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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. recruitment : me as boss, and woozie as right hand man we need a capo because moony is not real as he is a made up account [ not sure who made him , was not me tough ] anyway we all help to get more people .

    Omg, Frank gd it, WOOZIE MADE HIM UP. Listen to me, damnit.

  2. Ok, I know this is in the wrong section, but this is where people look a lot.

    I'm trying to get this: http://www.rcarsenal.com/Photos/Store/n_60.png

    And, I need a load of refferals so I can get it.. So could you guy help me and click this link right here?

    Dont worry if you don't play R&C, just put reffered by [email protected] (Yes, I know I spelt it wrong) www.rcarsenal.com

    I'll get something to the people who do this for me, I just don't know what. Thanks, -SkY

  3. Well, I need to get on San Andreas more (Dont need $50 gone to waste)

    So, I'll take request for most kinds of pictures ( I can't take action pictures, sorry.)

    I'll neeed

    *Time of day (Hour specific would be nice)

    *What car (if it applies)

    *What color (if it applie)

    *Where at


    I'll put a map in here (so you can put a dot where you want me to get the picture at)

    And, Unless you don't care what color the car is, I can't get more than two cars of a specific color in a picture (Except black(They do have that cheat right?)and pink)


    Edit: Here's two examples of my clarity



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