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Carl J

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Everything posted by Carl J

  1. I didn\'t know you could blow that plane up.
  2. For me it was the mission where your in the bank and the swat team come throught the roof and you get 4 stars.
  3. Mine is VRock - I wanna rock or cum on feel the noise.
  4. Sonny because when you finally kill him at the end you have control of all cities.
  5. Good spec but why are you getting Windows Media Centre? Thats only if you want to listen to music, play films and watch TV. I don\'t think you can play games on that Operating Sytem?
  6. When i was doing it i kept avoiding the spikes and kept tipping the truck but now it\'s kona make a big differance.
  7. Where do you find the Hunter? And where do find the Police Helicopter?
  8. I have completed 15 levels of The Avenging Angels and it said i got a bike at my safehouse but there is no bike at any of my safehouses. Can anyone help with this?
  9. This is my 3 word letter: What The F***
  10. There should be a BMX Tricks game in it and also you should get cash for getting hight scores.
  11. I\'m from N.Ireland too and i would like N.Ireland to stay part of the UK
  12. There wasn\'t a vote for ps2+pc so thats what i would vote for.
  13. Whats it like? Is VCS and GTA4 the same?
  14. -speedometer -drag races -be able to eat animals -be able to get inside every house -gang members actually help you -be differant seasons and be able to go to parties and stuff -hang glide off cliffs -athletics
  15. I'm new. How do i join a gang
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