworthy parents The fact my graphics card is sht and i have no money to replace it. The fact i can't find a job. Stupid analogue contrioller for my PC, it's stuck goin forwards. My Digicam, it says it works as a webcam, but wont. Ther fact My GF burned mw with a hot spoon. Poor quality headphones. Rulers. They snap too easy Valve highlighters... hey don't EVEN work. Tye fact my cat has developed a thing for sleeping in my wardrobe ,condemning me tio a life of furry - clothesness The fact my mouse will click, scroll, selcet, use customised buttons, but not move. AAAARRRGGGHHH Smelly people People with bad breath (^) Being tired Being woken up in the morning Religion. Shoulda died when we stopped living in huts. And thus, Evangelists, especially TV evangelists. Single women with 1 or 2 chldren who drive BIG ASS 4x4s. Hot glasses, when they come out the dishwasher. Being too hot. Melty Chocolate (not melted, melty) Being too cold. Cold showers Hot showers that go cold. Illegeal immigrants. People who randomly call your house, and yopu're like 'wtf do i care? i cant understand what you;'re saying, why dont these pricks employnpeople who can speak english' Will add more as the inspiration flows....
  16. gof, why do i never get tired of you telling silberio to get laid whenever he so much as mentions the word 'tank'?
  17. ooooh, gta modding nooD (wtf, moron, its a And has a phobia of grammar because when he speaks he cannot afford to waste any breath using punctuatuion becayse that may weild some chance of you being able to type coherently and comprehensibly and you wish for us all to die dearths by suffocation when we read your posts dick. That is all. nd yeah,. no need for that bollocks, do what funGT said.
  18. south park was good... i nearly pissed myslef during that.... and Eurotrip - Sex in a confession booth FTW! Then shaun of the dead.... i still lol @ that
  19. save files ihn my documents>san andreas user files. modded cars - use SAMI. I think it's probably beyond you to use another method, since you don't know where the save files go.... Make sure you have V1 game before trying any of this, likelihood id you dont and will bitch when it don't work. In theoryi shouldn't be encouraging the fact you didn't SEARCH THE FORUMS FIRST.... because that save both of us time and effort. Good day to you. MrLlamaLlama (you caught me in a good mood, i'm getting pissed tonight!)
  20. mr. penis high school penis dirty penis silberio is a.... the italian penis deep penis penis boys 1 and 2
  21. Yeah, but see, there are also citations in the Wikipedia article. You see, I also created this news article and this news article just to prove you wrong. How devious of you, you've had us all fooled! As soon as i even read the topic title i was like 'who the gently caress actually believes that bullshit this time' and apparently, it's OGTAM... and he means prove you wrong as in 'completely destroy your argument' ir. 'vince mcmahon is really dead OMG WTF OMGZZZZ AAAHHH!!!!!!111oneoneone!!!!111ne. Fail, to conclude... Can't anyone read?!?!?! I already said that I don't believe he's dead. Holy crap! whoops, i'm blind.... here, kitty kitty.... yeah, sorry man... hehe
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