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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I watch the show from time to time. I think a lot of his illusions look cool, but they are just illusions and I'm glad they don't try to make viewers believe its "magic".

    Well, I don't really like him, but I wanted to respond to that. The sad thing is, a lot of people (atleast at my school) don't think it's illusions. I dunno if they really believe he's magic or just don't know what the word illusion means.

    Well then they're retarded because Chris Angel himself said that he was just an illusionist.

    I agree, haha. Now, the one time I DID watch it, he had 4 huge hooks through his back and was held by a helicopter a few hundred feet in the air. What exactly was the point in that? :/ I mean if his skin broke he was pretty much gone.

  2. I watch the show from time to time. I think a lot of his illusions look cool, but they are just illusions and I'm glad they don't try to make viewers believe its "magic".

    Well, I don't really like him, but I wanted to respond to that. The sad thing is, a lot of people (atleast at my school) don't think it's illusions. I dunno if they really believe he's magic or just don't know what the word illusion means.

  3. So you're in the game, it asks you if you'd like to proceed (Through levels I guess? Never played it) and then when you go through it, it goes black?

    Disk error is my best guess. Do any other games do that?

  4. I wasn't aware of the fact that you couldn't legally go into a bad neighborhood. I’m sorry for suggesting it...

    Also wasn't aware of he was pointing to bar :lol:

    But yeah, it's not always bigger = better. Usually who's more aggressive.. or has better fighting style/stance.

  5. Mega Bump,

    PS3 is going to get the rumble feature get installed just read it on IGN, this will surely make games a lot better and funner (is this a word?) to play. Anyway other than that I might get Jonh Woos strangehold, looks nice.

    It'd be "and more fun" afaik. Why doesn't it have a rumble feature right off? o.o I mean I play my thps games without cuz 15minutes of straight grinding and going everywhere (One combo, yes.) gets annoying, but it's good for other games. I think it's more of a "feel" type thing though. Like, feeling the game environment.. I wanna play Driver: PL now.. woo. Apparently I'm thinking I have a lot of money over my grandpa's still. Who wants to talk me into a 360? :lol:

  6. '82 - 92, yep. Rather the later years. And are you encouraging me to kill myself or something? :lol: Mild rebuild, headers / exhaust and some decent cams.. I think it'll be plenty quick for me.

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