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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. That would be cool if we could really do it.. but I dont think theres any super rich people here that would pay for us.

    So, what should we do? I was thinking 10k for each active member and some for the one thosandth (sp) member.

    It sucks, but I cant think of anything better.

  2. 1) how come the left side of my ambulance back doors has no letters printed on it, which means the Ambu is missing on it

    Some people beleive this is a reference to Lance from Vc.

    2) When you pick up a wepon that is the same type, it give you a message if you want to pick it up or not, but now, it does not have the message anymore, i mean it was there, but after it was gone

    I dont really get what you mean.. but just press L1?

    3) can some one give me a picture of the message that shows when CJ is hungry?

    I cant give you a picture.. but in the top-left hand corner it will give you a message about him being hungry.

    4) How do i start turf wars?

    You will learn how on the mission 'Doberman'

    5) what is the word in your stats box at the bottom when you press L1

    Well, there are a lot of words.. probably not in this order but they are there.




    Sex Appeal

    Gun skill (if you currently have one in your hand)

    6) CJ doesent turn his head when he looks behine when on foot, is that normal?

    Yes, its normal

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