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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. You think i care.....!!!

    all i heard was "blah blah blah im a stupid faggot nerd"

    Get a Life you 30 year old bald headed loser!!

    Kiss my ass!!



    *Sigh* Why do the nine year olds HAVE to come here? Well, your posting abilities are gone. I love to tourcher noobs.

    Maybe there could be an 'inside' view when your driving. (You can see the dashboard and all..)

  2. Sup, OGF and Bloodz sorry i have been gone for a while. My computer crashed and i had to get a new harddrive.

    That's funny to hear. Someone *acting* all "gangsta", yet he said he was gone because his computer crashed.

    Wtf, when your computer crashes.. you get a new HDD?

    All you had to do was do a scan disk and disk defragment.Yep, no money involved.. maybe just a suspension.

  3. pryoxide i thought you were a nice person dont make me change my mind about you i could make a lot of friends in a few weeks time trouble is spas that you have little/no faith in me and spas are you the guy from gta warehouse ? or is it your friend you copied from ? obviously however i will make good friends with some people on this site but i cant personally meet them for saftey reasons

    Lol. I would have some in you. But i've seen you at other forums.. =\

    Yeah, you wouldnt want to meet me. I run like a black boy.

    I'll eventually meet spaz. :mellow:

  4. the packer was strange because you couldent carry cars on it

    Yeah, you can. Its just hard to keep the cars on it. (Not really hard, but if you drive bad it is.)

    Street Sweeper and Lawn Mower > all.

    I just hate the Fbi rancher. Its too long.

  5. I'll eventually do it. I just gotta get some other guys with me. And no, there not stronger than me. Just one nig and a short guy.

    I dont see them wearing it much anymore, but I just want to see what happens.

    So.. Should I try to find some purple shorts?

  6. No, this shouldnt be in the San An section, but I have a rant or something. :mellow:

    Some gays guys at my school think there 'gangster' cause they have a green bandana (note the ogf reference..) I lmao when I see them throw signs up at eachother..

    Now, Should I buy a purple bandana just to piss them off? ( Im not scared of no nig, im not rascist either.)

    (purple reffering to ballas)

    I know its a little choppy.. this is the way you type if your a genious like me /sarcasm

    What do you think.?

  7. Its kinda unfair, because mvi got to send almost everyone a personal pm, what made most register at his forums, but i did the right thing, and well, its less productive. So i have an idea for chris:

    If you want people to follow the rules, they must have something to win by following them, if not; they wont.

    Anyways, guys, lol, i mentioned it before, a few days ago i posted a new topic in GTA Webring, so check it out!  :whistle:

    And remember, i did the right thing!  :lolbounce:  :lolbounce:

    It would help if I COULD ACCESS YOUR SITE.

    I think MVI sent HIS FRIENDS, or atleast the best people from the site, a PM.

    Yeah, I was just messin with that. I say, as long as its not a noobs site, its okay. As long as not everyone in the whole forum gets it.

  8. But I do own it. Thats how I play online.. lol.

    I didnt own the 2nd R&C, but I didnt have a life (worse then now, lol) and got an idea of the story line ;)

    I meant how you said the sucky storylines will reduce game sales. ;)

    Woops.. didnt notice I put companys

    Well, I was aiming at Insomniac (developers of R&C, since the rant was about there R&C series) because it seems they ran out of ideas.. (you've seen how linear the story line is)

    Even thought it doesn't make too much sence, Its somewhat right in my mind..

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