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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. He looks ugly in that picture
  2. ^ That was you. < Alucardo v Jake-da-Spider probably
  3. I love your sig XD

  4. Its a pic of Alucard from Hellsing.
  5. Nice find. I hope I can find the archives that contain my nooby topics inside the Warzone. EDIT: Dang! The archive hasn't been updated since January 2007
  6. Nice fail guys, you raped Alucard the vampire instead of me, Alucardo Also you can't rape me because I've got a good firewall to protect me from Pedobear attacks
  7. Don't click the link, or you will become the victim!
  8. You cannot kill the Alucard. The Alucard is everywhere, your handbags are his eyes and ears. If you try to kill the Alucard. I shall make you suffer. In an uncomfortable way.
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