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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Chris - For paying for and running the site and forums.. and letting me stay when I was a n00b.. lol

    Spazmod - Great friend.. helping me out ( and vice-versa ) a bit around the forums.

    Xenon - Spam clean up.. cool guy.. those MSNM names.. good times

    Miller - Helping Chris with the forums, helping me with my dumbness.. yeah..

    Jay - Doing his job.. couldn't leave you out.. :D

  2. Completly wrong forum. You need San Andreas tech help. Mods, please move this as I will procede to answer your question. How do you clean your CDs? Put water on a paper towel and rub straight all over surface, (rubbing alcohol works too) then dry with another paer towel and try again. Also, some electronics stores take scratches out of discs for like $5 bucks.

    Gd it, we know how to do our jobs.. =/

    Im just getting tired of being told what to do.

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